(Twilight) 3

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-A Week Later-

Over the past few days things started to change, like the dreams became more detailed. Though the gold eyes now had voices, every time I heard them speak I felt safe. More safe then I did around Sam and the others. But as the nights dragged on, things were added to my dreams. Like wolves the size of horses, when I had asked uncle Billy he only told me I had to find out the truth on my own.

I slipped my headphones in as I walked out the door, only to be greeted by a worried Leah. "Talia do you know where Sam is?" she asked as I grew confused, "I thought he was with you" I said as I pulled my headphones out. Though the only answer I got was silence, that's when my head started going 100 miles per hour. I faded in and out of consciousness as I looked at Leah, "Talia are you ok?" Leah asked, taking a step towards me. I backed away though, Sam had done the one thing he always promised he wouldn't. He left me all alone, without even a note. I just looked at Leah as I tried to stay awake, "Talia?" Leah asked concerned. But I ignored her as I walked towards my brother's old baseball bat, grabbing it as I let out a growl. I just swung the bat at his truck, not caring who saw as I dented the metal. My brother meant the world to me, he was the only person in my life that I could constantly count on. Now even my big brother left me, the pain broke every aspect of myself that he helped create.

Leah POV

Talia already had a lot on her plate, which I should've thought of before even coming here. But I couldn't find Sam, and the only person he told everything to was Talia. But I knew she was done with his bullshit when I saw her grab that bat. I stood there stunned as she swung the old metal bat at Sam's truck. But I didn't stop her because I knew she had to do something, or she'd go crazy just standing there.

Talia was always a hothead, whose anger only got worse as we got older. Which is probably why she and Paul were always close, they went through the same emotions that no one else understood. But I knew even though I was older then her, I couldn't stop her without her anger being turned towards me. So I called the only person I knew who could. "Seth... it's Talia," I said when my younger brother answered the phone. He cut me off before I could finish my sentence. Talia had practically raised my brother and her friends, Seth could never see the things Talia had done wrong. He always saw the good in her, even when he witnessed the bad.

Talia POV

I saw red as I kept swinging the bat against my brothers truck, but everything came to a stop when someone held the bat back. When I turned around Paul, Jared, and Seth were standing there. That's when reality finally kicked in, and everything around me stopped spinning. Despite the fact that my body felt like it was on fire, I allowed my breathing to slow as I looked at my three friends. "Let it out" Paul said as he looked at me, leaving the others confused. He nodded, silently saying that everything was going to be fine. I screamed as my knees buckled due to exhaustion, causing Paul to grab a hold of me. Though I didn't care at this point, I just cried as Paul and Jared held me. Seth joined them and hugged me, I hugged him back tightly. I couldn't even think straight, was I that much of a problem Sam just up and left. I mean I knew my brother my whole life, this was never something he'd do willingly. But now I don't even think I know the real him anymore. I just knew I'd never do that to my friends and family...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16 ⏰

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