Nova Dior Matthews - A 20 year old girl with a horrific past but has the kindest and most innocent soul. With over protective brothers a suffocating mother and a badass best friend. When she meets the most dangerous Mafia boss will she be able to br...
We left the club and Hayden drove me to Charlottes apartment and I was right he is not a murderer. Well that I know of. Whatever. When I get inside I change out of the dress and carefully place it on Charlottes bed and change into some shorts in a hoodie.
I look at the clock and it reads 2:00am so I brush my teeth wash my face and go to the guest bedroom.I get under the covers and fall asleep.The next thing I know I hear the door slam shut and I immediately shoot up and looks around I get out of bed and go see who's here.
"Oh Nova I did not know you were here" she says in a tired voice I look at her and she is wearing a shirt that is way to big for her and she's holding her heels and dress in on hand and in the other she is holding her purse. " Girl I am so sorry for leaving you there. The sex wasn't even that good" she says setting her stuff down.
"It's fine Char just please don't do that again" I say playing with the strings on my hoodie. " How did you get here" "oh um I got a ride with Hayden the bartender" I tell her following he into the kitchen as she make herself coffee. " oooooo really he was really cute" she says while wiggling her eyebrow " ew no Char we did not do anything like that he just drove me home" I say a little shyly feeling my cheeks heat up a bit at the thought of doing those things.
"Ugh come on Nov you gotta live a little with your brothers and your mom you need too" she tells me as she sips her coffee I know that she's right they are a little suffocating but they are just doing what's right for me right? "Speaking of your brothers as much as I love you staying here with me I should probably drive you home so I don't get yelled at by your brothers again No offense but they are hella annoying" I just roll my eyes at her a gather my things.
She drives me home but not after getting more coffee at Starbucks and of course I got some I just could not help myself. We pull up to my house and I get out of the car and go inside not after lookin at my flower garden that I have in the front I should probably water them I asked Elijah too but he probably didn't.
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As I get inside I here my loud brothers in the kitchen so that's were I head. " But the best decision is to make an alliance with him and you know that" I hear Cole say " I k-" " Hi sweetie your home" my dad cuts Elijah off before he could finish what he was saying "How was Charlottes" Cole asks me ruffling my hair " HEY" I say trying to calm my now messy hair " It was fun" I say with a smile "Um can I have some apple juice" I ask them mind of lowly " of course sweetie you don't need to ask us" my dad says well he's not my real father but he's a better dad than my real father ever was.
As soon as he said that I rush to fridge to get the Apple juice " what did you guys do" Eli asks me. Shoot what should I say mamma always says to not lie but if I don't I won't be able to see char " oh we watched a movie and I painted her nails" I tell them not making eye contact so I don't give away that I'm lying well technically I'm not totally lying I did paint her nails. " sounds boring" Cole says " hey Cole that mean I am going to smack you" I tell him drinking my apple juice " AND SMACKING ME ISN'T" He says " nope" I say popping the p. I take my cup and my things up to my room and decide to get changed so I can stop by the cafe to see if they need any help
I decide to take a shower and then I blow dry my hair and brush it leavin it at its natural wavey state. I put a white crop top on and pair that with a green and white plaid skirt and put a light sweater on because its cold but it warms up in the afternoon and it's not the weather to wear long sleeve and jeans yet it's also warm in the cafe then I put my Air Force ones on and last minute I pit my hair in a clip
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( this is what her hair looks like)
I leave the house but not before telling one of my brothers where I am going. Before I leave I water the plants an then leave. We don't live to far from town and it's such a nice day outside so I walk to the cafe. Once I get there I hear the voice of the owner and the guy that gives the best hugs. " Nova Watcha doing here" Ralph asks engulfing me in a bear hug " I'm here to help" I say going behind the counter and putting my apron that I painted on. Its a black apron and one day I decided to paint it because it was boring so now it has my name and butterflies flying around the apron.
" it's ok you don't need to help Nov" he tells my while going behind the counter too. " no it's ok I want to help" I say flashing him a smile he just nods his head and tells me that he is going to be in the back.
Sorry for the short chapter I will try to make the next one longer I just wanted to get one out Well I hope you enjoyed it and I have really nothing to say Well I don't want to go to school tomorrow I literally hate everyone there they are so annoying but oh well