Final resistance

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Britt walked around, she felt the hunger just build as she knew she needed a solution. "We need to find you someone immune to succubi but can give you chi." Zoey said as Britt looked at her. She wondered what she could mean by tha but Zoey made a call and talked with someone. She was arranging for me something clearly but she led me to somewhere and talked with someone who gave her some syringes. "W-What is that for?" Britt asked

Zoey went over and she used one of the syringes on Britt as she gasped but then Britt felt better and noticed the difference in how she felt. "I don't feel so hungry." Britt said, "Good then it'll work until they get here." Zoey said as she led Britt and their group back to the hotel. When they got there Hathor was already there and she was crying but Zoey went over and used the shot on her. She gasped and looked up "What was that for?" Hathor asked.

Zoey just looked at her with a smile "How do you feel?" Zoey asked as she was surprised, "Better" Hathor said but she went and hugged Britt. "What do we do? We can fight them on fair terms now." Hathor said as Britt hugged her cousin but she knew her cousin had feelings for the younger brother. "I don't know..perhaps we should just get some rest." Britt said

Hathor agreed to that knowing that was probably the best, so they went to their room. Britt laid in her cloak as she expected a visit from him in her dream. She would be able to withstand him. As she fell asleep, she could tell instantly something was different as she opened her eyes in her dream and saw she was in a room. "Hello my Queen." Atem said as Britt got up from where she was seeing he was at a distance. "I am done with this, you have been nothing but following me everywhere." Britt said "So right here, fight me and we'll see who wins."

Atem looked at her curious knowing this was her dream and she wasn't trying to deny him like before. She took the cloak off in the dream as her human form turned to the other and the chi within her was able to maintain it. Surprised at first that she was able to do such a thing, he smirked knowing it was finally active as his form changed. "As you wish, but if I win. You will give me your location and you will marry me." Atem said as Britt knew this was her only chance to actually stand up to him this way. She hoped she could win for her own freedom.

The surrounding area changed to where they could take flight and she was able to figure out how to keep her distance from him. When she would get in there and fight him, she had to be mindful she only had enough chi to get one fight in. Atem hardly had to try as he blocked her attacks as he grabbed her and pinned her to the wall. "I'm sorry my Queen, but I've had more experience than you in this game." Atem said as he smirked "But I've been waiting for my rightful Queen to have the other experience with." Britt was surprised at his words realizing he had morals after all. "Now, My Queen your location." Atem said

Before Britt could say anything she started to fade from waking up in the real world. "No!" Atem said as he tried to hold her there to find out where she was but it was no use. His powers didn't work well in the dream world as Britt woke up in Rome as she breathed heavily. She realized quickly she had played with fire and got burned that by their deal she was his.

Damn, I thought I could take him. Britt thought

When she woke up she yawned but then as she made her way out there she noticed Zoey was talking to two men. Britt didn't give a lot of thought as she went to the bathroom and looked at herself seeing a light mark on her neck. She realized her succubi gene made it real when he pinned her to the wall. She was going to need Chi for this as she used the restroom then came out.

"Britt, can you come here?" Zoey asked

Britt walked over to see the two guys again but she recognized one of them as her friend Dante. "What is Dante doing here?" Britt asked as she looked at Zoey. "He's got a rare immunity to Succubi but a perfect person to be a thrall for you to get chi off of." Zoey said as Britt looked at her curiously. "A Thrall?" Britt asked as she never heard that term. Zoey went and got a cup that she'd already prepared as she had a needle and she pricked Britt letting a few drops of her blood fall and then walked to Dante. "This choice is willing, if you choose it you will be hers to assist her when she needs it." Zoey said to Dante as she offered the cup and he looked at Britt before taking it. "I accept it willingly." Dante said as he drank it.

As Dante finished, Britt felt a pulsation go through her body as the link between them was formed. She knew her Incubus King who wanted her would not be pleased with this at all. Dante walked over to her placing a hand on her cheek as she looked at him. "Dante" Britt said as he leaned and kissed her. Instictly she kissed him back but during this kiss she felt the chi flowing into her. The area that was bleeding healed and she felt her strength coming back as she had to get the strength to pull away as she breathed for air.

"So much..Chi." Britt said as she was trying to comprehend her thoughts, she knew there was not a lot of things to do. Hathor soon came out seeing Britt breathing heavy. "What's going on?" Hathor asked as Zoey went over doing the same with Hathor. Hathor was surprised when it was done and she felt the pulsation and when the guy kissed her she could feel his chi coming into her that she had to breathe.

Britt and Hathor both looked at each other but Hathor seemed to give Britt a pity look. "What did you do?" Britt asked, "I..I told him a location to meet me." Hathor said, Britt was surprised but that meant that Atem knew the area she was in but not her location. She wondered if she could transform in her world as she knew there wasn't a lot of time to consider it.

He'll be coming for me. Britt thought

When they left the hotel room, Britt decided to separate from her cousin as she knew there was something she had to do. Dante though was following her for her protection but she knew that she needed to get outside the city. She could only go so far as she felt the gel on her mark starting to fade then he would be able to track her.

I know what I agreed but I won't give in so easily. Britt thought

As she made it the outskirts of the city she decided away from human eyes was best as she took her cloak off and seen if she could transform. Dante grabbed her cloak before it blew away as he saw her Succubi form and she flew up. She expected with her like this he'd come and she wasn't wrong as she heard behind her "I knew you wanted another fight." Atem said as she turned around and uppercut him with a fist. Her punch had more kick to it as she actually sent him a little distance as he flew up. "Wow, someone has been feeding." Atem said, "So this is your final stance, one last fight to see if you win."

"I can't run forever, you'll catch me eventually." Britt said as he knew she wasn't wrong. "Why can't we be civil like my brother and your cousin? They want to talk it out." Atem said as Britt knew sometimes civil talks didn't work. "You could manipulate me, you don't know a thing about me." Britt said as he laughed a bit before changing form to Yami. "But don't I? You and I already shared a kiss." Atem said

Britt was left floating there in shock as she had always known something was off about Yami the day she met him. Now she knew why and the sad part was she did like him that it made her heart hurt.

What do I do? Britt thought

The Incubus King looking for his QueenWhere stories live. Discover now