(Twilight) 2

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Caution-Mentions of Bella,

Having spent a couple hours with both Jacob and Bella, was probably the most boring thing I had ever done. All we did was sit in silence as uncle Billy and Charlie watched the game, and Jacob was no help since all he did was sit and drool over Bella. He had fallen for someone again, who'd probably just leave him with a broken heart. I did feel bad for him cause in the end he was like my little brother, but the girls he always fell for were the worst.

When I got home the house was dead silent, my brother had to have been fast asleep. But for me sleeping hasn't come easy lately, my dreams were always haunted by four pairs of gold eyes. It wasn't that they scared me, it was the fact I felt safe and happy is what scared me. It was like I knew exactly who they belonged to, but yet I knew no one with eyes like that. Climbing out my window to sit on the roof, just to watch the stars. It was something that somehow always helped me, like the stars guided me.

I remember when I was younger I would drag Sam outside, just to make him watch the stars with me. When he got older Leah, Jared and Paul took his place. It was always like that, when Sam got older and got too busy for me Leah, Paul and Jared always stepped up and did things with me. It was like they never wanted me to feel alone, never having to feel the emptiness of being left in the dark with no one to help.

Feeling my phone buzz, I looked down to see 'Leah💜' was calling me. I answered it only to hear, "why are you on your roof?" She asked causing me to look around. "How?" I asked clearly not seeing her anywhere, "behind you" she said as I turned my head to see her smiling. "That's creepy" I said as I hung up the phone, she shrugged before climbing out and sitting beside me. We sat for a little in silence before she asked "How bad?", I shrugged before replying "I'm too scared to try" I said and she sighed. "Why didn't you tell one of us?" She asked knowingly, I shrugged knowing I didn't want to bother anyone. "I called Meghan and Kim" she said before she slipped back inside, "thank you Lee" I told her turning my head to see her smile at me before she left back to my brothers room. It was only a few minutes before Paul's truck pulled up, smiling as not only Megan and Kim got out but also a tired Paul. They saw me and smiled, as Paul and Meghan playfully rolled their eyes. 

We just all laid in my bed in silence until Kim spoke up, "how do we always end up like this?" she asked as we all shrugged. "Were just missing Jacob, Seth and Jared" Meghan said with a soft smile. "We only feel safe in this room" Jared said as he and Seth climbed through my window, I just smiled and opened my arms. Which caused Seth to jump on me, I just squeezed him tight. "You left a note for your mom?" I asked knowing Sue was used to Seth disappearing only to be found with us, "I woke her up and told her" he said before drifting off to sleep. Jared climbed in beside Kim causing us to all be squished, "I need a bigger a bed" I said hearing the others let out chuckles that were just above a whisper. But when everything went silent again I felt relaxed, even Pauls snores helped. Like everything that was keeping me awake no longer mattered, in this moment I finally let myself relax. Letting whatever troubled me go for just a moment, letting everyone's body heat calm me. 

Paul, Jared and Seth were always hotter, like they were their own space heaters. Which actually helped a lot, even though the cold was more my thing. The heat always came from them three alone felt great, but even Leah, me and Meghan have the abnormally body heat. But as soon my thoughts started to run, I ended up falling asleep for the first time in days.

I woke up due to my lack of air, looking around seeing everyone entangled with each other. Seth still cuddled up to my chest, I just sighed as I felt like shit. After finally catching up on almost a week worth of sleep, I felt worse then I did when I was forcing myself to stay up. The golden eyes that always haunted my dreams were nowhere in them last night, I was grateful for it I don't think I would've slept if they made an appearance. My attention was moved towards everyone starting to wake up, everyone just groaned having all slept in awkward positions. "You know you wouldn't feel like that if you slept at your houses" I stated even though I was thankful for them, "yeah but if being cramped on a bed meant only for two people helps you sleep..." Meghan said, before Jared continued "we'll do it anytime... but were getting a bigger bed". I just smiled knowing he was right, this was probably not the last time they would have to do this.

I decided that the first few chapters will be shorter then future ones, as it will just showcasing Talia's relationships with the pack before they all shift...

It will just be showing her life before the supernatural and how she acted before Bella drags her down the rabbit hole...

I would in advance like to warn you that as the story progress Talia will deal with a lot due to the supernatural, which means she will go through changes good and bad. While trying to find herself all over again.

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