Hunter Center

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It was the same thing every day for Rose. She went to the library and she would see Jeffrey every single day. They would make contact as always and Rose always had that sense whenever Jeffrey left or came back to the second floor. Obviously Rose started to think that maybe this was a sign that there should be something there but she never made a move. 

One morning, it was a public holiday and the central library was closed so Rose had to find another place to study. Luckily, she had a friend named Natasha who knew they could study at the Hunter Center computer lab for health professional students. They made their way to the computer lab and Rose was relieved because she thought that she will finally focus her mind fully on her lectures. Boy she was wrong because when her ID card showed the green light to open the door, she looked straight into Jeffrey's eyes inside the computer lab. Rose could not believe her eyes and she wanted to leave. At least, the second floor was big but this computer lab only held 30 people so it was tight. 

Rose entered with the lowest amount of confidence she's ever experienced in her life at university. She sat further away from where Jeffrey sat but the funny thing was, Jeffrey sat in front of the only door to the bathroom which means that either Rose would have to hold her urine in as long as she was there studying or walk by him every time. They had this silent communication with their eyes that they knew something was there but no one was going to do anything about it and neither of them knew what any of it meant. 

The day went on, Rose went bathroom, walked past Jeffrey. Jeffrey would get up, make eye contact, go the bathroom, come back and study. It went like that for the 9 hours they studied in the lab for. You see, neither Rose nor Jeffrey would leave the lab until maybe about 3 am in the morning when they'd finished their work. Jeffrey drove, Rose walked so they never met eye to eye on that. It was just another day at the office you would say until that female friend I mentioned before came and sat next to Jeffrey. If the heart could fall out of anuses, it would've fallen out of Rose's. At this point, Rose thought they were a thing and she felt sad but relieved that at least she didn't have to waste her time anymore questioning whatever was happening between them silently. 

Seunghee visited Rose and greeted Jeffrey and the girl with a bow and a Korean greeting and Rose didn't even bother to look up. Seunghee hugged Rose and whispered, "they're not together, don't worry and fix that frown on your face" which Rose ugly laughed about and then went back to studying her stuff. 

It was 3 am at the hunter center and they'd all packed their things, Natasha walked home in the same direction as Seunghee and Rose made the long 25 minutes walk back to her flat near the Forsyth Barr stadium area. Jeffrey drove to wherever he stayed and he took the girl with her obviously. Rose felt jealousy in her and she thought, "maybe she doesn't know how to walk" which she said out loud because why not, it's 3 am! Another unlucky day or so she thought. 

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