After the Performance

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After the School Festival




The crowd erupted in deafening cheers as class 1-A finished their astounding performance.

Denki Kaminari looked to his side, chest heaving in recovery from the exhilaration earlier, to find Kyoka Jirou, his talented musical classmate, looking back at him, grinning ear to ear.


After their show, the successful and proud musicians were burdened with the task of cleaning up.

"You guys, that was so amazing!" Ashido enthused to the others, waving her arms around in excitement.

"Indeed, everyone displayed exceptional performances today", Tenya Iida agreed, slicing the air with his hand as he did so.

Jirou smiled to herself as she picked up a box of glitter and sparkles that Yuuga Aoyama had used.

She went to move it to the garage, passing Kaminari on her way, and decided to eavesdrop on his conversation.

Kaminari was talking to Ibari Shiozaki.

"That was so beautiful, I had no idea you had it in you to produce something like that", she congratulated him, close to tears.

Jirou huffed.

"Heh, what can I say, I shock people all the time!" Kaminari retorted smugly, emitting eyerolls from anyone in hearing proximity of him.

"Dumbass", Jirou insulted him under her breath.

She was about to walk away until the electric based hero spoke again.

"Hey, y'know... if you liked it that much, I can always play for you again", he leaned in, "Liiiiike on a date or something?"

Jirou stiffened.

Shiozaki smiled warmly.


Jirou smiled.

"Awww come on! You won't even give me your number?" Kaminari pouted.

The edgy girl walked away as the two continued bickering, smirking when she was out of sight.

That idiot.

Class 1-A: Homeroom

"Everyone please settle down!" Iida instructed the chatty classroom before Eraserhead, Mr. Aizawa, could.

Everyone quieted and sat in their seats, except for Iida.

"Thank you, Iida, you can sit down now too." Aizawa spoke in his lazy gruff voice.

Some class members giggled as Iida immediately sat down, embarrassed, "I'm sorry Mr. Aizawa!"

"It's fine."

Aizawa cleared his throat and stacked some papers together at the podium.

"I wanted to use this amount of time to..." his eyebrows pulled together, while the class watched expectantly.

"To umm...", he truly looked almost in pain at this point.

"Congratulate you all on yesterday's performance." He finished with a sigh.

This would have seemed insulting to any other classroom, however Class 1-A took this as high praise.

"Woaw, Mr Aizawa!" Ejirou Kirishima started, "You really think so?"

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