So.. I know you see the demon... story time....
So me and my family where at my grandpas house and he has no wifi so we just had to do nOrMaL tHinGs ew-
So I said to my brother "yo bro let's draw each other! You have good hand-eye coordination! It'll be great"...
3 minutes later I hear him screaming and laughing his face off wondering what he has done...
And then he makes me close my eyes and says "I'm sorry-" while laughing..
So I open my eyes....and see the spawn of demons.
My brother FELL OVER laughing and I laughed so hard I cried..Tell my brother how he did! This is the closest you'll see of what I look like 😂 😂 😂
(I also drew him but it's a little to cringey and might give you the wrong idea so I'm not showing it sorry <3)
Time for the full revival 😂
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. I LOOK LIKE THAT BALD GUY FROM LORD OF THE RINGS LOL 😂
why the teeth?-
Why the everything?
I look bald with a few little hairs coming out 😂 😂Tell him how he did 😂
(Just don't be mean please he's only a tiny little rat)All credit goes to the rat king (aka my brother)
Go ahead and spread this vision if you must
But we will sue you for 10,000 cookies 🍪 <3Have a lovely day ⏰

Art book #1
RandomThis is totally random lol (btw I did NOT steal any of this art. It's all owned and was drawn by my and only me.) hope you enjoy my half trashy half good art lol