(Twilight) 1

403 11 2

Caution- mentions of death and swearing

"Talia" I heard a voice say before I stuffed my head between my pillows, trying to relax again but someone started shaking me. I opened my eyes to see blurry Paul, sighing before I kicked him away. "Lahote five words or less" I mumbled out wanting desperately to fall back asleep, "your sisters back" he stated and I groaned. "Don't call that pale weirdo my sister" I stated sitting up, Paul laughed knowing how I felt about her. "Why is she so pale anyways?" He asked and I shrugged, actually also wanting that answer. "Talia I want to go to the beach" he said poking my side, nodding knowing he'd do anything to win the battle.

He walked out as I got up to changed, I just grabbed a hoodie and tights. Putting on a new underwear and bra, before putting my clothes on. I grabbed my socks after I put on deodorant, and slipped on a random pair of running shoes. Once done he opened the door again, "how'd you know I was done?" I asked. He shrugged before saying "you never take more then 20 minutes to get ready", I nodded never having noticed how long it took for me to change. 

He walked over to me and threw me over his shoulder, we laughed as he started walking. It only took a few minutes to get to the beach, he set me down before we both sat down. "why the beach?" I asked only to receive a shrug from him.

Sitting in silence as we watched the waves crash against each other, "she'll fuck up everything" I said as Paul laughed. My half-sister was the most clumsy danger magnet to ever exist, who'll bring everyone else down with her. That was what scared me the most, was that she'd bring us all down in order to protect herself. I stood up making my way towards the water, "Talia it's still too cold for a swim" Paul said and I turned to look back at him. "Don't you get this feeling like our lives haven't even started yet" I said as I looked at his face, his eyes showed me he knew what I was saying was true. "Like our fates are intertwined with the legends" he stated and I nodded, "the uncertainty that we'll make it past high school" I said as he sighed. "Nothing will happen to you" he said as he stood up, I sighed knowing that was a promise even Paul who had been like a brother to me for years couldn't keep.

-Time Skip-

I opened the door to see my uncle Billy smiling, "what did you volunteer me to do?" I asked as his smile grew bigger. "I didn't this time... You're coming with me and Jacob to the Swan house" He said as I sighed, knowing there was no way of trying to reason with him. "Let me get my things" I said before turning around and walking into the family room. As I was throwing my things into my purse my brother walked down the stairs, "where are you going pup?" Sam asked and I turned to look at him. "To see Satan spawn dear brother" I said and my brother laughed, "don't kill her" he said before walking into the kitchen.

 I laughed as I walked back to the front door, sliding on my running shoes before making my way outside. To see Billy already in the drivers seat , climbing into the passenger seat with a smile. "Where's Jake?" I asked Billy as he started driving, "he's meeting us there" he answered and I nodded. I knew it was always better to not ask him too many questions, I didn't really want to sit through the hour long stories. I had learned better, as we drove I couldn't help but wonder 'what if the legends were true'. I mean they seemed too detailed and over told, to just be plain old stories. I found myself lost in thought of what the wolves would look like if they were real, I couldn't get the thought of what I'd look like. Dark Gray fur with different spots of whites and browns, piercing blue eyes and over 6'ft. 

My thoughts were pushed aside when we pulled up to the Swan residence, getting out to see Charlie and a girl around my age. "Bella you remember Billy Black and his son Jacob" Charlie said as he pointed towards Billy and then Jacob, "and your sister Talia Uley" he said as he pointed to me. I waved slightly as she moved closer to me. "Do you go to Forks High?" She asked and as I went to answer Jacob beat me to it, "no me and her go to school on the Rez" he said as she nodded in defeat. Jacob led her towards her new truck as I stood there quietly, I wasn't one for new people. I mean I haven't made any new friends since I was in diapers, I always hung out with the same people. Leah, Paul, Jared, Embry, Quil, Jacob, Kim, Seth, I mean I don't think I socialized much anywhere. Hey even my brother was my friend, which now that I think of it sounds incredibly sad. I mean I am popular, but I liked hanging out with people who know me. The ones who knew too much to just walk out on you, the ones who not only knew all your secrets but have lived through some of your most embarrassing times.

I was pulled from my thoughts when Jacob tapped my shoulder, "come on" he said as he linked his arm with mine leading me inside. I sighed knowing this would be a long boring night...

I know it's a short chapter but I've been having some writers block with this story... But expect longer chapters in the future...

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