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{3rd person P.O.V.}

Shelby took a big breath and knocked on the door of the Cooper household. It was Friday night, Shelby's Dad was at work and Georgie's Mom said that she could come over for dinner that night. Georgie did warn Shelby that Sheldon doesn't really have a filter, so he just says what he thinks.

Shelby was slightly nervous that Gerogie's family wouldn't like her but Georgie reassured her that they would absolutely love her. She smoothed out her skirt and her shirt with nervousness, her mind racing as her hands went cold. That usually happened when she was nervous.

"Guys! Georgie's friend is here so stay calm!" Shelby giggled as, who she guessed to be, Mrs. Cooper opened the door. "Why hello sweetheart, come right on in." She smiled as she let Shelby inside.

"Thank you for having me, Mrs. Cooper." Mary put a hand on Shelby's shoulder in a soothing manner. It was obvious that the girl was nervous, but Mary was sure everything would go smoothly tonight.

"Please, call me Mary." Georgie suddenly emerged from the kitchen, a smile quickly forming on his face.

"You want me to introduce you to everybody?" He asked. Georgie was nervous as well. He knew Missy wouldn't be too bad, she'd probably just ask Shelby about girly stuff, it was Sheldon that he was worried about. And his mom too. Sure, Sheldon said rude stuff out loud but his mom gave obvious looks that were just as bad.

"Sure." Shelby followed him into the living room where two younger kids sat and Coach George Cooper sat in his chair drinking a beer. The TV was playing some cartoon that Shelby hadn't ever seen. She was never allowed to watch cartoons growing up, her dad said it would rot and contaminate her brain so she was never allowed to watch them.

"Whoa, that's your friend?" The girl asked, her eyes looking Shelby up and down. It made Shelby glance at her outfit, wondering if she dressed too casual or too formal.

"I'm surprised she'd be friends with you." The boy blurted, making Shelby laugh a little.

"Sheldon!" Mary scolded, Shelby could see in Mary's eyes that she was pleading Sheldon to be quiet and be nice. Shelby looked at Georgie who rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, she's my friend." The little girl and Sheldon ran up to Shelby and Georgie as Mary retreated to the kitchen. Surely these weren't the twins, they looked nothing alike, but they could also be fraternal.

"That's Missy and that's Sheldon. You guys this is Shelby." Missy smiled at Shelby, thinking she was pretty.

"I love your hair!" Missy exclaimed, Shelby ran her fingers through her hair as she glanced at it.

"Thank you, your hair is absolutely beautiful." Missy's cheeks went a shade of pink as her fingers flew to her hair.

"Are you really Georgie's friend or are you his girlfriend?" Sheldon asked, tilting his head slightly to the side. Shelby glanced at Georgie as she felt her cheeks get incredibly hot.

"No Sheldon, we're not dating." Georgie confessed before he took Shelby, by her hand, over to sit by his Dad.

"Dad, do you know Shelby?" He looked at Shelby.

"Yeah, Mr. Katz star volleyball player." He responded, smiling at me. Shelby couldn't exactly tell if Missy played a sport or not but she knew Sheldon didn't. Having a different kid playing a different sport was probably exciting for him.

"That's me." She chuckled.

"So how you liking volleyball?" He asked, glancing at the TV.

"Well, that's why I mentioned it." Georgie interjected, his dad glanced between the two of them. Even George, as hard headed and not the slightest bit observant as he was, could tell that the two teens in front of him liked each other. It was as if it were obvious to everyone but them.

"What do you mean?" Mr. Cooper asked, furrowing his eyebrows just like Georgie.

"Well, Mr. Katz is a creep." Mr. Cooper sighed, nodding slowly.

"Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone thought that too. None of the teachers care enough to do anything about it though." Shelby nodded.

"Well why do you become the volleyball couch?" Mr. Cooper held his beer to his lips. He didn't drink it, he just sat it on his lips as he thought.

"I'll propose the idea to the school, son." Shelby smiled. She hoped that Mr. Cooper would become the volleyball coach.

"Dinners ready!"
Word Count:727

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