The Sorting Ceremony to end all Sorting Ceremonies

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Y/N and Hermione were sat in her compartment on the Hogwarts Express, laughing and smiling happily as they talked.

"No way" Hermione exclaimed in disbelief.

"It's true" Y/N laughed at her reaction.

"I'm a genuine legilimens. So are my brothers, it runs in the family" Y/N chuckled.

Hermione narrowed her eyes and smirked, challenging him with the words: "Prove it".

Y/N's smile faded slightly as he looked at the girl slightly more seriously. He spoke with some slight hesitation, asking:

"Are you sure? I don't like using the ability if I don't have to".

Hermione smiled at the boy.

"No it's ok. I trust you"

Y/N's face flushed crimson at her words, Hermione smiled at how cute she found his blush. Y/N spoke calmly:

"Ok so firstly I need you to know I would never use legilimency on you without your permission. Secondly, I won't go looking around your mind, just focus on a single thought and I'll be in and out as soon as I have it"

"Ok" Hermione replied with a smile as she tried to think of a topic. She looked at Y/N and really took him in for the first time. He was so handsome- he had bright green eyes, a chiselled jawline, a beautiful smile, his muscular physique as his robes fitted him snugly...

Hermione began to panic. She suddenly couldn't think of anything else.

"Ready?" Y/N asked.

Hermione nodded as she desperately tried  to think of something else:

Oh Merlin don't think he's cute don't think he's cute.

Hermione saw Y/N blushing and thought: Oh no!

"Thanks Penny says the same thing" Y/N chuckled lightly.

I think you're cute too.

Hermione heard Y/N's voice in her head. She looked at him shocked. He really was a legilimens... wait- he thinks she's cute?

As Hermione's head span the train slowed as it arrived at Hogsmeade train station.

"I think we are here" Neville said in a friendly tone. Hermione's head shot around as she blushed profusely- she had forgotten Neville was there and had witnessed their whole interaction.

"Come on let's go" Y/N smiled as he stood, holding out his hand to graciously help her stand. Hermione accepted it with a shy smile and a quiet "thank you".

Y/N and Hermione were the first two off the train as they walked forward towards an extremely large man. Hermione saw some other first years pointing and whispering, she overheard:

"He's a L/N, he's gotta be Y/N L/N"

She subconsciously moved closer to Y/N as they arrived in front of the large man who was calling for first years.

"Well 'ello Y/N, Welcome back to Hogwarts" The large man said with a smile.

"Back?" Hermione asked puzzled as the large man appeared to pale and mutter "I should not 'ave said th't"

Y/N chuckled and whispered to Hermione he would explain later before smiling at the large man:

"Hey Hagrid been well?"

The large man now known as Hagrid returned a relieved smile:

"Good thanks Y/N, how are your brothers and Penny?"

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now