I shouldn't be telling you this but....

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You snuggled up in a quiet corner of dispatch, a large set of files nestled close to your chest, you were mentally thanking your friend, Erica, a shy, quiet little grim reaper with short mousy Brown hair and large glasses, she worked in the archives section of the building and rarely went on collection missions due to her small, weak, almost fragile stature, you knew that working where she did that she'd have all sorts of access to mission files and reapers details.

You were thanking her due to easily she could bend over backwards for you as you had recently gotten curious about some of your friends and seniors and how they became reapers, you had went and started pestering her, begging for her to find you the personal files, you did this for about a month until she gave in to your best puppy eyes, her heart melting at the sight.


A few minutes earlier...


"Um.....h-hello?" Erica stuttered as she crept into the breakroom, it was empty as it was a special training day for newer reapers in which all of them needed to be supervised, you and her had of course had passed said course centuries ago but we're not quite experienced enough to supervise.

"Took ya long enough" you chuckle, poking your head from outside, you were on a small outside balcony for the reapers who smoke to do so, you personally didn't but you knew that most didn't so you'd be even less likely to be caught.

"I-I'm sorry... Mister Knox wouldn't leave the archives again...or stop talking to me" she squeezed the thick black book she was holding, she sounded more concerned that he was wandering around the workplace than the fact he was more than likely flirting with her...yet again.

"You'll see, he's gonna ask you out one of these days and your not even gonna notice" you tease as she scurries up to you, keep checking to make sure no one's around "soooo, you brought it?" You grin expectantly.

"Yes....I brought it, here" she opens her large book, with pages of it hollowed out and there was a smaller, a thick set of files inside, she hands it to you and smiles weakly.

You flip through a few pages to make sure it's the right files then you smile and hug your friend "Thanks Erica, your the best!" She squirms in your arms and giggles before watching you run out and find somewhere quiet.

This brings you up to now, nestled up in your corner, you flip through the files, it contains the names of every living reaper working at dispatch in order, A to Z, you then decide to follow the convenient route and find your friends in order of their names meaning the first would be Alan...

You look around before looking up his name and starting to read...

Or you were about to start reading when you hear a familiar chuckle inches from your ear.

"Whatcha readin?" You turn to see Eric leaning over your shoulder with a lax grin as usual, you think to yourself 'how'd he find me!? his Alan senses were tingling?!'

"M-Mister Slingby?!" You slam the files shut and shuffle around to face him, he pouts and sits next to you, trying to take the files

"Im not a book, now, what are you reading?" You lightly slap his hand away and hide them in your suit

"That's for me to know and for you to never ever find out, it's classified information from my last mission"

"Fiine" he gets up and walks away.

You sigh in relief and flip through the files to Alan's name, you jolt when Eric kneels next to you, he'd never left at all

"Okay, you didn't reap Alan so tell me, what are you really doing?" His lighthearted tone darkens to a serious yet still calm mutter

"Well...um.." you explain then he sits down next to you

"Please continue then, I've always wanted to know about his past.. The times we weren't together...but I didn't want to risk upsetting him by asking..." you seem shocked at this but you continue to go through and read the file, Eric reading alongside you.


I will be writing his past in the next chapter and if anyone likes I may include how the reader (you) became a reaper and Erica too :3 sorry the first chapter was so short and thanks for reading!!

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