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🌼(Friday 10/1/21) Anatomy- we were in the lab I looked at him when he came in and looked at him through a mirror but that was it. Heading to comp. Lab I was behind him and saw his mole again!!
Math/computer- I just glanced. Heading to bible he was behind me and I blushed and got butterflies.
Bible- just looked
Government- glancing nothing new but his dimples tho 😵
English- nothing much just looking bit toward the end of class he said to eli "show the video to estrella of how to get monkey aids" I'm traumatized now but yeah that it for today!!
🌼(Saturday 10/2/21) THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY ENTIRE LIFE 😭😭😭 HE TEXTED ME!!!! MY HEART WAS BEATING SO FAST AND I HAD THE BIGGEST SMILE ON MY FACE!! 😁😁😁. I had a normal conversation with him and I texted to completely normal but inside I was FREAKING OUT!!! SOMEONE HELP ME!!! We kept texting each other!! I'm losing my mind!! Idk what to do anymore my life feels so complete 💕 I wish I could text him like this all the time 🥺 he makes me happy! I wish he could know that 😊 I don't know what I did to deserve him to text me so much but I enjoyed every second of it 😊😊
🌼(Monday 10/4/21) before I got in the class I saw him in the parking lot and he looked amazing! Anatomy- he came in and said "hey estrella" and I said hey trent with the biggest smile on my face.. he asked me how was the party and I said it was okay..then in the middle of class he got up and his keys touched my desk!! Then he went to grab tissues and I looked at him LORD WHY IS HE SO ADORABLE!!
Math/computer- looked at him a lot and he walked behind me to get to the teacher!! I blushed..
Bible- looked at him a lot.. I tried not to make eye contact
Government- he got written up for what idk but I feel bad but I did look at him which was great
English- I was walking in and trent let me go in first which was nice and I felt appreciated 😊 he saw me eating a lollipop and I told him I got it from the party..he was talking about something and he made silly faces and looked adorable.. he smiled and his dimples were showing 🥴🥴 I SWEAR HE LOOKED AT ME FOR A SECOND!!
🌼(Tuesday 10/5/21) before I went in I saw him driving his car he looked so good like always :) Anatomy- looked adorable as always
Math/computer- I looked at him a lot
Bible- I looked at him A LOT bc he's adorable and that smile.. oh and his adorable dimples :) and I think we made eye contact for a second bc I kept on looking at him every second🥴..he also pointed at me idk what that was but whatever..he's talking to ellie and it's making me jealous :(
Government- nothing much just looked at him while he was talking and towards the end marlie's chair hit my desk and trent kept saying "geez marlie you almost knocked out estrella" he repeated it until he stopped but yeah.. my face was probably so red..
English- I looked at him and I tried not to make eye contact bc looking him straight into his eyes makes me nervous..
-✿- OMG SOOO I ASKED HIM TO ESCORT ME FOR HOMECOMING!!! (My hands are sweating so hard rn!!) AND HE SAID YESS!! IM THE HAPPIEST GIRL IN THE WORLD!! I just realized we have to hook hands... AHHHHH OMG IM GOING TO DIE!! (My heart is beating so fast rn HELP MEH!!) I can't breathe!! BUT HE SAID YESS !! he said I'm not letting you walk alone and that just melted my heart! He's so sweet 🥺 I'm so lucky he's in my life and that we are good friends I wish we were more but yk step by step and hopefully he will be mine someday..(if I get the courage to tell him I like him) Im almost to the point of crying rn bc of how lucky I am to have him.. he's everything I ever wanted.. he's just perfect..( I'm actually crying rn there's tears in my eyes) (update I'm sobbing) -✿-
🌼(Wednesday 10/6/21) before class I saw him walking in the parking lot..cant put into words how amazing he looks Anatomy- he was behind me coming into class..we sat down at the same time 🥴 after I came back from the office I sat down and he TALKED TO ME!! He said "I'm surprised you asked me" and I said why.. then he said "look at me" (I almost said but you look great) he was swooshing his hair back and I almost passed out..and we made eye contact through the whole thing.. and I told him "I mean we're friends" and that was that.
Math- looked at him the usual
After chapel we came back to the c. lab and during the whole thing I looked at him we may or may have not made eye contact a few times..
Government- he's reading his book rn and looks adorable doing that..
English- I looked at him a lot a lot bc he was talking to the people around him and I was interested in what he was saying.. while he was talking I kept on looking into his eyes bc they are memorizing 😵
After class I was at my locker and he said before he left "see ya estrella" and I turned and looked at him and said "bye trent" and yeah that was today!
🌼(Thursday 10/7/21) Anatomy- I sat down and I was tearing up my lab that we needed to turn in and he asked to borrow it..of course I said yes and I handed it to him..then abby came in with shirts so I gave trent my money to give to abby and I looked into his beautiful green eyes 🥴..
Math/computer- looked at him a lot like the usual
Bible- he handed me a piece of paper and told me "my very good friend estrella" (in my head I said I wish we were more) but i looked at him like every 5 seconds bc why not but I would look away when I see him look up..
Government- before class he walked next to me and told me "you ready for that test" and I asked him which one and he said "history did u not study" and I said no really confused but I think he was messing with me..during class just the normal glancing..
English- sat closer bc my chair was missing but yeah I would glance once in a while..
Walking to my locker he was walking behind me and in my head I was saying to stay calm..then he said my name and I got butterflies 🦋 he said how's he's going to slick his hair back before we walk out..and I told him it would look like a mullet..then said something about wearing a wig and I just smiled like an idiot the whole time (while making eye contact might I add)..but yk idc bc he makes me happy 😊
He viewed my STORY ON IG!! I'm so happy rn 😊 i don't even know why just him in general is everything I want and need in life
🌼(Friday 10/8/21) Anatomy- walked into class and he's reading his book and looks adorable doing that 😁. Bryce said that all the quiet girls are going to dominate the powder puff game and then trent said "estrella about to tackle someone" and I just laughed.. when he said my name I got butterflies 🦋..
Math/computer- I looked at him a lot and I think he was looking at me a few times I wasn't sure 😅
But yeah that was that for today bc I got signed out :p
🌼(Saturday 10/9/21) I posted a story on ig and HE SAW IT!! and all day he was active but he would take short breaks and then come back on and yeah its a rollercoaster of emotions when I see him active..
🌼(Sunday 10/10/21) so basically I posted a story saying *finally get to go home* and it was like 1:30 in the morning and he saw it!! My heart always skips a beat when he views my stuff..but earlier I went on a stalking spree and decided to see if he had a Facebook..so of course I found him and went to see if he posted pictures..and..THEY WERE THE MOST ADORABLE PICTURES I HAVE EVER SEEN!! He's so cute and adorable!! I found some pictures of him when he was little and they are so cute my heart melted 🥺♥️ but yeah..

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