Chapter 3

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Chaira walked out of the big front door with a backpack running towards the car "START THE CAR AND DRIVE AWAY" Chaira said while getting in the car, you looked over to the house and saw a woman standing in the door while looking really angry and as I was looking she ran to the car and tried to stop us "NICO DRIVE" Chaira yelled at Nico "I'M DRIVING AS FAST AS I CAN" Nico said and drove like 70 mph in a street where you are not supposed to drive faster then 30 mph.

When we were out of the street and Chaira her mom was not after us anymore we got very relived "what the fuck" you said in a sort of shock "she is fucking crazy" Chaira said "yes, I'm sorry but she is" Nico said "yes I'm kinda scared what she is gonna do when we are gone and when we get back" Chaira said "yes me too" Nico and you said "anyways we now need to go to the airport" Chaira said hoping the mood in the car would go up and it did "yes!" You said happily "I'm so excited" Nico said "sameee" Chaira said "wait how are we going to pay for this?" She added the her last sentence "yes Ludo, how?" Nico said and looked at you concerned "Nico you look at the road and don't worry I all got it fixed" you said "okay?" Nico and Chaira said really concerned and sort of confused "you all I got it did you not hear me just now? It is all under control" you said "but how?" Nico said "don't worry about it just think about how much fun it is going to be!!" You told them to make them a bit less concerned "okay well put the radio on" Nico said while bringing the mood up "no, Nico not the radio, do you really wanna listen to those weird radio songs?" You asked him looking kinda disgusted because the songs on the radio are the worst "yes that true, put the music on Ludo" he said "already on it!" You said while putting on: Les- childish gambino and put it extra loud to forget all the problems around you and you 3 sang along with the whole song. You all knew the song by your hearts because when you 3 were together you would always put that song on and sing your hearts out. You all arrived at the airport and when everything was done you went in the airplane.

After a couple hours you landed in New York "oh my we are finally here!!" You said really happy!! "I can't believe it" Nico said "oh my, this is literally a dream coming true" Chaira said and she gave you a big tight hug "thank you Ludo" Chaira said "no problem" you said and hugged her back "okay well let's go to the hotel" Nico said "yes let's go" and you all went outside looking for a cab "it is crazy busy here jeez" you said while trying to not get hit by a car "for real" Nico said going after me "you need to be selfish and rude in the city otherwise you can't be here" Chaira said "okay ma'am" you said as a joke and looked at Nico who was really focused.

When you were in the hotel you all got into your rooms and unpacked, you 3 got each their own room "it's kinda chill that we have our own rooms" Chaira said "yes indeed!" Nico said "it only kinda sucks that Chaira is a hallway above us" you said "yes that sucks" Chaira said "yes but we'll be together most of the time so it's not that bad right?" Nico said "yes that's true" you and Chaira said "well let's all unpack and we will meet each other in an hour?" You said "good idea" Nico said and you all went to your rooms "I was kinda happy i had my own room cause I really like to be alone when I don't feel well or when I am really anxious" you said while talking to yourself as you were u packing your backpack with only a wallet with some cards, a lot of money and there were some clothes but only a couple because you were only gonna stay for 2-3 days.

You heard a knock coming from the hallway "who is it?" You said while standing in the bathroom "me" Nico said "oh okay, wait a second" you said while walking towards the door "hey" you said while opening the door "hey can I come in?" He asked while already kinda being in your room "yes sure, come" you said while stepping towards the couch "wanna like go to the city together" he asked "yes sure! But only us? Not Chaira?" You asked while grabbing your purse that hung on the door "uhm I don't care if she goes with us so you can say it!" He said "we could bring her with us today and then we will go to the city together later these days" you said and smiled to make him smile too cause he always smiled when you smiled too, it was kinda cute "that's a good idea!!" He said and smiled "hahahaha" you laughed because he also smiled even tho he didn't look happy before "what? Did I do something weird?" He asked and got worried "no you didn't do anything, come let's get Chaira" you said and walked out of the room "okay" Nico said while getting after you

Word count: 943

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