Mind trick

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Another day in the life of Rose and yes another day of seeing Jeffrey's face everywhere she went. At some points of her day, she would think that maybe he was just a figure in her mind that appeared whenever she needed to see him or whenever she was bored. Rose sat on the second floor again and studied her brain to boredom and then she got at the same time as this dude with a jumper that said, "Trust me, I am single." Rose giggled and went to the bathroom. 

Rose had to cancel studying with Seunghee at the hunter center computer lab because she just did not want to see Jeffrey's face there too. She went home and watched Titanic instead. This happened for the entire last months of the academic year. Rose saw Jeffrey at church, the library, class, computer rooms, and even in her dreams, funny right? She knew she wouldn't be able to not see him completely so she embraced the fact that she likes him but she would never make the first move. Instead, she just sat in the library and catch his eyes, same with church and the computer room. 

Seunghee told Rose that Jeffrey is still single and he really wants to get into medicine. Rose understood that and so every day was just another boring day of seeing Jeffrey, wishing he sat with her and doing absolutely nothing to make that happen in the slightest. Miranda tried to convince Rose to make a move or even just send a message but Rose had too much pride for that, not when she will have to face him somewhere and feel the embarrassment. 

The academic year came to an end and Rose saw Jeffrey for the last time at church and she went back home to Auckland. It was funny because Rose never even followed Jeffrey on Instagram or even add him as a friend on Facebook. She made no move at all other than the, yes you guessed it, the eye contact. If their eye contact cost $1, she would've stacked at least a million dollars in her bank account to find someone who will like her back. The year ended so Rose knew she wouldn't see Jeffrey for a couple of months so she went home with a mind full of Jeffrey's face that tricked her into seeing fragments of him everywhere. Rose tried to listen to non-kpop songs because if she listened to them, someone was bound to have the same length hair and color as Jeffrey or the same swag. She couldn't escape him and it was tough for her but she knew she had to move on. 

There was no way that a guy like Jeffrey would fall for a girl like Rose, so she thought! There it went, 1 year down of crushing on this Korean intelligent guy. 

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