The first meeting

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Chapter I: The first meeting

It was a nice summer day in the forest that surrounded the small town of Corronda. The small town located at the foot of king Veldran's castle wasn't known to be having a lot of trouble; it was a calm and peaceful town. Trespassers never stayed long and any criminal detected was thrown into jail immediately or wouldn't even dare to enter the grounds. Corronda never had a lot of trouble until the day that two young women met in the depth of the forest...

Lyana jumped over a felled tree, scrambling to get back on her feet and cursing to herself, her dog barked where he stood in front of her waiting for her to catch up. Stupid wolfhound, every time he was ways ahead of her. Maybe she shouldn't have killed the leader of the bigger group of mercenaries that camped at the eastern edge of Corronda; but they could suck it, there was a big bounty on his head which now dangled from her hip in a big enough piece of cloth. She looked back to see the mercenaries still following her and almost fell down a cliff where she barely came to a halt slithering over the leaves on the ground.

"Fuck..." With a step back and another glance over her shoulder she jumped down, rolling when she landed in an attempt to stop her fall and stayed on the floor on her back for a moment. The mercenaries stood high above her at the edge of the cliff, their weapons in position; her breath and heart beat went up when the first men jumped down or climbed down the raggedy rocks. She cursed getting back up when an arrow hit the ground right next to her hand.

"Next time I'll make sure I won't miss," a man spoke up from the mercenaries, he looked like they choose him to be the new leader in a hurry to even have a new leader, and continued with a scowl on his face "You shouldn't have come into our camp and killed our leader. He was a good man." The mercenaries roared in agreement raising their weapons.

"Well I'm sorry that I try to make a living as I like, but your leader just shouldn't have threatened the town's councillor's daughter. Wasn't one of his brightest moments, I guess." Slowly she stepped backwards, putting her thumb against the hilt of her sword, pushing it out of its sheath.

"Kill her!"

His growled words broke hell loose and one after another the mercenaries came forward, most of them foolish enough to practically run into her now drawn sword, some feeling brave enough to seriously attack a dog big enough to be a wolf with very sharp canines. The new leader himself came for her from her side in hope to catch her in an inattentive moment but really what kind of mercenaries were they. Before he could so much as scratch her she turned around and slashed across his chest once, watching as the blood stained the white shirt he was wearing.

The first shoot went completely past her by trying to defend her own life with all she had but the second and third couldn't go by her cause it took out two of her attackers with a blow to the head and one through the back which probably hit a lung. Confused by the sudden fall of two of their men without her touching them the remaining mercenaries made themselves scarce, fleeing from the bloodstained ground. Lyana slowly lowered her sword and straightened back up from the almost crouching stand she had.

"I wouldn't be so quick to put away your sword. Who says I'm not going to kill you as well?" A voice spoke from up at the cliff and a woman appeared on top of it, holding a very blood looking riffle in her hand. She threw the rifle away; Lyana could hear a thud and a groan in pain. It had to be the riffle of one of the mercenaries that had stayed on top of the cliff as look out and probably back up.

"A thank you would be nice, you know. I had to tie them up and technically cut of his hand to get that riffle." She jumped down and Lyana could only continue to stare at the woman. From her walk and clothes she didn't seem like one to kill or even hurt a man, but the shot man and her bloody hand definitely said otherwise. 

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