Chapter 2 (Meetings)

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November 1, 2013
Anne's pov
Today is the day, I get to meet my favorite band in the whole wide world; R5. R5 is a band made up of 5 people 4 out of the 5 are siblings. Riker Lynch, is the oldest of the Lynch kids, he plays bass and vocals. Rydel Lynch, she's the second oldest, and she plays keys AKA keyboards, oh and vocals. Then of course Rocky Mark Lynch, who is the third oldest, he's the lead guitarist and he sometimes sings. Then you everyone's favorite Ross Lynch he's the fourth oldest of the Lynch kids, he plays the guitar and he's the lead vocals. Then you have Ellington Ratliff, he's just a family friend of the Lynch's , he plays drums and backing vocals. Then you have Ryland Lynch who is the youngest out of all of the Lynch kids. He's not part of the band, he's just there on tour with them, doing the lighting or bossing them around and stuff.
    But, other than that little introduction, today I get to meet Rocky Lynch, on his birthday. I'm in the middle of trying to pick a outfit for today, I finally found a out fit.

 I'm in the middle of trying to pick a outfit for today, I finally found a out fit

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After I get dressed me, my mom and my dad, head off to the venue.
                                -At the concert-
The concert was going great, I had a wonderful time, at the concert. They ended the show and said that they were doing a meet and greet for the fans that have VIP. The line was very long, me and my parents where the last ones to meet them.
"Hey, girl what's your name." Rydel said while giving me a hug.
"Oh, uh... my name is Anne, oh and happy birthday Rocky." I blushed while looking a Rocky.
"Thank you Anne, that's a very pretty name for a pretty girl like you." Rocky pulled me close to him, we wrapped our arms around each. While the pictures were being taken the both of our parents are chatting up a storm and looked at us and nodded.
"Well, you guys we've agree that all can spent the day together, you all look like you guys have a close connection, especially you too." Stormie said.
I didn't realize that me and Rocky were still holding each other, while she were saying that. I look up at Rocky and he looks down at me. We both pull away from each other, I take my phone out and look at the time trying to distract myself. R5 packed up all of their things and we drove to Six Flags.
"Anne make sure you have all of your medicine and your inhaler for you asthma." Here, is your bag, just put all of your stuff that's in your purse in you backpack." My mom reminded me.
    I put my backpack on, but I ended up having trouble with carrying my backpack because, my back started to hurt really bad, that I was on the verge of tears. Rocky looked over to me saw that I was in pain, he takes that bag of my back, I lay down on a bench, while breathing very heavily.
"Which, color of pills is for your back?" Rocky asked.
"Its the blue one, and I take one." I replied, while whimpering.
Rocky opens the pill bottle and takes one pill out, and hands it to me, while helping me sit up.
"Thanks for doing that for me." I told Rocky
"No problem Anne." Rocky replied back.
Me and Rocky start to put things back in my bag. He took my backpack and put it on his back. Rocky stood up and held out his hand, I grabbed his hand and we walked a around for a bit more. After we were done, he took me to his tour bus.
"Gosh, this is big, and the fact that this is all for you guys." I said
Ryland, lightly chuckled "Yeah, I know, you can get all the ladies."
"Your not even part of the band dude." Me and Rocky confirmed.
We then heard the sound of a car honking in the parking lot, I look over and see my mom and my dad in the car.
"Thanks for this amazing day, also here is my number." Rocky said, while kissing cheek. All I could do was just blush at him.
"Oh, yeah, no problem Rockstar. I'm so sorry can I call you that?" I knew for fact that I was an absolute nervous wreck.
"No, you're totally good Ann." Rocky said.
I made sure no one was looking, and I kissed Rocky on the lips, and he kissed back. After we pulled away everyone was looking at us.
"I hope we meet again someday." I said while giving him a hug.
"I'm sure we will, I hope I'll be able to recognize you when we meet again later in life." Rocky said kissing my forehead.
I smiled and waved to good bye to the rest of the Lynch family and hopeped in the car with myself parents getting in the front.
After that interaction with Rocky we texted till 2016, and it just stopped right there, but also. I was in a coma for all of 2017, and then I woke up, in the year of 2018. But thank God that my sister Rachel is still best friends with Rydel.

December 24th, 2018
I open my eyes and see only white but I only here a faint beating sound. I can tell that my vision is starting to clear up. I look straight ahead of me, and I only see a door. I slowly look over to my left and see a iv drip and a heart monitor thing. I look at the calendar that's in front of me and it saids December 24th, 2018. It's been a whole year, I guess all that I can remember is that me and Alice got in that fight the night of graduation, and clearly she won because she didn't end up in a coma. Well now I shouldn't say that because what if she did get into a coma and her family didn't care to tell my family. Ah, who cares, I hear the door open it's a nurse.
"Anne you're finally awake how do you feel?" She asked me.
I didn't move and inch because to be honest I was so scared that I had or still have internal injuries from that night.
"I get it you're scared that you still have some injuries from that day, well I can reassure you that its all good, but since you've been in a coma for so long you will have to do physical therapy and all that jazz, I'll get your family to come in." She said and then walked out without closing the door behind her.
After what felt like waiting for ad hours when in reality it was probably only 3 or 2 minutes they came in.
"Annie, how do you feel?" Chloe asked me.
"I think fine." I mumbled out.
"Well, that's good, I was hopping to get you out sooner but then I realized that you're going to have to do therapy." Rachel, remind me.
"We have a house in California now, two more rooms one for you and the other room is like a studio for all of us to make music with our band." Chloe said.
"Band?" I asked them.
"Yes, silly we have a band." Chloe smirked.
"So, you're telling me that you both while I was in a coma made a band? With who?" I question them, slightly trying to bush myself up a little bit.
"You'll meet them, but not anytime soon because we need to get you ready." Rachel announced
"How is he?" I asked about him for some reason really wanting to know.
"What do you mean by he?" Rachel asked me looking concerned, wanting to get a nurse in the room.
"AHH, what's his name again, crap Richard was married to his sister." I screamed.
"Michel, you mean." Chloe looked out the window.
"Yeah, how's he doing, can he move to Cali with us?" I asked
"No, he raped you got you pregnant and killed the baby, he would beat you up, make you end up in the hospital, I've lost count, and maybe you have too." Chloe said
I looked down, I felt like wanted to cry but for some reason I didn't, then that's when I realized I had to brake up with him, I knew that had to, I had to find him.
"Where can I find him at, I need to find him?" I asked him.
"Why, you need to tell him how much you miss and how much you want to get marry and have a kid with him." Chloe smirked.
"Ha,ha nice one." Rachael laughed while giving Chloe a high-five.
"No, to tell him to get out of my life for and I'm going to break up with him." I stated out loud.
They just looked at each other in shock and someone what glad.
"Oh, thank God, sis, I've been waiting for you to dumb his behind, he was never worth it and that fact that it took you  6 years to figure out that he was messed up in the head." Rachel said.
1 Hour Later
I was so glad to go back home, I forget that I need to start packing for California. Then someone in my brain click. I'm just not sure, what it was.
He names stars with an R.

A/N: Welp, this is a story that I've been working since I was in 6th grade. But now I get the chance to bring it life. Hope you enjoy.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2021 ⏰

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