Chapter 12

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Sorry for not updating in FOREVER, but uni is harder to get into then I thought.

I love you guys, and I have not forgotten any of you or this book!

Hope you enjoy this!

- Hayley


Chapter 12

Clementine’s POV


I closed my eyes and tried to make myself pass out. I didn’t want to be awake for what Louis was preparing to do.

“You’ll learn to love it.” He laughed, caressing Eleanor’s cheek. A tear fell from her eyes and he frowned.

“Stop that.” He whispered, wiping it away from her face. “You’re way too pretty to be crying.”

I thought of a million ways to kill Louis, and if I hadn’t been tied to a chair, I would have.

“Hope you’re watching.” Louis said, coming behind me and tightening the rope, before kissing my neck roughly. “Because you’re next.”

I opened my mouth to fire back a comment, but I was cut off by the faint sound of sirens.

My eyes grew wide and Eleanor smiled.

“No, Louis.” I shook my head. “You’re next.”

His face grew pale and he ran towards the door, but Eleanor stuck her foot out and he tripped, his chin slamming against the wood floor.

“You little bi-“He was cut off by the door falling to the ground.

Cop after cop filed into the house, followed by four paramedics.

We were untied and rushed to an ambulance.

“Where is Harry?” I asked one of the policemen. “I need to be with Harry.”

“Mr. Styles is already on his way to the hospital.” He instructed me, before slamming the door to the ambulance.

Everything moved so fast. Eleanor and I were separated into different busses, and I prayed that she was okay, but I mostly prayed for Harry. He couldn’t be dead. He couldn’t be. Someone had to have called the cops, right? He was fine, he had to be fine.

The ambulance came to an abrupt stop and I was ushered into the hospital, Eleanor close behind.

“Where is Harry?” I called.

“Mrs. Styles, we need to run a few tests and-“

“No, I need my husband, where the heck is he?” I demanded.

“Mrs. Styles, don’t you think you’re being a little selfish? We need to check the status of your baby and you are-“

“No, I’m not being selfish; I will gladly let you check my baby, as soon as I see my husband.” I said through gritted teeth. The doctor let out a sigh and shook her head lightly.

“Fine.”  She strolled out of the room, returning moments later with Harry on her tail. His shoulder was bandaged but it didn’t stop him from wrapping his arms tightly around me.

I hadn’t realized I was crying until one of his tears landed on my bare skin.

“I love you, I love you, I love you.” He whispered into my ear. “Oh my gosh, I love you.”

“I love you too.” I whispered back. “I’m so glad you’re alive.” I cried.

The doctor cleared her voice and Harry pulled away.

“I need to check on the baby.” She said sternly, and I nodded silently.

“I’m going to go call Niall, I’ll be back.” Harry said, kissing my forehead.

He walked out of the room and into the hall, leaving me with a mixture of feelings.

But the most recognizable feeling was excitement.

I’d finally get to see my baby boy again.

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