Erica flowers and a sweet smile

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A life written in the file seemed to play like a cinematic record.

It started when Alan was 14, he was sitting under a tall willow tree in a field of wild flowers, drawing and looking perfectly happy until a group of boys walked up to him.

"Heya short stuff, Whatcha doin' this time? Dreaming of your future boyfriend?" One of the boys laugh before aggressively pulling Alan's book from his hands and looking at the picture, the young man gets up defensively as he HAD been doing just that.

The picture was of a slightly older Scotsman with wavy blonde hair and brown cornrows on the side, he had a stern yet kind look in his deep blue eyes, a look that seemed rare these days.. Someone you could truly trust, someone who you could count on, Alan had only seen this boy a couple of times but he had seen how kind and strong he was. He even saved his life!

"Hah! Look at that! I was fucking right!" the boy snarled as he threw the book to the ground and began stomping on it.
"Please, stop it!" Alan whimpered as he attempted to push the other child away and retrieve his book, the yound boy had been in fragile health since his birth, this of course meant he wasn't too strong or athletic, He was easily overpowered and pinned to the ground.

Without warning the other children began to beat Alan senseless, this continues until they were eventually chased away by Alan's mother who immediately helped up the runt of a child and got him home
"Alan Humphries! You have been told before to stay inside, you'll get picked on again if not" she sighed
"I know.. But I thought I could--" Alan paused, he couldn't tell his mother he had a crush on a stranger, let alone another male
"Go on... Explain" She snapped as she pinched the young boys ear
"I thought i could see a friend of mine" he winced
"Oh? You have a friend now?"
Alan nods, when asked to introduce her to him Alan just said he had something else to do, and went to do something else.

The rest of the day continued as it usually would, Alan cooped up in his room with no body but his imagination and books, it was only when the quiet boy wemt to pick up a book that he realised, he had left his drawing book outside!

Alan sprinted down to the front door
"Alan? Where are you going now?!" his mother snapped a little as is she were annoyed
"I left my book outside, just going to get it!"
And without giving her a chance to reply he left, sprinting to gather the book containing months of his hard work.

The troubled teen arrived at the hill to discover the thin paper book was now mostly mush, Alan gave a sigh and stared down at the book, his thin frame easily visible through his wet clothes
"Damn it..." He have a sigh before picking it up and waiting under the tree for shelter, it wasn't long before he began to shiver and cough.

It wasn't long before Alan fealt a warm hand on his shoulder, then a large coat over his head
"Ya looked cold and sad, yer not alone ya know, right?"
Alan turned to see the boy he was drawing earlier, his face became a little warm from blushing
"I... I suppose... But.. Who are you.. And why are you here?" he asked quietly
"Oh! Im Eric Slingby, I usually come 'ere, it 'as a nice view and it reminded me of the last time I saw ya!" the boy chuckled and gave a goofy grin, Alan couldn't help but smile along, He actually remembered!

Sorry its been forever since I've updated, writers block and work and junk, sorry I haven't improved either ^^" anyways, thanks for reading *bows* I do hope you enjoyed this so i mat or nay not continue depending on stuffs, have a nice day~!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2016 ⏰

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