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"I can't... I can't take this anymore." I groaned out. " This position is hurting me, can we try something else?" My eyebrows curled up.

"I don't care if it hurts, keep going." Nasir said sternly as he pushed my back deeper towards the ground.

My eyes widened from the feeling of being stretched out in such a way. "Oh my God, I'm gonna--"

"Stop complaining, it's almost over." I whined for a few more seconds, realizing maybe I was doing something I shouldn't. "And... Done. Now that wasn't too bad, was it?"

"Yeah, maybe to you because you weren't being folded like a pretzel." I laid flat on the ground, feeling as if I couldn't move.

"You're being dramatic. It's alway good to stretch after exercise. If you don't, it'll hurt even more." He extended out a tatted hand to me to help me up. I grabbed on and stood up slowly, huffing dramatically. "For this to be your first day of exercise, like ever, you did pretty well Ms. Winters."

"Mrs," I corrected him. He glanced down and finally took notice to the wedding ring that resided on my left hand. "But thank you."

"How long have you been married?" He asked me as I helped him to wipe off the equipment and put it back where we got it from.

"Two years. Been with him for six." I answered.

"You know, you said that with much less enthusiasm than a woman who's happily married would."

I glanced up at him, almost stuck on what to say. I furrowed my brows and chuckled slightly, looking back down at the weight ball I was wiping off. "You're hearing things. It's fine."

"Your marriage is just 'fine?' Not the greatest thing that's ever happened in your life?" He raised an eyebrow at me with his hands on his hips.

"This is a pretty mature conversation for us to only have known each other for an hour." I laughed awkwardly.

"You're right." He nodded with his lips pulled into his mouth as he grabbed a towel and wiped sweat from his forehead. Surprisingly, he did my workouts with me. I don't know if he's also interesting in getting a bigger ass or if he did it so I wouldn't feel embarrassed, but if it's the second option it definitely helped.

"So when will I be seeing you again?" I asked as I looked up at him. For me to be about as close to 6 feet tall as he was, I didn't like the idea of being towered over by this man. It made me feel inferior, compared to my husband whose 5'10" figure balanced me out.

"Whenever works for you. I've got nothing better to do. I would suggest, however, coming back to me Wednesday. A three times a week schedule seems reasonable, and you'll be able to enjoy your weekends."

"Enjoy is a stretch. I'll be busy attempting to sell houses to extremely picky people who don't understand that sometimes if you want things in life you need to do them yourself." I sighed deeply and picked up my purse, slinging it over my shoulder.

"Hey, whatever pays the bills right?"

"Absolutely. I'll see you Wednesday." I smiled as I began to walk off.

I arrived home after grabbing a bite to eat, my mood uplifted by the thought that I was doing something so good for myself. I jogged up the stairs, where my husband was fresh out the shower and getting ready for work.

"Hi, baby." I beamed as I watched him maneuver around the room.

"Hey." He replied blandly.

"You wouldn't believe what I did." I pulled my lips into my mouth and leaned against our dresser, trying to contain my smile.

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