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Britt and hathor were in the final process as they had to shake up the vials they were to drink for their marks to go away. Hathor was thinking of all the things they could do, she wasn't about abandoning her family by any means. Britt was just thinking of how she could handle her world without some Incubus King trying to claim her.

It's almost over. Britt thought

As if interrupting her thoughts when the potions were ready and the girls were about to open them screams could be heard. Britt and Hathor ran out there to see what was going on when they saw the girls of the main five being held by creatures from the realm they were just in. Atem had ahold of Miranda which got under Britt's skin cause that was one of her best friends.

"Think you could get away? I could take that which is close to you. These girls, they're quite powerful when in their true forms and my men are looking for mates." Atem said

"You wouldn't." Britt said to him

"Well I could always kill them one by one before your eyes." Atem said

"No!" Britt said as she knew he was forcing her hand.

"Then come with me and be my Queen." Atem said

Britt heard her friends telling her not to give in but their lives meant more to her than anything. When Britt went to walk forward Hathor stopped her grabbing her arm. "We're not quitters." Hathor said to her and Britt looked at her knowing she wasn't a quitter either but this was her best friends lives. She wouldn't risk them for wanting to be free.

Atem handed over Miranda to one of his men as he put his hand out to Britt. Britt got free from Hathor and she walked forward to him. "Good girl." Atem said and once her hand was in his he pulled her to him. "You won't need this." He said removing her cloak then he moved her shirt collar to the side revealing his mark.

"What are you doing to her?!" Hathor demanded

"Making her mine, once my mark is here she's bound to me. She's going to be my wife tonight I've made all the preparations." Atem said to hathor before he leaned down to the area and bit into Britt's skin finishing his mark. A tear fell down her cheek feeling like she was so close to being free but he knew her weakness which was her friends. When Atem let go, he caught Britt from how she fell unconscious. A strand of blood fell down his chin and where the mark had been finished it was bleeding a bit.

"Britt!" the five girls yelled

"She's bleeding." Hathor said

"When a mark is finished the area does bleed. I have to claim her this way so others in my kingdom don't try to come after my Queen." Atem said as he carried Britt's unconscious form.

Hathor was going to do something but Atem did something hathor didn't expect. He changed his form to the one who'd gotten close to Britt. Her secret Valentine's day blind date Yami. Hathor's heart sunk realizing that Britt had already kissed this incubus without realizing it.

"You can give yourself over to him or keep playing the game." He said as he smirked. "The game for Britt is over. Tonight she's becoming the Queen of my kingdom." Atem said then he looked at the five girls. "What to do with you all?" He asked
"Let us have them sir." Some of his men said

"We can protect her." Zoey said

This peaked Atem's interest as he walked over to Zoey, he knew her brother so when he finally recognized her he was surprised she lived in this human realm.

"How can you protect her?" Atem asked Zoey

"We've been a part of how you had such a hard time." Zoey said

The Incubus King looking for his QueenWhere stories live. Discover now