Nagito and his Shit immune system :) PT1

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Sickie: Nagito

Caretaker: Hajime :)

          Hajime would normally notice the tell tale signs pretty quickly. After knowing Nagito for what seemed like years (Which in truth had only been 4 years) Hinata had slowly learned how to pick up when the frail teen was coming down with something, Whether it be a cold or Pneumonia. After awhile it became second nature for Hajime when the white haired boy was sick after living years with the albino glued by his side. Which was exactly why Hajime was mentally kicking himself for not noticing earlier that his boyfriend was looking well- Bad to say the least. He thought back to breakfast when Nagito pushed around breakfast with a fork and had only consumed a meager amount. How his hair was sticking to his forehead and the prominent peachy blush covering his cheeks and nose when he woke up. If only Hajime had been vigilant enough than he could have stayed home with Nagito instead of having his head resting far to heavily for comfort on Hajime's shoulder as they sat at (Insert restaurant name ig u can name it :) waiting for every ones lunch to arrive.

"Nagito" Hajime questioned, Turning his head slowly without trying to jostle Nagito. The pallid boy turned his head a bit to look into his lovers eyes when Hajime took the moment to swiftly place his hand on his forehead before Nagito could veer away and make up an excuse per usual. "Shit Komaeda your burning up"

"Mmh" He mumbled, Acknowledging Hajimes statement.

"Come'er" Hajime pulled the boy closer before slipping of his jacket and wrapping it around his shaking body. Nagito nuzzled closer enjoying the warmth of Hajime's body. "Mikan" Hajime nudged the timid nurse's shoulder.

She jumped and started her typical rant about how sorry she was "AH! I AM SO SORRY PLEASE DO WHATEVER YOU WANT TO M-"

"Its fine Mikan," Hajime placed his hand comfortingly on her shoulder. "I think Komeada is running a fever again, Im gonna take him home ok?"

"Oh, I'll make sure to bring by some stuff to your dorm then"

"Thank you so much" He smiled before Shifting out of the booth and scopping up Nagito bridal style. His head lulled to the side and his breathes were ragged but even, A sure sign he was asleep.

"Hey when your done would you guys mind asking for take away boxes for our food? I can pay you guys back for Our food when you guys get back. Nagito has a fever so I'm gonna take him back to the dorms. "

"Oh sure thing man!" Souda grinned

"Thanks man, Your the best!" Hajime Smiled back

-ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ TIME SKIP!!! Name the time skip in the comments -ˏˋ♥̩͙♥̩̩̥͙♥̩̥̩♥̩̥̩♥̩̩̥͙♥̩͙ˊˎ

"Nagito you have to eat something."

He shook his head slightly before turning slowly to face the wall.

"Turn around damn it, You gotta eat something"

No response..


Still no response

"Nagito, I love you but when your sick your a pain in the ass you know that?" Hajime sighed before placing the bowl of once warm soup next to the nightstand. "If your going to be stubborn fine, I'm going to go get changed ok? Call if you need anything." Nagito heard the bathroom door shut, before nuzzling his head further into the pillow as if that would ease his pounding head. He felt soft arms wrap around his waist, Pulling him closer.

"Stop." Nagito mumbled, The arms around him uncoiling.

"Oh so he speaks!" Hajime said sarcastically before continuing, "Stomach hurts Baby?"

The Albino Nods

Hajime rustles about before finding what he's looking for and places it on Nagito's side of the bed before returning to his side. Nagito was curled up all the way at the other side of the bed as if saying "Don't touch me"

Hajime felt bad for his earlier outburst and decided to leave his lover be before turning off the lights for Nagito to sleep. Hajime turned his back to Nagito and pulled out his phone, Scrolling through it quietly in hopes the sick boy could fall asleep and sleep of whatever illness was wracking his frail body. It had been a few minutes when Hajime felt an abundance of warmth wrapped around him suddenly. White fluffy hair with bits of brown stuck to the clingy boys forehead and puffed out getting in Hajime's mouth. "Hey whats this?" Hajime questioned wrapping his arms around Nagito and kissing him on the head. This action alone caused butterfly's in Hajime's stomach and his anxiety to sky rocket. Nagito was the cuddly type sure, But as much as he loved cuddling he would only do so if he was invited, Never on his own would he come up and snuggle Hinata unless something really bad had happened. It first started after Nagito's nightmares and flashbacks from the game. After he woke up he was his the hardest by the trauma and memories. And with the new medication Nagito was on it was even more rare for him to act like this. This alone lead Hajime to the conclusion that Nagito was truly feeling terrible.  "Your getting your hair in my mouth" Hajime groaned.  Nagito moved his head down to rest under Hajime's head. Hajime could feel Nagito's heavy hot breaths on his neck and how his body was much to warm for comfort. 

"Komeada babes, you doing ok?" Hajime cooed. He stroked Nagito's hair peeling it off his forehead sheen with sweat. 



Hope you guys enjoyed! Please comment and vote, Its highly appriciated. Next chapter is being worked on rn! Bye for now!


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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