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{3rd person P.O.V.}

Shelby zipped up her bag as she sighed. The bruise was covered and undetectable. She fixed her hair, quickly, and hurriedly went to her homeroom. She sat next to a boy with a country accent and adorable brown, curly, hair, Georgie Cooper. She knew his brother was also in their grade but she didn't have any classes with him. Shelby guessed he must have been in the very advanced classes if he was young and already in high school.

"Hey Shelby." Gerogie's voice painted a smile on Shelby's face.

"Hello Georgie." She sat down and set her things down as well.

"How've you been?" She giggled. They started their conversations like this every morning. Hello, how've you been? Good! Me too!

"Wonderful, actually. How about you?" He shrugged.

"Good, I think I'll be tired after practice though." Shelby didn't see the football coach much, she could hardly see his face when she tried to remember who he was.

"the football coach, he's your Dad, right?" Georgie nodded, his curls bouncing slightly. "He'd be a good volleyball coach, our coach is a creep." Georgie saw Shelby grimace as she grabbed a paper and pencil from her bag. Georgie eyebrow's furrowed with confusion.

"Really? Why don't you tell any of the teachers." She laughed.

"We have, they could care less." Georgie looked at the ceiling for a moment.

"I could ask my Dad about it, maybe my sister would like volleyball too." Shelby jolted up. She was an only child, but she'd always wished for a little sibling. Specifically a little sister. She wished she could tell others how annoying her siblings were, but if she dare say she wished for siblings to anyone that had them they'd look at her as if she were some kid of odd creature.

"You have a little sister?" She asked, Georgie nodded in response as he searched through his messy backpack for a pencil.

"Her name's Missy, her and Sheldon are twins." Shelby smiled.

"I'd love to meet them some day." Georgie's head rose from out of his bag, a small smile growing across his face. He had the greatest idea that he'd ever gotten, even Sheldon would agree.

"I bet if I asked my mom, she'd let you come over for dinner." Shelby felt her heart warm at Georgie's smile. She'd always thought he was cute, but she'd always gotten the vibe that he enjoyed being friends and nothing more. However, that wasn't the case for Georgie. He thought that a girl like Shelby would never like a guy like Georgie, and if that was the case then he was just glad to be friends.

"I'd love that Georgie." She whispered with a grin on her face. Georgie would glance at her throughout class. He believed that Shelby was the prettiest girl out there. Every face she made was pretty. When she was dedicated to writing whatever their English teacher was trying to teach, and a piece of hair, or two, would fall into her face. Or when she simply looked to the front of the classroom and paid attention to whatever lecture they were being given, her blonde hair tucked behind her eyes, her long eyelashes that batted when she blinked, and every now and then when she applied chap-stick to her light pink lips. Georgie couldn't get enough of her.


"You don't like him?" Shelby smiled and picked at what the school called macaroni and cheese as her friend scoffed. She simply didn't believe that nothing romantic was blossoming between Shelby and Georgie Cooper.

"No Leah, we're just friends." She snorted.

"Really? You guys talk all the time. I bet you know everything about him." Shelby rolled her eyes. Sure, Shelby thought Georgie was cute but that didn't necessarily mean she liked him. Okay, maybe she did like him but that was her business. Why should she tell anyone else? She wasn't embarrassed about liking him, she just didn't wanna freak Georgie out.

"I doubt it." Leah thought for a moment.

"What's his favorite color?" She asked. That was an easy one.

"Dark green."

"Does he have any siblings?" She asked.

"Two younger siblings, there twins." Shelby just figured that out today.

This went on for the rest of lunch.
A/n: i'm sorry for disappearing for about a year or so but I remembered the password to my other wattpad account (vintagevqbes) and decided to mostly write on there. But, most of the books on here are pretty cool so, here we are. Not sure when I'll update again, but I hope you enjoyed the much better writing lmao.

Word Count:768

𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐎𝐘, Georgie CooperWhere stories live. Discover now