Chapter 4

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The castle had been alive for 3 days with cleaning and preparations. Our messenger/spy had sent us a bird saying that the Princess would arrive in 3 days. It was expected that she would leave so soon but what stunned me was what he wrote about during the audience with the queen.

The Princess Arwen was publicly shamed and humiliated in front of the entire royal court. She insulted your highness and struck her child till she bled. She was called a whore which the kingdom knows of her innocence. But she bears many a scar and a broken heart.

The poor girl.......days had been spent to prepare a royal chamber fit for a queen. She would have her own private bath,chamber and servants. All that she deserved and more, the lords of north and west were here to welcome her. I was walking down the halls with the lords as a watchman ran down to us. "Your grace"he bowed quickly and panted "Wolfe banners have been seen on the horizon!" I blinked and quickly replied "how far and how many?". "7 miles and 35 with a warrior woman leading them with a wolf!".

"Assemble the people at the porticules and courtyard,we must be ready to meet our honored guest." I ordered,the guard nodded and ran to tell others. I turned to the lords and bowed my head "let us get ready,if you'll excuse me gentlemen " I asked and left back to my chambers. Fang followed with his tail wagging, even as he laid down beside me as I grabbed a tunic and boiled leather vest. I grabbed a black cloak with fasteners fashioned in the shape of a sword.

I looked in a mirror to see how aged I looked,I had the beginnings of a beard that made me look 18 which in truth I was just 15 and a man grown. I had the hair of my mother,brown that went down below my ears. Dark brown eyes of the forest, I was believed to be the last wolvenborn male.......God how old I looked.....

I snapped out of my thoughts and grabbed my crown which resembled swords hammered out of iron. I grabbed my sword and tied it with a dagger before walking out and being followed by guards. At the end of the hall that led to the royal chambers were the princess would stay waited 20 lords in their finest cloaks and garments. 10 lords of the north and west, fang was extremely eager about something. The lords bowed and followed me as we walked to the main courtyard followed by a large company of guards. The courtyard was huge,enough to hold half a legion of soldiers. We stood at one of the openings the castle, fang was getting restless like I was.

A howl broke through the air followed by the sound of horns,my mother ran out in her best dress with a beautiful crown of crystal in the shape of a flower. "Forgive me Corvus" she panted, I smiled "you look lovely anyways". She blushed,her long brown hair flowing down past her waist. She had spent her time getting ready and she looked like the beauty I had seen painted in portraits. Another howl broke through the air,followed by another howl which fang responded to. My mother looked at him "why didn't he howl the first time?" She looked confused,I smiled and looked at her "because that was a humans howl". Her eyes were round from shock but before she could respond soldiers rode through the gates and a horn blew. Our men had returned and pulled to the far side of the courtyard, in rode a girl carrying a bow and quiver across her back with swords and a dagger.

Her flaming red hair lit by the sun creating flames that licked the wind. Feathers of Eagles,Hawks, and falcons streamed through her hair . Her skin was white as the first winter snow,like the first snowflake that falls to the ground. Her eyes.......caught my very soul......they were green like the forest,like the greens of summer. I was drawn to her as she rode closer,she also wore a crown of ivy that made her look....noble....yet like a fairytale. My heart was skipping beats and I could feel it pulse throughout my body,God be merciful......

"My prince" echoed lord Armsmith smiling , "May I present to you Princess Arwen of house Wolfe, Princess of Klosios and her sole heir,Guardian of night,child of the forest ,daughter of wolves and Warrior of the west. Last of the wolvenborn children". She dismounted gracefully,her body flowed with her movements. Like a gentle fawn grazing.....dammit snap out of it! " Princess Arwen" Lord Wolfsbane bellowed and smiled"may I present to you your host Prince Corvus of house Swordsworth ,warrior of the north,master of sword,keeper of peace and justice. Last Alpha of the wolvenborn children. And his mother Queen Analia, Queen of the north and giver to the people ".She walked over and bowed before us, I was shocked to see her wolf do the same. Yet I was more shocked to see the Princess Arwen bowing before me,many royal families had visited....yet nothing was compared to the amount of respect and submission than her display.

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