𝑯𝒂𝒑𝒑𝒚 𝑽𝒂𝒍𝒆𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒏𝒆𝒔

841 32 16

It was around twelve forty-five in the morning. Yeosang had fallen asleep after a contraction and Seonghwa was laying down on the couch trying not to fall asleep. He didn't want to be asleep when Yeosang needed him.

He sat up on the couch and looked at Yeosang who was slightly fidgeting in his sleep. He looked at the time and saw it was almost one in the morning. Making his way over to the mini fridge where he had put the foods and drinks his parents brought, he took out a fruit bowl and a water before sitting back down and openig the container.

Having a piece of fruit he began to think about finally having his babies in his hands. Smiling at that thought he looked back at Yeosang before using his phone to take a picture.

"Do I look okay?" Yeosang asked startling Seonghwa.

Seonghwa smiled as he went to sit next to him.

"You look lovely my pup." Seonghwa said placing a kiss on his bump, "How are you feeling?" Seonghwa asked.

"A bit sore and parched." Yeosang replied.

Seonghwa handed him his bottle of water and he drank a good amount before placing back to the side.

"Turn to your side love, let me massage your hips and lower back." Seonghwa told Yeosang.

Yeosang fixed his position and let out a sigh as Seonghwa started. He was grateful for everything Seonghwa did for him.

"I love you Hwa." Yeosang said as he closed his eyes.

"I love you too Yeosang." Seonghwa replied with a smile, "and I can't wait to give our baby boys a share of this love too." Seonghwa added as he passed his hand over Yeosang's baby bump.

Yeosang smiled and slowly drifted back into sleep as Seonghwa massaged his hips.

Seonghwa found it strange that Yeosang didn't have a contraction for almost two hours. He pressed the button to signal for Dr. Park. After minutes later she arrived and saw Yeosang asleep.

"He didn't have any contractions for two hours." Seonghwa said worriedly.

Dr. Park smile before using her stethoscope to hear the babies heart beats. Upon listening she felt Yeosang move, gripping on to the railing.

Seonghwa rushed to his side and held his hand as a strong contraction hit. Yeosang let out a cry as he felt a stinging pain between his legs and hips. Dr. Park who was still present smiled as she saw the sheets below him had gotten soaked.

"His water just burst. Help him out of the wet clothes and into the birthing clothes when his contraction has faded." Dr. Park said before leaving to inform the front desk and getting her nurses.

Once Yeosang's contraction faded. Seonghwa helped him stand and change out of his current clothes into a new suit. Seonghwa also changed the sheets before helping Yeosang back onto the bed.

Dr. Park returned and immediately checked to see how far he dilated.

"You're at a seven almost an eight Yeosang, I want you to walk around for a while before we start the delivery." Dr. Park informed.

She took note of his numbers. Seonghwa helped him stand and walk around the room. As they walk Yeosang felt another strong contraction coming along. He stood still and held on to Seonghwa as it came until it faded off. Yeosang walked around the room for twenty minutes before feeling another contraction hit. Seonghwa held him as he breathed through it.

Dr. Park walked in seeing Yeosang standing while breathing through a contraction. Once it had faded, Seonghwa helped him back onto the bed for Dr. Park to check him one last time.

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