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🌼(Monday 11/1/21) Anatomy- okay so I was sitting at my desk and he walked in and I tried so hard not to scream!! He just looks so amazing!! He coughed and I thought it was hot (I got to stop) at the end of class we could talk after the test and he turned to me and asked how my weekend was and I told him interesting and he kept guessing on what happened and stuff and I told him I'll tell him soon and he said "tell me at lunch" and I just nodded my head..(AHHHHHHHH IM EATING LUNCH WITH TRENT AGAIN!!!)
Math/computer- looking at him gosh he's adorable
Heading to bible he was behind me 🦋🦋
Bible- I was walking in after going to the bathroom and I SWEAR I saw him look up at me 🥴🥴
government- glancing but also looking at him when he talked (he talked about his forklift) and then he went to turn his terms we had due and the teacher said to turn them in tomorrow so he went to grab a tissue and went down michael's row and talked to him and then he came through the back and LORDDDD HE FREAKING WALKED BEHIND MY CHAIR!! AND HE LIKE BRUSHED UP AGAINST ME WHILE WALKING TO HIS CHAIR AND MY HAIR MOVED TO THE LEFT!! I was stunned..I couldn't speak..I couldn't breathe..my eyes went wide..no but literally I couldn't breathe..

                    .·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·.

AHHHHH THE TIME HAS ARRIVED!!! EATING LUNCH WITH TRENT!!! I was walking down the stairs and he was behind me talking to Luke and michael bc he got jealous they were hugging idk..then he walked next to me while we were outside and said "riding with micah again" and I said *I thought u wanted to know what happened this weekend* and he said some where along the lines of "yeah it sounded interesting" and I told him *oh it's very interesting* so we headed to his car and he put my bookbag in the backseat.. and we drove off to hardee's bc cookout was full..and then we started talking about random stuff while we were in the drive thru..and while we were waiting Trent coughed and I looked at him and he looked at me and we both laughed at each other (while making eye contact) then he asked if I wanted any thing and I said *I'm good*...then he parked (in the hardee's parking lot) and was checking his blood sugar so then he asked what happened over the weekend and I told him everything that happened..when I finished he said "that was a story" (finished the story at the school parking lot) and I said yeah..then he was talking about some other stories he had..AND THEN LORD KILL ME NOW!!! I DONT KNOW HOW TO DISCRIBE THE FEELING I GOT WHEN HE DID THIS!! KDKXJDJJSIDNBKDJDJIEN!!!! JJDIXNXKWIIZNZJZIJ,XJ!!!! that's how my heart felt but okay okay I'll tell you what he did...while I was eating my strawberry he LORDDDDD...we were making eye contact okay bc we were talking and HE FREAKING LOOKED DOWN (at my lips I think) F_CKKKK IM GOING TO EXPLODE!!! AHHHHHH I CANT BELIEVE THAT HAPPENED!!! anyways enough with that...we just kept talking about random stuff until we had to go in..before heading into class he said "now we have to hear everyone thinking we are dating" "like we can't be friends" and I said *yeah according to everyone*
English- we kinda had a catch-up day so we didn't do much we just talked and stuff and made eye contact and I might of touched his boot...and he showed videos about random stuff and yeah that was it for today!!
🌼(Tuesday 11/2/21)  Anatomy- I came in and he was already sitting at his desk..I started working on some english questions that we have due today and he saw me working and said "is that due today?" And I said *yeah* and that was that bc he had to move to abby's seat bc she had to charge her laptop..
Heading to the c. lab he was behind me and I was panicking
Math/computer- glancing and looking the usual
Heading to my locker he was behind me
Heading to bible I was behind him
Bible- I glanced like 3 times and after my test I went to put it on the podium and Trent was there too! (He put his behind mine)
Government- I was just looking at him when he was talking..he was talking about some memory in 10 grade that happened between eli and joseph..he was being silly and adorable..and I think I heard him saying something about how he likes someone (I'm not sure tho) but my heart dropped to my stomach..
English- not much happened but after I put my stuff down I went to the bathroom and when I was walking back to class.. Trent was walking to the bathroom and I looked at him and he said "running in the hallway estrella" and I told *I'm not* and yeah then in class he was being silly and saying he was going to assort dominance or something like that..and like slammed his arm on the table with his palm face up and I was just looking at him and he looked at me and said "sorry" and I just laughed at him but yeah that was today!! ---------------------------------------------------------
🌼(Wednesday 11/3/21) Anatomy- nothing much happened he came in late and I got upset bc I thought he wasn't coming but yeah then when we were at the door waiting to leave and he was infront of me and he had a pair of scissors in his hand and he started snipping the scissors at me and I said *Trent* and he started laughing..
Math/computer- nothing much just the normal glancing
Heading to bible after chapel he was behind me
Bible- I glanced like 5 times
Walking into government Trent held the door open for me and said "holding the door for estrella" and I said thank u
Government- just looking at him when he talks
Walking down the stairs he started saying people's names in my class (he said only 5.. I think) and he said mine and said "my favorite people" (or something like that)
English- he was being silly like always that I just laugh at him..but he turned to me and said "you like burnt pita bread" and I said no..then he said how mrs.bohler is something else and how he writes poems or something like that and I just kept starring into his beautiful green eyes 🥴🥴 LORDDD THEY DRIVE ME INSANE!!
Oh and when I was walking to my locker I heard him talking to eli and said something like "we're not dating"  but yeah that was today!!
🌼(Thursday 11/4/21) Anatomy- I barely glanced but I did look at him when he got up and grabbed a tissue..and he was talking to his friends in the corner and I was listening to their conversation..
Math/computer- he might of looked at me when I was going to glance at him..I looked away bc I was like oh sh-t I got caught
Bible- I looked at him like 4 times
Heading to government I was behind him and we had to stop bc little kids were passing and then Trent turned to me and said how he wanted to push the kids and stuff bc they were locking arms
Government- I just looked at him when he was talking and at the beginning of class he drew a Christmas tree and I thought it was cute OMG ANDDDD..HE WENT BEHIND MY DESK AND TOUCHED MY HAIR TWICE!! (Bc he went back there twice)
Heading to the stairs Trent held the door open for me 🥴 and said "hi estrella" and I said *hi Trent* and he said "got anymore interesting stories" and I said no nothing else interesting happened and they put a sunflower where he was and told him he was going to be cremated..and then Trent said "I just want my body thrown in a river" (or something like that) and then I was heading to gavin's car and said "alright I'll talk to u later" and I said byee
English- I laughed at him and looked at him bc he was being silly and saying things and at the end of class he said to me "see ya estrella" and I said *bye Trent*
Heading out of school I saw his car waiting to go in the lane and then he drove off
But yeah that was today!!!
🌼(Friday 11/5/21) Anatomy- he came in late but not that late..and he didn't sit in his seat bc bette was charging her laptop so he had to sit in the row infront in the corner :( but I had a good view of him tho 😏
Heading to the c.lab I think he was behind me
Math/computer- I glanced not a lot but still enough..he was also talking about stuff I don't remember what exactly he said but I love hearing him laugh
Bible- I glanced like 3 times
Government- I'm listening to their conversation (Trent, michael and max) Trent was just being silly and stuff like that and he was laughing and it made me smile 😊
waiting to get out so we can leave for lunch I was like at the second desk in the second row (by the door) and Trent was in-between the first two desk in the first row and he was talking and turned to me and said "anymore crazy stories to tell" and I was like *nope nothing else that crazy* and he said something I just forgot what it was and I said like *nothing can compare to that* and he said "yeah" and then we left
Lunch- I rode with him :) he makes me happy in so many ways ❤️ anyways he went to burger king and we talked and stuff..and when we got to the parking lot we talked more..he was telling me how hayden had a crop top on and like sent him a picture of him in it and said 'let me be your c_m sl-t' and I was speechless (I might or might of not been thinking thoughts) anyways and yeah we talked about more stuff I don't really remember what I was just living in the moment. And then when we were walking into the building he said "I'm holding the door for u bc I'm a gentleman" and I thought it was so sweet 🥺 (of course I said thank you) and yeah...
English- we had a test so I didn't look at him that much but he sat next to me!!
But yeah that was today!!
🌼(Monday 11/8/21) Anatomy- I walked in and he was at his desk and I looked at him for like a second and I started blushing..I really missed him
Math/computer- I looked at him a lot and I tried so hard not to scream when I see him smiling
Bible- I looked at him like twice
After bible I was waiting to walk out the door and Trent stayed behind to wait for me and WALK NEXT TO ME!!!! AHAHAHHAHH!!!! heading to government he was talking to me and asking what I did this weekend and I told him I went to a party and that I got a glow stick..and he said "must be a wild party" and I said yeah...
Government- I looked at him when he talked
English- AHHHHHHHH!!!! (that's the only way to describe what I'm feeling) okay so what happened was that they put the desk back in groups and I was sitting at one of the desk facing the board and gavin was sitting at the one next to mine so then Trent decided to sit at the desk group behind me (it was still very close to me) and yeah..we had like 'group work' so Trent scooted his chair in-between me and gavin's desk (my right) and he said "I'm sitting between my two favorite people" (that made me feel special) so when I finished my work..Trent started talking about his dogs and stuff and I was also talking to him about mine..and during the whole thing we made eye contact BAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! 🥴🦋😵 IDJDIDIJDNEOAIBDBJD!!!! His eyes are so pretty and beautiful!!! But yeah when I was waiting to see if we could go..and Trent was opening the door and said "come on" so I went bc I didn't care 🤪 and yeah we talked more while heading to my locker and before he left he said "see ya estrella" and I said *bye Trent* and I waved bye to him! And yeah that was today!!!
🌼(Tuesday 11/9/21) Anatomy- okay so I walked in and Trent was at his desk and I looked at him for a sec and I sat down and THEN he turned to me and said "how are u estrella" and I said good (while making eye contact!!) His hair looks so good!! It looks lighter! And then he started talking about his job and how he helped his boss and stuff..I just listened to him and looked at his eyes 🥴
Math/computer- I looked at him a lot idk if we made eye contact or not but still and at the end of computer he was talking to the teacher so he was behind me and I was listening to what he was saying about his cats..
Heading to bible he was kinda behind me I could hear his keys so he was close
Bible- I glanced like 2 times 😭
Government- looked at him when he was talking
Going down the stairwell Trent called my name and I said *yeah* and he said "who u riding with today for lunch?" And I said *micah gavin gabby* and yeah.. ig he wanted to eat lunch with me but I'll eat lunch with him tomorrow (hopefully)
English- nothing much..we just made eye contact we didn't really talk to each other but I was handing him a piece of paper and ig I was taking long with it so he like made this face idk but I told him I was sorry and then later on during class he poked a hole in micah's slushy cup and it started to drip out so he started laughing and I started laughing with him..and yeah that was pretty much it for today!!
🌼(Wednesday 11/10/21) Anatomy- I walked in and he was at his desk looking amazing as always and then he left to get his lab book and he came back and I looked at him while he was coming to his desk and then he turned to me and said "what's up estrella" and I said "hi" (WHY DID I SAY HI OMG UR SUCH AN IDIOT 🤦)
Okay so after that we had a program to go to and Trent sat behind me!!! And then going back to 2nd period down the hallway I was walking beside him and he turned to me and said "what's up estrella" and I said *hi Trent*
Math/computer- I looked at him a lot!! He came kinda close to me when he was talking to someone behind me and also when he went to talk to the teacher bc he messed up on something..
Heading to bible going up the stairs he started talking to bette and I got jealous just for a bit..
I was approaching the door to get to bible (after going to the bathroom) and Trent was going out and I looked at him and he looked at me and he said "what's up estrella" and I said *hi* with a smile on my face..
Bible- ITS A MIRACLE!! HE FINALLY SAT IN HIS ORIGINAL SEAT!!! YASSSSSS!!! AHHHHHHH!! (That means I can look at him more often) and I looked at him SO MUCH!!
after bible heading to government Trent was behind beside me (iykyk)
Government- the normal looking at him when he talks..
Heading to gavin's car..me and Trent kept looking at each other (I think he wanted me to ride with him)
English- nothing at all except when I looked at him when he was talking about something we made eye contact but he sat at the desk group behind me and it made me upset bc idk it just felt like he didn't want to be near me anymore and didn't like me and like our friendship doesn't mean anything (I'm trying not to cry while writing this) but yeah that was today!..
🌼(Thursday 11/11/21) Anatomy- I was at my desk and he walked in looking amazing like always and then he turned to me and said "what's up estrella" and I said *hi Trent* and I think he kept on glancing at me I'm not sure..
Heading to the c. lab he was behind me
Math/computer- the usual glancing and looking
Bible- he didn't sit in his normal seat but he got signed out bc he had poison ivy on his face..(I hope he's okay) :(
OKAY OKAY OKAY SOOOO AHHHHHH okay let me calm down BUT I texted him bc I wanted to know if he was okay 😭😭 so this is what happened.. this is what I texted him *hey how's ur face doing* and he said something like it doesn't burn anymore.. and I told him *that's good* and he said "your worried about me 😂" and I told him *I mean yeah u have poison ivy on ur face* and he said "makes sense" and I said "yeah just glad ur okay" and then he said "thanks" "wyd" and I told him I was chilling and watching tiktok and he said "damn" "I'm taking a break at work" and I said *that's nice what are u working on today* and he said like a saw table and I said *ohhh nice* and then he said "alright got to go" "talk laters" and I said *alright bye!*
🌼(Friday 11/12/21) Anatomy- he walked in and I was kinda embarrassed of what I texted him yesterday so I just kept my head down but I did look at him when he came thru the door and then bryce started singing and I turned me head to the right and Trent looked at me and said "why are u even at this school" and I said *idk* and I think he kept on glancing at me for like a second idk..
Math/computer- I didn't really look that much bc he had a test in math and I glanced a bit during computer
Heading to bible he was behind me 🦋🦋no bc I legit got butterflies
Bible- I glanced a few times bc he was sitting at his original table 🤪
Government- he was talking and I kept looking at him and we made eye contact like twice 🥴
English- okay so I looked at him A LOT and we made eye contact a lot too!! And then sometime during class he was saying names and he said my name (🦋🦋🦋) and said "are going to make it to college" and i just looked at him like what? Anyways he was being goofy and silly with gavin and I found it funny
After class I went out the door and Trent was behind me and then he walked next to me!!! And we started talking about how he likes to mess with gavin and some other stuff but yeah that was today!!!
🌼(Sunday 11/14/21) okay so I had a weird dream about Trent..okay so the first part of the dream was that I was at disney and I was at some little like playground area but it was inside and I was at some tarp thing with like a beam but I fell off the beam and slid down the tarp and said *weee* and then when I got off it I saw Trent standing at the top where the beam was and he was smiling and when I saw him I started blushing..okay and second part of the dream..okay so this was late at night (I think like 12pm) I was on insta and Trent was active on there and then he started posting pictures and videos of himself..like there was one where he was on like some rock and under the rock there was clear blue water..and there were some of him trying to video himself under water in like a kiddie pool..and there was this last picture of him and marlie..UGHHH!! But in that picture him and marlie were in a kiddie pool on their knees and they were holding hands..when I saw that I was like stunned..he looked happy with her... (idk if they were dating) but yeah that was my dream..
🌼(Monday 11/15/21) okay sooo! He came in late but not that late..and it was a couple of minutes in and then he turned to me and asked about the project we have due in math (he just wanted to know when it was due) but we made eye contact! Gosh I love his green eyes 🥴
Okay so leaving class we walked next to each other!! And then heading down the stairs to the c. lab I was behind Trent and he TALKED TO ME!! He said "hey estrella" and I said *hi Trent* and asked if anything else crazy happened and I told him no just a crazy dream..
Math/computer- I looked at him a lot!!
Bible- okay so he was at his normal seat!!! And I had the best view of him so of course I starred at him A LOT!!!
heading to government he talked to me AGAIN!! He was asking if I was having a good day so far and I told him yupp and then michael slapped his stomach (not that hard tho) but yeah
Government- the normal looking if he was talking..
Okay so after class I was at my locker and then I turned and for a split second me and Trent made eye contact and it was magical!!
English- okay so he put his stuff down at the desk right next to olivia.. I was kinda upset but it all changed when he came back from the bathroom..okay he went to put the pass back on the teacher's desk and then walked thru the back and started to mess with gavin BUT THEN!! he decided to sit at the desk BEHIND ME!!! AHHHHHHH!!! KSKXHDIJXNDLSNN?! but then he went back to his desk when we started checking the work we had to do..
After class we walked next to each other!!! But yeah that was today!!
🌼(Tuesday 11/16/21) okay so I had the weirdest dream about Trent..okay it was a 2 part dream but I don't remember the first part :( but the second part I do remember some of it..okay so what happened was I was in government class sitting where I was yesterday for bucket ball and Trent was at his seat in that class and he was talking to max about how he only dated 2 girls and said something along the lines of he's going to make a move on the girl he likes..idk but yeah that was my dream!
Anatomy- abby sat in his seat which I was upset about but he sat behind micah so ig I had a good view of him :p
Math/computer- I looked at him like the normal looking
Bible- he was at his table but he moved to the table in the corner by himself and I'm still starring at him 🤪 he's adorable :)
F___CKKKKKKKKK!!!! IM GOING TO F_CKING KILL MYSELF!! AJAJHAHAJHHHHHHHHH!!! okay so he came over to where I was and said "estrella estrella estrella" and I said *hi Trent* and then said "I'm talking to everyone so might as well talk to u" and I was like *okay* then asked of anything else crazy happened and I said no and asked him if he had any stories..and he then started talking about bob how he got liquor idk but we made eye contact so much bc I just wanted to just stare at his eyes..those beautiful green eyes 🥴🥴 and yeah
Government- looked at him while he was speaking and I think while he was he would look at me for like a second and then almost at the end of class he started talking about his ex and how it really messed him up and I almost started crying (I had tears in my eyes) but in my head I was saying how if I was ever with him I would never let anything bad happen to him and I would give him all my love and tell him how he deserves the world..
Heading down the stairs to get to the parking lot Trent was behind me :) gosh he will never know the love I have for him (unless I tell him but yk idk when that will be)
English- okay so I sat one up from my seat idk it just felt right and I went to the bathroom and when I came back Trent was sitting at the desk NEXT TO MINE!!! so I sat down and a few seconds later I think he turned to look at me for like a second but I pretended that I didn't see it :p and he started talking so I looked at him and we made eye contact 😌 but yeah!
After class he was behind me but far away and then a teacher said bye to me and then Trent said to me "I said bye buddy to Mr. Pridgen" and I laughed at him and I told him I just bye.. before he left he like stopped for a second in the hallway bc I didn't hear his keys so I looked at him and his back was turned and he left.. but yeah that was today!!!
🌼(Wednesday 11/17/21) Anatomy- he came in late but not that late..so I looked at him while he was at the front walking to his desk..he looks adorable in tie 😍 anyways..he sat down and turned to me and said "what's up estrella" and I said *hi Trent* and he said something about my nails so I just nodded and smiled at him..oh and we made eye contact!
Math/computer- the normal looking and glancing..
NO BC I SWEAR IM GONNA KMSSSSS AHHHHHH HELP ME LORDDDD!!! okay so heading to chapel going down that dark hallway we walked next to each other!!! And he asked if I had any crazy stories and I told him no but I told him about the firetruck thing that happened..and he said "that's a story" and I said *yeah* and then he said like how I painted my nails red with gold and said how he liked them..and of course I said thank you.. and we continued to walk next to each other and then LORDDDD!!! He sat next to me!!!!! My heart was beating so fast and I got butterflies 🦋 and we kept looking at each other and talking a bit..then heading back to the c.lab we kinda walked next to each other for a bit..
Bible- sat in his normal seat and I had the best view of him :p
Government- looked at him when was talking and he went behind me and touched me!!
English- okay so not much happened he sat beside me again!! And almost at the end of class he turned to me and we had a 'conversation' about how u can drive on one side of the road and then turn a bit and become famous (the wrong famous)
After class ig we walked together idk but something happened with a water bottle and I said *mr. Berry walks by* and he laughed I think but yeah that was today!!
🌼(Thursday 11/18/21) Anatomy- okay so I was at my desk and a few seconds later he walked in looking amazing as always then I think he turned to look at me but I pretended like I didn't see it :p and he started talking about what idk but we made eye contact a few times!!
Math/computer- I looked at him like usual not too much or too little
Going upstairs he was behind me!!
Bible- okay so he was at his normal seat and I looked at him A LOT A LOT and he looked at me a couple of times.. everytime he did I would look away THEN..he talked to me and said "what's up estrella" and I said *what's up with u* OMG WHY DID I SAY THAT 🤦🤦🤦
Leaving class he was behind me for a couple of seconds
Government- just looked at him if he was talking
Walking to english Trent asked me if I had a good lunch and I said yeah did u and he said he got cookout and I told them that the nuggets are crispy and said thats what makes them good (or something like that)
English- ugh english 😩 okay SO when I came back from the bathroom Trent was drawing at the board in the back (he drew a pro-lifer idk) then almost at the end of class he was being silly and adorable.. he drew a pen-s on Eli's book and said he had magic powers and said he could read my hands and I said *yeah sure* and he said some other stuff I don't remember but he's getting a haircut tomorrow!!
After class I was at my locker waiting for manda and Trent stayed at his locker for a bit longer than usual and when he was about to leave he said "alright see ya estrella" and I said *bye Trent* and yeah that was today!!
🌼(Friday 11/19/21) okay so before school Trent parked next to micah's car and I was thinking to my self he's smart parking there bc I think he might ask me to ride with him idk but I hope 🤞
Anatomy- okay so he got his hair cut and it looks really good like really good :) and he started talking asking people for pictures for his project so I looked at him and smiled and we made eye contact! He moved to one of the desk in the corner wait he just got up..okay anyways so trying to leave my row I was really close to him..
Math/computer- the normal looking but then after that he came down my row and I was drawing on my computer and he said he liked it and I showed him like this funny looking fish and he said it looked like some pug 😭
Bible- glanced but I tried not too bc he was facing me and it would be obvious I was starring at him
Government- looked at him if he was talking and he walked behind my desk and I got butterflies but before that he was talking to max about how he should find him a timmonsville girl or something and it really hurt me but I want him to be happy and he should be with someone who lives closer to him but yk I wish he could like back..
English- he like looked at me once and then he did it again but I looked at him..made eye contact..and he said "you ready" and I said *ehh sure* (we had a test)
After class he opened the door for me and said "opening the door for estrella" of course I said thank you and we walked together until we got to my locker but walking there he said how that test messed him up and I told him how it felt so long..when we got to our lockers he said "alright see ya estrella" and I said *bye Trent* and yeah that was today!!
🌼(Sunday 11/21/21) okay so I had a dream about Trent!! I'll tell u what happened okay so...this takes place at school..I was waiting for Trent to come out of the bathroom (he took a while) and then he got out and walked towards the door I was waiting at so we could go to lunch..well I walked out the door and held the door open for him but he waited a bit for his friend..but while I was walking down the stairs I was listening to dandelions by Ruth B (my song for him) and when I finally got to the bottom I ran towards a field..then Trent caught up with me and I asked him *can I eat lunch with u* and he said something i just forgot what he said..and then we walked to some water fountain with flowers around it and I told him that I get nervous around him but yeah that was my dream!
🌼(Monday 11/22/21) Anatomy- he came in late but I looked at him when he came in..
Math/computer- when I walked in and Trent was in my row talking to the teacher about his project...but for the rest of both classes I glanced at him..
Bible- sitting in his normal seat! But then the teacher said we had a few seconds to get up and go to another table with people u like or that are smart so he came over to me and was going to sit with me but kylie was going to sit at the table so he left but my head brushed up against his jacket when he went behind me 🦋🦋 oh and he wrote a poem and I thought it was amazing of course..
Leaving class going to government we walked next to each other and I told him that I liked his poem and he said thanks..and we just talked about bryce rapping and stuff..
Government- looked at him if he was talking and he's so adorable answering questions and getting them right 😊
Heading to micah's car we walked next to each other and also going down the stairs 🦋🦋
English- okay so..after he came back from the bathroom he went down the row to my left and said "I'm not gay" and I was okay.. and then we started talking about our parents having yk.. and he turned to me and said how he walked in on his parents having yk and I told him how I can hear them and he said something like how u have to put on some music to stop hearing it..but before that he said like if he had a girlfriend he would talk about her non stop and some other sweet things and my heart just melted bc I really want to be his and he be mine..and after our quiz we traded papers 😍 but yeah.. that was today!!
🌼(Tuesday 11/23/21) Anatomy- abby is sitting at his desk and it made me upset bc I wanted to spend time with him before we go on break but he sat at the second desk from his desk with made me feel better bc I get a good view of him..and lorddd does his hair look good..it looks so fluffy 😌 but yeah oh and he's reading his book which he looks adorable doing...
Heading to the c.lab I was behind him 🤪
Math/computer- I didn't look that much I was busy finishing something..
Bible- I walked in and heading to my seat.. Trent said "what's up estrella" and I said *hi Trent* and yeah other than that just glancing bc he's at the table by the door..
Heading to government he called my name and asked what I'm doing for Thanksgiving and I said I'm staying home and some family friends are coming and I asked him if he did anything and he said he doesn't do anything just work and eat or something like that but while we were talking we were walking next to each other and might of bumped into each other a bit 🦋
Government- glancing nothing major
Okay so in the parking lot Trent was kicking his car like the front part bc he liked the noise it made idk but OMGGG HIS EYES IN THE SUNLIGHT CREATES THE MOST BEAUTIFUL GREEN COLOR EVER!! I was so mesmerized 😵 then we came back to the parking lot infront of the office and then Trent parked his car next to micah's car..gosh he's adorable..
And we walked next to each other until we got to our lockers..
English- he was being goofy and silly and adorable..okay so he talked to me about like some wires idk..then they were stacking desks and I have two videos of that (and both of them Trents in) and then a few minutes later Trent called my name and said that the guys were taking pictures of their crotch and I was like
👁️👄👁️ Anyways..
Leaving class we walked next to each other and he was saying how he likes gavin and michael bc of their muscles idk but yeah that was today!!
🌼(Wednesday 11/24/21) AHAHAHHAHAHHHHHHHHHHHH MY HEART IS GOING TO F_CKING EXPLODEEEE AHHHHHHHHHHHHH I DJDJJDJDJDJDJNDJDJNDB WTFFF IS GOING ONNNN!! IM SHAKING SO BADDDD RNN HOLY MOTHER OFFFF AHHHHHH!!! NO NO I CAN'T!!! THIS IS TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!!! ok ok I'll calm down BUT.. okay so what had happened was that I posted on my story about like this thing where u put the last song u listened to and mine was 'lover boy by A-Wall' and like the part that played was like 'kill the lights..oh baby close your eyes..the way you're looking at me..you got me memorized.. something I can't escape..feel like I'm lost in space..you got that good lovin..girl if u leaving I might throw my heart away'
And he replied to MY STORY!! no bc when I got the notification my heart stopped..no it legit stopped..I couldn't move..I couldn't function straight..and I was shaking texting him..and it went on for like at least 10 minutes..I'm not joking.. anyways he replied saying "good song" and I was like *right it's one of my favorites* and he said "cool" and and I said *yupp* and I thought it was going to end there but BOY WAS I WRONG!! And then LORDDDD..he took a picture of himself of his dog sniffing his ear and said "my dog won't leave me alone" and I was like *aww it's cute* and yeah after that we talked about how he got paint on himself and how I watched movies all day and I sent him that video of pac man smoking and he said "it sounds like me" and I thought that was the end for sure BUT NO!! IT GOT BETTER!! okay so then he said how he doesn't see anymore of those funny pictures of dayana (my friend) and I told him I got bored of them and I told him that I'll get more funny pictures of her and he said how he liked the one I got and he said that I shouldn't change it and I said *what if I do change it* and it took him a few seconds to respond but he said "I'll be sad" and I was like *okay I won't change it I promise* and he sent me an emoji and said "ya" but yeah F_CK WHAT IS MY LIFE I FEEL LIKE IM LIVING IN A WATTPAD BOOK!! HELPPPPP!! And guess what I'm still shaking!!
🌼(Thursday 11/25/21) HE REPLIED TO MY STORY!!! AHHHHHHH!!! He said "I can see you like pink" and I told him I'm in my sister's room and said "I see" and I said *happy Thanksgiving!* And he said "happy turkey day" and I said *yeah* and *did you have turkey* and he said "yeah plenty" and I told him that I ate ham and Mac n cheese and he said "that's all" and that he was going to deliver some food where I was at bc he couldn't have that I only ate a little bit..and I told him I was a picky eater and how my parents made the turkey into molé..and I explained to him what it was..and he said "that cool" and I said *ehh* and he said "just ehh" and I said *yeah ehh* and yeah but he was going to get on the road and I told him to be safe and yeah...
🌼(Saturday 11/27/21) OMG OMG OMG HE F_CKING SENT ME A POST ON IGGG!!! it was like 'some people think that rocks give you super powers and it said have you tried crack and it said brilliant' so I texted back saying *wtf 😭* and then I sent him a photo of cuddle trying to eat my cookie he hasn't answered but yeah!
He replied back 🤪🤪 saying how she's hungry and I typed back she wants it badly and yeah...
🌼(Sunday 11/28/22) HE SENT ME A REEL ON IG!!! AGHHHHHHH!! it was of some police officer saying idk what but yeah I just replied with 😭😭 bc I didn't get it. Help 🆘
🌼(Monday 11/29/21) Anatomy- he just walked in and I looked at him while he was coming to his desk and then he sat down and turned to me and said "hey estrella" and he smiled when he said it LORDD HIS SMILE!! and I said *hi Trent*
Math- just glancing but I looked at him a couple of times and I would have to look down bc he was (I think) looking at me or the teacher idk 😭
Computer- during like the end of it he came down my row so he could ask the teacher like a question for hw and the first time he turned around and looked at me and I smiled..the second time he came back again and then when he finished he looked at me while he went back to his desk..
Bible- he didn't sit in his seat and said like he wasn't going to sit there ever again..it kinda made me upset but it is was it is..but I glanced like 6 times..
While I was walking out someone did something idk and Trent said "you almost something something my girl estrella" (I'm his girl 🤪) anyways...
Heading to my locker we walked next to each other!!! He asked how my day was and I said *good so far* and asked how my Thanksgiving was and I told him that I got a story and he said "might eat lunch with me so I can hear it" (or something like that) IM EATING LUNCH WITH TRENT!! YASSSSSS!! and then I told him how I noticed his boots were green and then he said he looked like that grinch and laughed.. and we touched arms!!!
Government- looked at him if he was talking that's about it
Okay so going to the stair well and walking down it we walked next to each other and he said he was ready to hear the story and I told him that it wasn't as crazy as the last one but yeah..heading to his car we talked about gavin's prayer and I told him I almost started laughing and yeah..
When I got in his car he helped me put my book bag in the back seat and yeah we headed to cook out bc he was feeling it.. and we just talked and stuff like how someone in his family made like a pumpkin cheesecake and I told him that sounds really good and then he asked the story that happened and yeah I told him what happened and yeah..he said something but I don't remember what he said..and then I asked how he got paint all over himself and he explained how and then we talked about some other stuff that I don't remember and he showed me like a knife he had and I was cool 😎 (I touched it 🤪) and yeah..he then like helped max with some bolts he had loose idk but I left so I wouldn't get written up..I wanted to wait for him but yk..
English- okay so when he came back from the bathroom..LORDDDD IDK IF IT WAS MY EARS FAILING ME OR IF HE ACTUALLY SAID THIS!! okay I'll tell you what he said..he said "I'm sorry we had to cut our date short I had some mechanical issues" DATE?! DATE?!?!?!?!? WHATT?!?!?!!!!!!! (I kept thinking about it all period and I'm still thinking about it writing this rn) (3:36 pm) anyways..but I told him that it was okay..and asked if he fixed it.. and I think he said he did he just tightened it..and yeah after that I just kept looking at him if he was talking.. and yeah that was today!!!!
🌼(Tuesday 11/30/21)  Anatomy- okay so bette sat in his seat which I was really upset about but he sat in hers so I couldn't really glance at him :(
Math/computer- nothing other than glancing and looking at him when he was talking oh and I went up to grab some checks and he handed me some and said "you need some checks" and he gave them to me and I said *thank you*..but after math I went to the bathroom and after I came back walking down the stairs Trent was going up them and said "hey estrella" "what's up estrella" HE SAID MY NAME TWICE 🦋🦋 anyways I said *hi Trent* and yeah!
Bible- didn't sit there but I glanced like 3 times
Heading to my locker he was behind me! And going to government I bumped into his bookbag
Government- I didn't really look at him bc I was just waiting to get signed out but before I did we had a quiz and I asked kaisey for a sheet of paper and before she could tear it out Trent called me and asked if I needed paper and tried to give me a sheet but I told him I already asked kaisey..he looked kinda sad and I felt bad :( but anyway that was today bc I got signed out so yeah!!

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