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Bullseye. I let out a small content smile. Today's training was quite successful. I'm proud to say that I've finally mastered the art of archery. I gently returned my bow to the racks and sat under the tree, staring at the practice targets. A gust of wind came by, making the red leaves from the tree fall gracefully to the ground, some entangling themselves in my hair. Summer was ending soon, autumn was incoming. And finally in September, I'll leave for the palace for my first ever major mission as a spy.

"Helena, there's a letter for you," Papa suddenly appeared in front of me.

I refrained myself from letting out a sound of surprise. I was still a bit bothered whenever Papa crept up to me like that. Cons of having a Tier 1 spy as your father.

"Is it from the Palace?" I got up and stretched my arms. A few red leaves fell from my body to the ground.

Papa nodded his head and directed me back into the little hut I called home. Mama's eyes lit up when she saw me.

"Helena, 国王送了一封信给你!会不会是..." Mama droned on and on in her Mother Tongue before pausing and smiling apologetically at me. "Sorry 宝贝, I got too excited."

(Helena, the King has sent you a letter! Could it be...)

I giggled at Mama's enthusiasm. She had a habit of speaking in her first language whenever she got excited. I picked up the black envelope that lay heavily on the table. Whatever this letter contained, it definitely was anything but good news, but I didn't have the heart to tell my oblivious mother about it. Papa silently urged me to quickly read what the letter contained.

"To Helena A. L..:

There have been some complicated situations that the Council had not taken into account previously. Do come to the Palace of Praestigiae within a week for your mission. Punishments are included if you do not arrive within the appointed time. We hope to see you soon.

        - From the Desk of the King of Vacenz"

Mama paled almost immediately. I felt my stomach drop. It was only July, I was only supposed to go after 2 more months. Why the sudden change? Papa did not show a single sign of surprise. Maybe it was because he is a professional and had gone through this many more times than you ever will! A small voice appeared at the back of my mind. I pushed it back subconsciously and reread the letter. A week to arrive at the Palace. It takes 2 days by train and approximately 5 days of hiking to reach the gates of the Palace. This meant that I had to leave now to get there in time.

My parents seemed to have registered that fact too. I saw Mama fight back tears in her eyes as she pulled me into a tight embrace. I looked at Papa, expecting him to say a word of encouragement to me, but all he did was mutter "Go pack, Helena. Don't keep the King waiting."

"Ray!" Mama protested as she pulled me closer to her.

"Don't worry Mama, I'll be fine. I'm a spy now, it's my job to serve the King," I chuckled and escaped from Mama's embrace to go pack.

I listened to Papa assure Mama that I would be fine as I stuffed canned foods and necessities into a rucksack Sister Friska had given me on my 19th birthday. That seemed like a long time ago. Now, Friska was already married off to a wealthy Duke and living her best life somewhere else. I finally tied my rucksack up and wrung it over my shoulder as I walked towards the door. Bidding goodbye to my parents, I left the town that I had grown up in and walked in the direction of the train station. It took only a few minutes for me to get on the train and start heading towards the Forests of Retens.

I settled into my seat and gazed out the window. The sun was setting soon and the sky was getting cloudier. Sudden screams and shouts erupted from the central cabins of the train.

"Fuck you! Give me back my purse and do not even fucking touch me again!"

Everyone's attention was diverted to a girl hitting a Duke with her purse. I smirked. This was going to be an interesting train ride.

A/N: How do you like the first chapter? Do point out any mistakes here and I'll be sure to make the necessary changes! Have a good day.

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