Chapter 1

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Hello I started this a while ago and never finished it. I liked the idea so I just redid it. If you're reading this thank you. I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I do writing it.
-anon author

The little blue plus sign

It was never more than a symbol in my brain. I've never thought about something so small holding such a significance. I've seen this sign before, when I was young. The stress it brought to my brain sitting at that desk in a classroom. No, this one was different. That amazingly blue sign meant more than a silly math symbol. Instead of feeling stress, an overwhelming wave of joy flooded my head.

For once, I felt my life had a purpose. I was never one to find a purpose, my purpose is to live. I'm simply just living nothing less, nothing more. This blue sign, this was the purpose I never searched for, but was brought to me.

My eyes turn to the woman in front of me, searching for any sign of emotion. Good or bad I needed to know what she felt. I knew what that blue sign meant, but how did it make her feel? Did she feel the same as I? But my question answered itself when her hand came to her mouth to stifle her cries. The tears ran down her face in a way that made my heart stop.

"Lilah, you're okay. Breathe." My eyes stare into her brown irises. The angle at which the bathroom light hit her showed me every tear on her cheeks.

"What d-do we do?" Her cries make her stutter over her words. The question that I wasn't sure how to answer. I knew what I wanted to say, but was it what she wanted to hear?

I stood up so my waist was level to her chest, pulling her in for a tight embrace. Her head fell to my stomach, holding onto me like I was going to slip away. I tilt her chin up to meet my eyes as I stared into her own. She tried to catch her breath, but couldn't seem to do so.

"Lilah, I will never leave you." I assured her, because I knew she felt a disconnect to me right now. "Whatever you decide I will be here next to you"

She nods her head slowly, making her curls drop over her face. Her brown eyes accompanied by her brown skin made my heart flutter. Even as her hair fell to cover her tear stained cheeks she looked heavenly. I didn't understand how she could just look at me and completely take my breath away. Even sitting here crying over that blue sign, she was still radiating light.

"I haven't made a decision yet Harry. I don't know what to do-..." her sentence was cut short with my lips meeting hers.

My lips moved against hers in a way to show how much I loved her. I needed her to feel how I felt. I wanted her to know she wasn't alone. We were doing this together and I never planned on leaving her alone.

My lips detach from hers, slowly leaving my face centimeters apart. "I love you, no matter what baby."

Her eyes close and my hand holds the back of her head. I tilt my head to meet her forehead and hear her breaths. My eyes flutter close not knowing what else to say to her. I knew she didn't know what to do, so why should I bother her with questions? I keep our close embrace and just hold her to make her feel secure.

Who knew a little blue plus sign could take both of our breaths away...

My eyes stare at my ceiling with my alarm blaring in the background. That deafening sound woke me up just to remind me of the day ahead. I turned on my side, stretching to my phone and disabling the alarm. By now the sun was waiting to rise, another way of signaling me to get up.

I stretch out of bed slowly walking over to my bathroom. When turning on the lights my eyes squint at the light change. As I look in the mirror I see bags under my green eyes, just reminding me of how tired I was. I grabbed my toothbrush and began brushing my teeth, eyes still adjusting to the light.

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