Part 3

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Hi everyone, thank you so much for the votes and messages, I really hope you enjoying it so far.

sorry the last part was short will definitely try make them longer in the future.

picture above is of the scroll Jasmine received.


Jolting awake, breathing heavily Jasmine glanced to the clock 'friggin hell not even five am' she groaned falling back on the bed. Today is her twenty first birthday and instead of taking advantage of the only chance King gave her to sleep in, the weirdest dream occurred shooting her awake.

'Pointless now, i wont be able to sleep, happy birthday to me' sighing at her self pity she decided to at least take in the sunrise. 'may as well enjoy it, spoil myself a bit' she mused smiling trying to dodge the remnants of her dream.

Been born in a winter month certainly wasn't ideal in the morning especially in a mountain range jasmine figured especially when the iced chill slapped at her face when opening the door, however jasmine welcomed it, it cleared her mind made her feel refreshed and as if she was the only soul living at the present morning, until the footsteps to her right jolted her out of the peace she was beginning to find turning to see Celia and Brian jogging down towards her.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday... ok we will stop singing our voices are so not made for that' they chorused as they reached jasmine.

Laughing at her friends " why on earth are you running before five am in the morning? and thank you" jasmine stated still chuckling at them, Brian was Celia's boyfriend he was a manager at the resort as well but dealt with all the activities, a lanky swimmers build and about 6ft tall they really looked cute together.

"more importantly why are you up and why you have bags under your eyes?" Celia questioned a little concerningly. "Aren't you supposed to be taking in your beauty rest?" studying Jasmine's face there were a bit of dark circles around her eyes and it seemed that she tossed and turned the entire night.

" weird dreams my friend" sighing while sitting down on the ledge just outside her room jasmine let her friend know. "I cant explain it properly but i swear it was a version of the story my grandfather use to tell me but darker and somehow contained me in it when i was a baby" rubbing her hand over her face she explained further.

"What's the story?' Brian piped up and asked, usually the quiet one out of the three and lets Celia basically lead him in conversations, Brian was also a confidant for jasmine and became a brother figure to her.

"so part of the parcel yesterday was a gift from my grandfather that had this old story written on a papyrus scroll" jasmine stated while getting up to fetch the scroll from her room. Handing it over to Celia and Brian she began..

'it was said long ago that new pharaoh of Egypt beloved and cherished by all his subjects although no one knew where he came from. when a baby the Pharaoh before brought him in the palace declaring him his heir. No objections came through but the curiosity about the child was whispered.

As the young heir grew having teachers for all different aspects he became specifically close with the high priestess who was known for her beauty, knowledge and power. The priestess began favoring the young heir teaching him about all the world had to offer and on the day he became the new Pharaoh she gifted him three gems, a Sapphire the size of a golf ball, to encourage loyalty and grace, a Ruby the size of an egg for fostering leadership, passion and love and an Emerald the size of a tennis ball to pursue knowledge and generosity. With these gifts she said will help your reign for as long as you can.

As the years went on the priestess time was becoming to end she called the Pharaoh and made him promise that the stones would be looked after once she was gone as the protection would be lifted when she was no longer around and many would become envious and take them from him. If they landed in hands that were not kind the powers would turn from loyalty and grace to cruelty and deception, love and passion to lust and hatred , and lastly from generosity and knowledge to greed and envy. before the Pharaoh promised he asked the priestess why give him the stones in the first place if they could such, she finally admitted that she was the Pharaohs mother and she wanted everything for him.

with her passing that night a storm came and with it the envies of those from neighboring places that the brink of war was near. The Pharaoh handed each gem to a trusted friend to ride off and hide it where they wouldn't be together again or found'

"Damn your gramps can tell stories" Celia exclaimed as Jasmine finished "where did it come from?" she continued

"He said he took it from a legend or so, but he told it to me apparently since i was born" jasmine sighed, telling the story and thinking about the dream was tiring her out again.

"So what happened in the dream then?" Brian questioned

The Awakening : Book 1 of the knight seriesWhere stories live. Discover now