Turtlejou - Moonlit Waters

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Turtle: *waiting nervously by the lake*

Kinkajou: *last minute deciding what color she wanted to wear, finally deciding on her usual bright pink and yellow* *glances at the sun* Crap! I'm late! *dashes through the tunnels to the lake*

Turtle: *glances at the sun* *thinking* Kinkajou is 15 minutes late. Where is she?

Kinkajou: *arrives breathless* I'm here! I'm here! *panting* Sorry I'm so late!

Turtle: *smiles slightly* To be honest, I kind of expected you to be late.

Kinkajou: *still catching her breath* I'm not gonna get mad at that and focus on the fact that you know me so well.

Turtle: *goes back to being nervous* So, uhhh, what do you want to do?

Kinkajou: *rolls eyes* *grins* Why don't we go swimming?

They spend the entire day swimming, and it was dark when they finally stopped.

Turtle: *yawns* Shouldn't we go back now? 

Kinkajou: *horror struck* No!!! I love this! Lets keep doing this!

Turtle: *smiles* Okay. We don't have school tomorrow anyway, it's the weekend.

Kinkajou: *splashes him* 

Turtle: *goes under* Blubbb!!

Kinkajou: *laughing* Turtle? *stops laughing* Turtle? *terrified* TURTLE?????

Turtle: *pulls Kinkajou underwater*

Kinkajou: *eyes wide* Blubbb!!

Turtle: *surfaces laughing*

Kinkajou: *surfaces, spits water out of her mouth* Oh, I am going to get you for that!! 

The splash battle lasts for another few hours, it is midnight by the time they stop.

Kinkajou: *leaning against Turtle on the shore, mumbling* But I'm not tired! No. I won't fall asleep, I won't....... *falls asleep, starts snoring*

Turtle: *looks down at the beautiful dragon sleeping beside him, smiles wistfully* *whispers* Goodnight Kinkajou. *sighs, looks at the moon* *whispers to himself* I wish this night would last forever. *falls asleep*

Jade Winglet WOFWhere stories live. Discover now