three: her

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" i'm on display for all you fuckers to see "
- Show and Tell, Melanie Martiniez
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after my talk with maria around 2 weeks ago, i convinced her to try to come to school with me during the morning when her core classes were, so at least she wouldn't miss too much, then i'd drive her home.

she's really been taking this hard. although clearly being the favourite between me and her to our parents, she was especially close with our papa, they did everything together.

they were truly best friends on top of father and daughter. of course maria and i were best friends but having that wiser older, father figure in her life was also important,

and i could only do so much.

me and maria were driving in silence to school, KALLITECHNIS playing in the backround. her favourite artist.

"So.." i start off

she looks at me with an emotionless expression on her face.

"Have you been talking to your friends recently? Dyl came by yesterday night but I covered for you." I explain

she just stares ahead on our scenic route. tight lipped, and in thought. i could tell.

"They just wanna make sure you're ok hermana,"

a deep breath escapes her lips.

"Yeah. I texted Dyl this morning." maria murmurs. her face looking like she wants to say more but her mind going against it.

a minute of silence. the roads blurs in front of me as i forget to focus my vision. my mind racing as my hands succumb to autopilot.

"I'm sorry." says a small voice

i look over.


"Because i'm...because I don't know who- i don't know."

"hmm?" i question

she tucks her hair behind her ears picking at her string hanging on her zip hoodie.

"Now that papa is gone, I feel like my guardian angel is gone, you know? Like I have no one to guide me to the next step. I'm lost and confused and snappy, sassy, and-" she explains

my heart frowns as my face hardens seeing maria upset, i sigh with so much behind it.

"Breathe. You're 15, you're still figuring your shit out. It's normal to feel out of place at your age, even mine. And papa's passing is... an unfortunate derailment in this situation..." i trail

"but you are such an exceptional young woman, you will find your way."

"Plus I'd like to mention that I'm here." i grin, causing her to launch a spare pencil at me.

"I know two and a half years doesn't seem like a lot but it sure does add some maturity. I'll always be here for you, whether that's to guide or to catch you mid 1 am cereal." i continue

she unsuccessfully hides her smile as we fall into comfortable silence and head to school.


"Well if it isn't the big man himself." ice starts once he sees me walk through the doorways with maria.

a heartbreaker at heart.

his clear cocoa skin, dreads, unfairly deep voice and crazy physique greet us at the entrance.

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