Chapter 1

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Nico: where are you?         
Camilla: wdym? I'm at school         
Nico: I mean where Ludo is, she
isn't in class.                       
Camilla: oh shit maybe she forgot? 

"20 minutes later"

Ludo: FUCK I DIDNT HAVE MY ALARM ON                       
Nico: dumb ass come soon fast!!   
Ludo: I'm coming

You tossed your phone on your bed and got ready, you did your hair put on your school uniform stuffed your bag with books and make up and ran downstairs "FUCK" you yelled to your brother and sister rooms as you tripped over a can of energy that was on the stairs "language Ludo!" your mom said while cleaning the house "sorry mom" you said and gave her a kiss on her cheek and ran to school. You missed first and second period but you were on time for next period "I fucking hate this" you said to yourself while getting in school. You were looking for Nico, "NICO" you yelled and everyone looked at you "sorry go on" you said and saw nick running to you "hey!" he said and gave you a hug "hey" you answered out of breath and hugged him back "I fucking forgot my alarm" you said while walking to your next class "dummy" he said while rubbing on your head "hey my hair" you said while walking in the classroom "hello sir" you and Nico said to the teacher and walked to your seats and the class started.

"Sir" you said in the middle of the class "yes Ludovica?" He answered and everyone looked at you "uhm can i go to the toilet?" You asked "of course" he said and went on with the lesson "where are you going?" Nico asked while you were standing up "I need to get some fresh air" you said and left the room "wait!" you heard someone yelling at you "Nico?! Why are you here?" you said while you've turned around "i wanna come with you" he said while now walking with you "okay" you went to the swings on on the field "smoke?" Nico asked "yes please" you said while getting the cigarette from Nico "I really hate it here" Ludo said "me too, wanna leave?" Nico said "to where?" you said while lightning the cigarette Nico gave you "idk we can go to...." you were both thinking "MILAN!" Nico said "that's literally a couple hours away from here" you said while thinking of something that is far from home "so?" Nico said "well i thought maybe New York?" you said getting of the swings and standing in front of Nico "oh my.. yes we need to go to New York!!" He said happily and get up to "yes and we are leaving tomorrow" you said while getting on your phone "no Ludo this summer not now, we can't go now" he said "too late I already got us tickets for the plane" you said and jumped "Ludo!!! We are going to New York!!" Nico said first kinda angry and annoyed but now he got very happy "grab our bags from the class and we are going to my house" Nico said "you grab them I don't wanna" you said "hey you are the one with this idea, not me" he said "okay, fine I'll go" you said and grabbed the bags.

When you got back Nico was still in the park "let's go" you said and you 2 started running towards Nico's house "I can't run anymore oh my god" you said while talking as if you were dying "me too" he said in the same tone as you. A couple meters later and you were at Nico his house  "let's go inside" Nico said and opened the front door "hey Ludo" Nico's mom said "hey ma'am" you said "you know you can say my name instead of ma'am?" She said "yes i know but it's sounds kinda rude" you said while putting your bag on the table "no it doesn't, just call me Michelle okay?" She said "okay I'll do from now on!" You said smiling at here and watching her do whatever she was doing "okay mom we're going to my room bye!" Nico said while going upstairs "bye kids" Michelle said "bye" you said while also going upstairs, Nico had a pretty and big house so sometimes you forgot where everything is "what the fuck do i need to bring with me?" He asked you while getting his suitcase "well just grab a backpack and not a suitcase cause we don't a lot of things we can also buy things there" you said while grabbing things for him "okay well i see that you know what you are doing so I will just let you" he said and jumped on his bed.

"okay all done" you said after 3 minutes "you're done already?" He said "yes that shit is not that hard you know?" You said while throwing the bag on him "okay well thank you Ludo" he said and got up from his bed "no problem" you said while putting on his radio and some weird music was playing "this song is making my head hurt so much, give me the aux" you said while grabbing his phone, which is always connected to the aux. you put on the song 'practice by Drake' on and put other songs in the queue even tho you knew that you were gonna go away soon "I love this song" You said while putting it louder "I haven't heard it" Nico said but kinda enjoying the music "it's amazing" you said and started singing the song along with the music, when the song stopped you and Nico dropped in his bed "are you excited?" he asked "yes of course, just are you going to tell your mom?" you asked him while sitting "I don't know, I think so" he said kinda confused "I think I'll tell my mom and then I run away" he said happily "that's a good idea, you ready to run?" you said and Nico was grabbing his bag and walking out his room "always" he said and you were getting after him.


First chapter!! I hope y'all liked it and tell me if I made any mistakes

Word count: 1044

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