Chapter 2

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You ran after him almost tripping on the stairs "I always wanted that you trip over the stairs why is it always me" you said really disappointed "haha I'm sorry" Nico said and went to look if his mom or dad were in the room "no one can see us" he said and looked again "lets go, now" he said and ran walked out of the house beginning to run fast to his car and you went after him "Nico wait you're going to fast" you said getting a bit tired "sorry Ludo, we need to go or else someone is going after us" he said getting the car started to go to your house "I'm in go" you said while closing the car door and Nico driving away really fast to your house. You have arrived at your house "I'm going in alone is that okay?" You asked and he said "yes of course I'll wait here just don't take to long please" he said and parked in front of your house "yes I'll be fast! okay see ya" you said while getting out of the car.

You didn't have any contact with your dad or sister since your parents got divorced and didn't even try to take any source of contact with me or my sister but your mom found a new man and you were good friends with his son who was also on your school. So it wont be that hard getting used to them even tho it will be totally different from now on.

You went in the house grabbing your stuff, and when you wanted to go you saw Brando (the son of your mom's new man and your friend) "oh hey where are you going?" He asked you while making food "I'm going to..." you didn't know what to answer so you kinda paused to think about your answer "uhm.. to Nico's place" you said getting really stressed for some reason "uh okay have fun I guess" he said while continuing making his food "bye" you said and left the house.

"I almost got caught" you told Nico "by who?" he asked "Brando" you said while putting your stuff in the backseat "do they live at your place already?" he asked while opening the door for you "yes since last week or so" you said while getting in the car "hm okay, ready to go" he said while starting the car "yes let's go" you said "wait fuck we forgot Chaira!" you said saying really shocked "fuck I totally forgot" he said and turned around to go to the school "we need to pick her up" you said while getting kinda stressed "yes well where do you think I'm going?" Nico said speeding the car "I'll call her rn" you said and picked up your phone and called Chaira.

• Chaira's pov •

Lunch break is over and I went to the class, usually Nico en Ludo walk with me but for some reason they aren't here, I looked at my phone and saw no message from them so I just walked in the classroom maybe they are there? When I walked into the classroom they both weren't there and I still got no message from one of them. After 20 minutes in the class i feel my phone shaking in your pockets "uhm sir?" I said while raising your hand "yes?" he said looking pissed off "can I go to the bathroom?" I asked him "sure, go" he said and continues the lesson "thanks" I said and walked out of the classroom and picked up the phone.

The phone call:

Chaira: where are you?
Ludo: im with Nico
Nico: hey Chaira
Chaira: hey, but where are you?
Ludo: we're on our way to pick you up!
Chaira: why?
Nico: just go the front of the school and we will be there in the car
Chaira: what, wait stop why the fuck would I do that?
Ludo: don't you wanna have fun once in your life?
Nico: come on Chaira we are going to New York! You wanna go there so badly!
Chaira: what!! New York? Are you 2 crazy in your brains??
Ludo: come on Chaira it'll be so much fun!!
Chaira: okay I'll go just come here fast I still wanna grab some thing from my house
Nico: yes we are almost there

Phone call ended

"Shit I still need to get my stuff from the classroom" u said to myself "nah I'll leave it there and I'll just go outside to Nico and Ludo" I said again to myself and went outside. I saw a car coming towards me and the window opened "Chaira!!! Come in!" Ludo said

•  Ludo's pov  •

On the way to pick up Chiara I got another ticket for her. We just arrived to the school and I saw Chaira sitting on the stairs by the front door "Chaira!!! Come in!" I said to Chaira while opening my window "coming" she said and running to the car and gettin in the car "hey Chaira!" you and Nico said to Chaira who was in the backseat "hey guys, when did you two plan this trip?" she asked us and Nico and you looked at each other "like 2 hours ago?" Nico said and looked at me and Chaira "what the fuck guys, that explains why you two were gone for such a long time" Chaira said "hahah yes" Nico and you said and you drove to Chaira her house "I'll be back in 5 minutes" Chaira said while getting in the house. "so are you excited" Nick asked me "uhm yes of course" you said and looked at him "u too?" You asked him "yes of course, this will be the best days of my life" he said getting really happy "yes same it's gonna be awesome!!" You said and put the radio on while waiting for Chaira. "she's taking longer then 5 minutes" you said and looked inside the house but you couldn't see anything "she's taking forever, what the fuck is she doing? Is she having an argument or did her parents found out" Nico said and kept talking very stressed and concerned "woah Nico slow down, she's fine! Maybe she doesn't know what to pack and since when are you so worried about her?" You said and Nico looked at you "oh my god you are in love with her" you said and punched his shoulder "no I am not in love with her" Nico said knowing that he isn't in love with HER "and that punch did hurt a little" he added after that " oh sorry and yes you do! Look how concerned you were getting over her, oh my god this is sooo cute I can't" you said knowing that you were kinda sad about the fact that you that you had figured out who the girls was that Nico liked and then you saw Chaira walking out of the big front door.


Word count: 1171

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