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Last year trent started to talk to me more and I liked it. It made me feel special that he even wanted to talk to me. I really thought I wouldn't have a crush on him but he started giving me attention and every time I would deny my feelings for someone I would eventually fall for them but for trent it was different I started saying that I liked him to prove that if I did like him my feeling would go away but here we are now and I cant stop thinking about him! Him and duke are both on my mind!! And I cant help it!! When I found out I get to sit next to him in anatomy I almost lost my mind. I probably was blushing so hard at that moment. I feel happy when I'm around him and when he talks to the other girls in my class I would get a bit jealous and in my mind I would be like back away from my honey bear he's mine 😭😭 anyways.
---------------------------------------------------------🌼(Wednesday 9/15/21) was the best day of my entire life!! After 3 period going to bible I was walking up the stairs and he said hey estrella!! HE SAID HI ESTRELLA!! in that moment I wanted to DIE but I didn't and composed myself and said hi to him. I was going to my locker and he was behind me!! I grabbed my books I needed for that class and he started to walk next to me!! And then he started TALKING TO ME AGAIN!! he asked me if I played on an xbox and told him no but my brother does and he asked me what games I like to play. When he asked me I guess he didn't forget about that one time last year where he found me playing Minecraft. I wanted to DIE BC HE REMEMBERED!! Anyways I told him I haven't played Minecraft in a while and that I play roblox bc my sister begs me to play with her. Then he asked me what I like to do....i don't know if he just wanted to get to know me better bc he likes me or not its so confusing.... But I told him I like to doodle and stuff bc I really don't remember what I told him 😅😅. The whole time during bible I would sneak quick glances at him cause OMG HES ADORABLE!! After bible I started to walk a bit faster to catch up with him ig but I was also fast so I could get to class early so I can study a bit for the test I had when I was behind him going up to the door he held it for me and asked "trying to catch up with me now?" LORD I WANTED TO EXPLODE!! I told him no.. but y'know I wanted to say yes but I'm not bold enough to do that 😅😅 and I was overplaying what he said to me in my head for hours.. I didn't know if he said that as a joking manner or if he was flirting with me. I HAVE SO MANY QUESTIONS!!
🌼Yesterday (Thursday 9/16/21) was a good day until the lunch incident but before that trent was talking to juliet about like relationship stuff ig and yes I was listening to their conversation bc trent was talking but he said if Im in a relationship I am going to be nice to them and treat them right he also said something on his temper and how he needs to control it but I think it's hot when his temper gets the better of him. Anyways and said something along the lines of how people think he's going to sleep with the person he's in the relationship with but he said he would never do that and always respect them and that just melted my heart 🥺
🌺(Friday 9/17/21) LORDD so many things.. anatomy he looked adorable reading his book.. math didn't focus on him to much but I would sneak glances.. computer I sneaked a lot of glances and I think he was talking about me saying I was nice and stuff on some form we had to fill out discribing everyone... Bible sneaked glances again but a little less so it won't be sus... Government he had to give a speech and all I could do was stare at him and admiring how adorable he is.. his jaw line.. the dimples on his cheeks when he smiles.. his adorable laugh that I would never get tired of hearing.. the freckles dusted on his smooth face..how his eyes sparkle everytime I stare at them.. his hands.. the way his keys jingle when he walks let's me know he's close.. I just love everything about him. English he was talking to micah saying how he almost busted a move and I started laughing and he told me you find that funny estrella and I giggled a bit I think my face got a bit red ngl.
There as this one time last year where we were in the lab we were making a bridge and I was standing really close to the table that almost up against the wall.. trent had to leave for a second to do idk what and he came back..he walked to where I was and had to pass me to get to his table with his group and when he did LORDDD OMGGG he TOUCHED MY @Ss 🥴🥴 well sort of ig.. I really don't know if he meant to do that or not but the sparks I felt and I felt like I got strucked by lightning!! I was stunned I couldn't move I couldn't get my mind to work properly!! I don't know if it was an accident or if he did it on purpose but GOOD LORDD his hand felt so right there..(btw it wasn't really my @Ss it was close to it but I keep telling myself it was 😭😭)
OMGGG YESSS IT HAPPENED IT HAPPENED!!! HE SAW MY IG STORY AHHHH! IM SO HAPPY!! my smile is like this rn 😁😁😁 and my heart pounding and I can BARELY BREATHE!! The only reason I wanted to post that picture was bc I wanted him to see it AND HE DID AND IM SO SO SO HAPPY! (btw this happened today Sunday 9/19/21) I hope he asks me questions about it tomorrow!! Anyways there's my little rant of him for today unless something else happens.
OMG OMG OMGGGG HE YEXTED ME WHAT MY HEArT IS BEATING SO FAST RN!! HELP MMEEE!! HE SAID "hey" LORDDD!! (Sunday 9/19/21) I just had a normal conversation with him and I looked so normal but inside LORDDD a bunch of butterflies and I'm shaking and my hands are sweating!! HE TOLD ME GN!! I CAN DIE HAPPY NOW 😌🖐️ (I love you trent❤️)
🌼(Monday 9/20/21) in anatomy he came in and he was kinda close but I didn't care.
Math and computer I would sneak glances but not so often. Heading to bible he TALKED TO ME!! He said "hi estrella" and I said "hi trent" and asked me if Im feeling okay and I said yeah..and he was walking beside me and wouldn't leave my side 😌 I was blushing 🙈...when we got in the class the teacher said we can sit where ever we wanted and he came and sat down on my row 😁😁 (josh was between us tho 😒) I would eventually glace at him. History nothing much. OMG so um in english we made eye contact for like a second and my heart stopped for a second. It felt like we were the only two people left on the world LORDD and his eyes sparkled ✨✨ they are so mesmerizing 😵
HE TEXTED ME AGAIN MY HEART IS BEATING SO FAST HRLP ME!! My hands are sweating!!(btw he just asked me if we had bible hw but we didn't) but he still TEXTED ME!!
🌼(Tuesday 9/21/21) OMG SOO in anatomy he talked to me AGAIN!! he said "hi estrella" and of course I said hi back bc I'm not rude :p math and computer I didn't really look at him that much.. bible nothing much he tried to get close to me ig I'm not sure 😅 government nothing much the usual glance a bit.. heading to english and going up the stairs he said "estrella saw me park" and Eli said " she rid with you" he said no (but I wish I could ride with him) and asked "didn't you see me park?" And I said no when was this? Then eli asked where michael went and he didn't know and trent said "estrella is michael" and I said yes I'm michael in disguise 😭 then headed to class.. the teacher said we had a quiz over some reading section that I didn't know about! He asked if I knew about it and said no.. then we had to take the quiz.. he wrote a poem and everyone was laughing so hard that he wrote one..so then he had to say it in front of the class to get some credit on it.. I couldn't stop laughing 😭 it was a cute poem.. then he asked me if I liked his poem and I said sure😅(even though I loved it.. I just love anything he puts effort into) he then started laughing and he put his head down LORDD it was hot 😭 then almost the end of class I was looking and the board but also at him when he turned around and looked at me for a second 🥴 I think that's what he did I'm not sure😅
🌼(Wednesday 9/22/21) 5:28 am I just woke up but I HAD THE BEST DREAM ABOUT TRENT ❤️ I don't really remember how we got to the little cabin we were staying at but we arrived and we started to give each other gifts.. he gave me a flower with some dirt on it I think and something else I can't remember.. then we started to get closer and I think he told me he liked me and I told him I did too I think.. later on we were watching TV and like songs started playing and I was sitting on the couch next to trent and I put my leg over his thigh.. then we had to leave.. we lined up at the door trent was first then some other girl and then me.. we walked out and trent waited for me and we walked together heading to his car.. when heading to his car Lili came and asked us if we were dating.. I told her trent u want to answer.. (I don't think we ever said we were dating).. when we got to his car I showed Lili the gifts trent got me that I loved so much even if it's worth nothing.. she left and I got into the passengers side and trent started driving back (to where idk) then he started talking on the phone don't remember for what but it was for something and yeah that was the end of my dream! Anatomy- he came in and looked at what I was doing and I was trying to look calm but I was freaking out inside!! A few minutes later he talked to me and asked for the bible verses we had to do in bible but then marlie HAD TO INTERUPT US!! I was so mad 😡 but yeah. Math and computer just the normal glancing. Heading to chapel I think not sure tho but he tried to catch up with me I think. Bible sneaked glances a lot. Leaving bible I think he was trying to walk next to me but he went with his friends who were a bit far back :( but anyways. Government- I would glance at him from the corner of my eye but directly look at him when he would start speaking. At the cookout drive thru we were behind him and he had his hat on and his sunglasses MAN he looked adorable 🥴 he just looked amazing and I couldn't stop staring at him... Before heading to english in the parking lot trent and micah were talking about the chicken nuggets they got and micah told him that he tried to give me one one and I said I didn't want any. Trent asked me what I ate for lunch and I said a sandwich and strawberries. He said that's so healthy and its what he eats to be healthy or something like that. When walking to class he stayed beside me and I was exploding on the inside 😵 during class he turned around for a second and looked at me AHHHHHHH 🥴🥴 and I would look at him whenever I get the chance to 🥰 but yeah that's all for today!
🌼(Thursday 9/23/21) anatomy nothing much just looking through the corner of my eye watching him read his book that he looked adorable doing 😁 math and computer- again nothing much just glancing. Heading to bible he was going to his locker and I was heading to the youth center and I wanted to bump into him to touch him but we were to far apart to do that. In bible trent was going to the bathroom but talked to Josh before and started to yell something to him and I looked up at him and he looked at me and told me "don't judge me estrella" and pointed at me. I started giggling..and I may have blushed a bit ngl.. government- trent started ranting about the chairs being cut and he's pressed ngl him ranting is hot ANYWAYS. Heading to english he didn't talk to me which I was sad about :( but.. we did walk next to each other which made it a bit better 😊 then he started talking about russians in waffle house or something like that and I just looked at him smiling..he's so adorable!! Then during the middle of class he LORDDD he stretched and his arms were so hot I WANTED TO DIE!! 😵And yeah that was that!
🌼(Friday 9/24/21) Anatomy- glancing the usual :p. Math- some glancing. Computer I straight up starred at him and looked him in the eyes and I didn't care 😅. Heading to bible I swear he was following me!! But I'm hot so I didn't mind it 😏. Bible I looked at him a lot! Government- I looked at him but he went to the bathroom and I had to leave so didn't get to see him :( and yeah that was today!
🌼(Monday 9/27/21) okay so last night I had a dream about trent but I don't remember it 😔🖐️... Anatomy- he came in late but he still looked adorable as always but ig he didn't know we had a test so he asked me and I said yeah.. when I looked at him he looked really sad and not himself and it made me feel really bad and I almost started crying I had a few tears in my eyes.. I know it's really dumb but I do care for him a lot and when he's sad I'm sad.. he then it was prayer time the teacher said any prayer request and he said unspoken and I felt so bad idk what's going on in his life but I hope it gets better.. of course I prayed for him for his request and that he do well on the test.. but he's reading a book rn and looks peaceful doing that but yeah. Math/computer- glancing and then he came into the room and I straight up starred at him and I don't regret it :p and he got his phone taken away and I felt really bad. Heading to the worship center trent was behind me and I kept blushing to myself 😊 when we got to the place I had to go to one of the rows and HE SAT NEXT TO MEE!! I was so happy!! During the whole thing I swear he was looking at me! Leaving the place I was behind him and I saw he had a mole on the back of his neck on the right side and I started thinking thoughts 😩 ANYWAYS.. bible- the usual looking and glancing but he was smiling and his dimples were on full display and he just looked adorable. Government- glancing the normal. English- he looked much happier than what he was in anatomy which I was happy about. And I would glance at him through class then the teacher said we had to work on some grammar page in pairs or a small group.. micah asked if I knew what I was doing and I said no then trent asked the girl beside him if she knew what to do she shook her head (I was jealous) and then started going around asking if anyone knew what to do then ig he saw me giving the answers to micah and said "I'm joining y'all's group" of course I didn't mind and I started to work on it and they just copied my answers even tho they were not right. But while I was working they kept on talking about random things like trent saying how if he was at a wedding he would object and stuff with a bottle of beer or something like that and how me or micah had to carry him out (I wouldn't be strong enough to) then about landon.. then about college.. then some other things I don't remember about. While he was coping my work he touched my book where I was touching so it was basically like touching hands (gosh I sound crazy) but yeah that was it for today!!
🌼(Tuesday 9/28/21) Anatomy- he came in late while we were in the lab. Then the teacher told him she had something for him.. I had no idea what its was but I did make eye contact with him which was nice 😊 math/computer- the usual. Heading to the worship center he was behind me but a bit far but I blushed bc he was still behind me. He didn't sit next to me which I was upset about but whatever ig. After chapel heading to the comp. lab I was behind him and I saw his mole again (I was thinking thoughts again) ANYWAYS. I wanted to walk beside him but I didn't want to bother him or think I'm weird 😅 then micheal showed up with max..and michael put his hand in his back pocket (wish I could do that 😒) I was saying in my head that I was jealous of his and michael's relationship but yeah. Before I went to bible I had to go to my locker and I was waiting for him yk.. he was following me ig but then got held back from the crowd I'm guessing. Bible- the usual but he stretched and GOSHH his arms were showing and I saw his arm muscle LORDDD I WAS DYING INTERNALLY!! Government- glancing from the corner of my eye then he said to me I'm the jet eye or something like that and I just smiled at him then almost at the end of class he said something about him going to the gas station and getting himself a diet coke or something like that.. then he saw me looking at him smiling so he pointed at me and said "don't laugh at me estrella" I started to giggle and laughing at him. English- nothing much we had a test and I would look toward his direction but before the test he stretched and his arms 😵😩 I can't help it!! Leaving class's he was behind me and then we walked next to me!!! THEN OMG HE TALKED TO ME!! He said " how's your day so far?" And I was happy he asked me that 😊 I said "good so far" I was about to ask him how his day was but he forgot his book back in the classroom. I was kinda sad bc I wanted to talk to him more 😔 but yeah that was today!
🌼(Wednesday 9/29/21) Anatomy- he came in not to late but yeah he kept on coughing ( I think it's hot but 🤷) then he said that I'm not a bad person I said ehh then he said bc I don't send him weird things and I said I send weird things to my friends.. then he said I like ur pfp and I told him it's my friends little sister and that it's my lock screen 😭 he said it was nice.. math/computer- kept looking at him but I would look away bc I get nervous when I see him looking around and I feel like we are going to make eye contact. Heading to the worship center I felt like he was behind me but other people were too.. it's just I could hear his keys jingle and that just makes my heart flutter 🦋 heading to bible I was going up the stairs and I was behind him and michael (still jealous of their friendship 😒) but yeah I was at my locker wasteing time so that I could walk behind him or him walking behind me and he walked behind me bc I could hear his keys 😵 Bible- had a perfect view of him from my table and GOSH he looked so angelic 😇 we had to write bible verses we needed and I just watched him writing them down.. I can't describe in words how amazing he looked writing.. it's hot, cute, adorable, and just everything 😩 then we had to leave which I was sad about 😥 Government- HE WAS SUCH AHHHHH I CAN'T DESCRIBE IT!! I was going to my desk and trent was near it then he ig he saw me walking up to my desk and he said "oh that's estrella's desk I'm not going to sit on there" (I almost said I wouldn't mind but I didn't) then he started talking to the people around him and I would look up and look into his eyes but still avoiding eye contact .. English- I would glance at him.. we also had a quiz and when everyone was done he asked the teacher if he could write a short poem to get extra credit and she said no (and in my head I said I wish he could write me a poem) heading out of class he was behind me and I held the door for him which makes me happy 😊 and heading to my locker he was behind and when he's behind me it makes my heart flutter 🦋. But yeah that's today!
🌼(Thursday 9/30/21) 5:52- I had the best dream of trent okay so we had a field trip at some park.. we got there and trent was behind me and my sister with the other people on the trip.. when we got there me and Manda headed to some playground and played while trent and the other people were in the corner of the park...then after a while trent came over to the playground and me and him hung out..we started talking about things and we started singing about how our childhood was like.. then ig we got bored and we headed to this structure that had a swinging couch and a normal couch..we went and sat on the swinging couch and we started to scoot next to each other until we were touching 🦋 then we started cuddling ig..then ig juliet was jealous that me and trent were hanging out and being close.. so her and Ansley came over and sat on the normal couch (I just wanted alone time with trent but no 🙄) then everyone that was on the trip came to where we were at 😒 and some girl was talking about how one of us wanted our parents to get along with some other person's parents ig.. then gabby went and got pictures taken..and we had to leave so the teacher told me to get 2 keys idk what for and I told trent to remember them cause ik I'll forget..but I think that was the end of it there was more but I forgot what happened so yeah! Anatomy- trent looks so amazing 🤩 and he said HE LIKED MY DRESS BC OF THE BUTTERFLIES!! I can die happy now 😌🖐️ math/computer- looked at him that's it. Bible- I looked at him but he sat at another table which I was upset about :( government- looked charming as always :) english- don't wanna talk about it but trent was the highlight of it so that's good! :) he also said to me estrella egged or something like that but I stilled smiled bc he said my name 🦋🦋

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