Kids Are Pigs

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Knock. Knock.

"Let me in please! I know I'm already in your debt but I need help again." She requested, knocking on the vigorously. The door creaked open and the son answered.

"Come inside. Did something happen?" The boy interrogated.

"My father- my father he-my- my father. He's after me." Silana stammered. "I was being chased. I don't know where he is now."

" Well let's get down to the basement to hide. "the boy hurried Silana. "I'll meet you down there." Silana rushed down the stairs and shut the door behind her. It's been a while since she last walked down stairs. She's usually always pushed, thrown, or carried. She went to a separate room then her chain table room. Silana hid behind a sofa and tried to stabilize her breathing.

Silana was hiding behind the big couch, meanwhile, the son rushed to her mother's room.

"If some man shows up at the door, don't let him in. It's the mysterious girl's dad. She's in our basement hiding and we need to protect her. That man, or her dad wants to do something bad to her, and I can tell." He insisted. The son ran to the basement and locked the door behind him. The boy trusted his mother to do the job well.

Ding dong. The doorbell vibrated the entire upstairs and shook the mother. She knew exactly who it was. The man her son was just ranting on about.
"Why did that girl have to come here,"she asked herself. The woman opened the door and tried to make up an excuse.

"I'm sorry but my son is.....going through a breakup so we can't let any guest in. We're occupied." The mother lied. She closed the door but it didn't quite shut. The man pushed the door and stabbed the woman in the abdomen. She immediately fell to the floor and tried to add pressure to it. Silana's father stabbed the mother another 19 times in the chest. He chuckled a little then went to the rest of the house.

Silana's father inspected the whole floor then came across the basement door. Bang. Bang. The father banged aggressively on the door but it didn't opened. He through his body into it, managing to break the door down.

He stepped down the steep staircase and Silana started shaking in fear behind the sofa.
"Pumpkin~ Do you want to get hurt like last time?" He giggled. "You better come out! Your friend is going to die by the way. I know your not alone."
She turned to the boy beside her and started losing her breathing control.

"Are you behind here! No. Here! No. Here! No! Where are you?!" The father shouted in frustration. Footsteps approached their sofa and a shadow gloomed over her and the boy. They both looked up and stared. The father grabbed the sofa and his head poked out.

"Hi pumpkin!" He shrilled. The man grabbed a hold of the little boy's neck and strangled him.
"Y'know where I'm from, kids are pigs." The father tightened his grip. "Made to be slaughtered and sold." The boy's face became red and he started to cough.

"Father no! Stop! He doesn't deserve to die!" She begged. The father didn't budge or flinch.
"That woman upstairs didn't either, nor did your quote on quote sister Meliona." The father stated with no hesitation.

"No! She couldn't have died. You're a monster!" Silana shouted. He doesn't even deserve the title monster, but a demon. Her father tightened his grip until the boy fell unconscious. He dropped the boy and grabbed Silana's hair.

Both the father and daughter left the house and headed to a place opposite of their facility. Towards an empty plot. They walked and walked until her dad opened an underground latch. Silana climbed down first, followed by her father.

It was a small room with cement floors and walls. A sign hung over a bulletin board that read "ketsueki". On the bulletin board, it included posters of victims all over the U.S. He was the one who killed all of them. There would be no other explanation. Her father stood by the board and grinned from ear to ear.

"These are my accomplishments." You'll never be up there though. I'm not going to let you die." The father celebrated. He took Silana to a corner and pushed her into the wall.

Her father went scrummaging in his pocket and pulled out a syringe. 3rd time being injected, Silana kicked her father and ran. She didn't know where she was going, all she knew was freedom. Her father chased after her again and grabbed Silana by the shirt collar and yanked her backwards. He twisted her around and rammed the needle into Silana's arm.

"OWWW!!!!!"She screamed. Silana scowled at her father and slid down to the floor. She was persistent to not following her father's orders. Click. Silana's father put a dog collar on her throat.

"This is what happens when you run away. We can't trust you anymore." He lectured. Silana looked away and her father yanked on the leash. He tugged on the leash aggressively until Silana choked. She was then being dragged by the neck into a different room.
"This remind you of anything?"

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