twelve: going down

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my vision is currently occupied by rosalita's cold stare. she looks like she's invisioning everyday to twist and break pasty's- i mean, corbin's body. i touch her shoulder and she hesitantly relaxes her tenseness.

corbin swipes the little smidge of blood on his lip as he glares at rosa, making me more cautious and territorial over her, slightly pushing her to the back of me. i hear a quiet scoff as she hits the back of my head, before moving beside me. her gaze is clouded and unclear, but full of anger and right now, directed at corbins face.

corbin straightens his leather jacket, sniffs his nose and collects himself, speaking as he redoes his cuffs.

"Thank you, my good man, for getting bringing your wacko girlfriend to me." he sasses, staring at rosa.

my eyes roll in annoyance and slight anger.
"She's not my girlfriend."
"He's not my boyfriend."

we say simultaneously. we give each other a quick glance.

how quick.

corbin sensed the tension, obviously, you could cut it with a chainsaw. he scoff-laughed.

"Ooo, trouble in paradise... huh?" he says leaning his shoulder against the wall, his arms and legs crossed, as if he didn't just get jumped.

rosa and i stayed frustratingly silent, both at each other, ourselves and corbin.

"What? Cat's got your tongue? Good, She always talked too much anyway. Please, enter this way." corbin gestures.

he enters the door in a swift motion, rosa confidently walks in while i stay cautious, hesitating my walk. we are greeted to a gorgeous suite, a large bed pushed to the left side of us, a grand piano next to the ceiling to floor windows and a gorgeous rose patterned rug, a bathroom and closet is out of current sight.

"Wow Cor, this is nice for a most likely stolen place." Rosa sarcastically smiles

corbin stalks over slowly to rosa, rosa not daring to move an inch. her glare is angry and strong against corbin's. he looks more casper the ghost then usual. he's like a marshmallow covered in powdered sugar. his head tips up as his hand goes to touch rosalita's hair, only for her eyes to shoot to his hand midair and stare at it until corbin recoiled it back to his sides.

he grins widely.

"I bet you're thinking of all the ways i could take you on that piano right now." corbin fires smirking

i immediately feel a churn in my stomach and mentally force myself to stay put. rosa scrunches her face and crosses her arms.

"Please Corbin, don't make this harder then it already is." she illiterates

"Says the one trying to ruin my peace by sneaking into my hotel room. You've done this to your self sweetheart."

this time i can't stop myself. verbally at least

"Can you her that. Sit Corbin." I breathe

Corbin's eyebrows raise up in amusement as he comes and pats me on the back, my body immediately on high alert. my eyes follow his every move. he flashes a fake toothy grin at me.

"The slacky speaks! You looked a little too good to just be part of rosa's fuck-buddy rotation. For a minute I thought it was bring your dick to work day. Good to know you're not selling yourself short Ringer." he chuckles quietly, rosa standing in analyzation.

I stare at his icy eyes, his demeanour seeming to try and convey authority, but only exuding unauthentic confidence. His chest gives him away. It stops rising when he tries to exude strength, but naturally rises and falls when he's in his natural physical state, he did the same when talking to maria.

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