tattoos and more

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soojin comes back for tattoos more and more often. shuhua- the tattooist wonders why.

also, there's a slight implied sexual tension so... read at your own risk.


"morning, miss soojin. your session would start in another 5 minutes." the woman in blonde hair states as she loosely look through the list of appointments. yet another saturday afternoon, the shop was filled with clients. those who had an appointment and those who walked in. "do remember to sign in and out. i won't need to show you how, right?" she chuckles as she places the book back in place, walking towards her client.

"yup." soojin says as she lengthens the 'p' sound.

it was soojin's fourth session here. this time, she was planning on getting a moon and sun on her ribcage. like what her grandmother always said, the sun symbolizes the supreme cosmic power, the life-force that enables all things to thrive and grow. the moon symbolizes death, birth and resurrection conversely.

well, it was her grandmother's second death anniversary. she had noticed that her compiling workload from school had been on her mind everyday, every night. and to be frank, that isn't the only thing that was only on soojin's mind.

there was her, too, of course.

growing up, soojin's parents always focused more on her younger sister. as a direct consequence, she was jealous. but it made her more human. all humans get jealous at times right?

soojin did not want to forget all the memories she had spent with her grandmother who loved her dearly. her grandmother was on her side, defending her whenever soojin's parents and soojin fought. henceforth, she decided to get the sun and moon tattooed.

"miss... soojin?" she didn't realize the time she used to reminisce about her younger times reflected back to real life, putting her back into conscience.

"ah yes, is it my turn already?"

"yes, please take a seat. why did you choose a sun and moon this time round?" the younger artists questioned as she scrolled through the file soojin had sent her earlier. to prepare the stencil.

soojin plopped onto the black leather bed. "it reminds me of someone."

"i see. where would you like it this time?" shuhua printed out a stencil, flipping the paper to show soojin. the latter gave a subtle nod, ensuring that the size was what she requested a few hours ago.

with that, she laid out all the materials; popsicle sticks, petroleum jelly and ink caps full of black ink. "ribcage." she simply replied.

the tattooist replied with a simple "oh." as she turned to face soojin, hands placed against the tattoo platform beside the materials. "r-remove your shirt then."

she tried to sound natural, keyword, tried.

the next few minutes grew silent as shuhua plugged in the machine into the silicone, getting ready to tattoo soojin though the sight of the korean was devouring her.

soojin didn't knew if getting her tattoo on the right ribcage, horizontally with shuhua was a great idea. after all, the artist was a left-hander.

the session started right after the numbing cream kicked in.

shuhua placed her right hand on top of a tissue paper above her skin, a set up to clean the excess ink. "okay, im gonna start now. since it's on the bones, it could be ticklish and would probably hurt more. if you want some time, scream cherry."

soojin let out a laugh as she slapped shuhua's shoulder. "why cherry?"

the latter pointed on her cherry tattoo, "it was the first tattoo you got from me." a smile plastered on her face.

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