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Georgie and Shelby sat next to each other before Mrs. Cooper made everyone meatloaf with green beans and mashed potatoes. They prayed before they ate, Shelby thought it was a bit odd that Sheldon had to have gloves on to do so but she didn't ask questions, and everyone quickly started talking.

"So what's your favorite subject in school?" Sheldon asked. Shelby was sure whatever class she was in would be terribly easy for Sheldon, but she prided herself in knowing that she had all A's and most of her classes weren't too hard anyways. For her, anyways.

"Probably gym or Language Arts." Sheldon furrowed his eyebrows, a look of disgust finding its way onto his face.

"Why would anyone like gym?" Shelby shrugged.

"I play volleyball, and most kids that are on athletic teams tend to enjoy it more than others that don't." He nodded, but Shelby could tell he didn't agree.

"Oh, you play volleyball?" Mrs. Cooper asked as she eyed me up and down. Shelby knew the outfits her team wore for volleyball, weren't ideal. Sometimes guy's would come to the gym and watch them play just because of their tight clothing. Some even thought they played volleyball for the attention from them. That wasn't the case at all, they just wanted to play a sport just like everyone else. They clothing helping them get to the ball easily.

"Yes, it's a lot of fun." Missy perked up.

"I want to try volleyball!" Missy exclaimed, smiling at her parents.

"Maybe sometime I could teach you some things." She smiled wider.

"She's really good at it, Missy." Georgie added, Shelby flashed him a smile. She checked the watch that clung to her wrist, it was about an hour until she had be be home. Shelby was glad. She already liked Georgie's family.

"Hey guys MeMaw's here!" An older lady came through the door. As soon as Missy and Sheldon heard the front door shut and sasw their Memaw walked into the dinning room entrance, they stood and ran to her before suffocating her with their hugs.

"That's my grandma, everyone calls her MeMaw." Georgie whispered to Shelby before the twins returned to their seats Memaw sat at the other end of the table, across from Mr. Cooper, Shelby nodded. She seemed nice enough but then her eyes met with Shelby's.

"You must be Georgie's little girlfriend." Shelby's face went hot.

"Uh no MeMaw, we're not dating." Georgie answered, but Memaw simply smirked.

"I bet it'll turn out differently."


Shelby sat on the couch, next to Georgie. Georgie thought he was sly as he fake yawned and sneakily put his arm on Shelby's shoulders. As soon as Shelby realized Georgie's arm was draped on top of her shoulders, her whole body tensed and went hot. She was sure her face was redder than a tomato, and if it wasn't obvious that she liked Georgie before then it was definitely obvious now.

"Ya know, this movie's kinda scary so don't be embarrassed if you get scared." Georgie whispered, causing Shelby to gulp.

"I don't get scared easily." She responded, embarrassed by how shaky her voice was.

"You certainly sound scared." Shelby flashed him a playful glare that made him smile. Shelby's whole body was hot with embarrassment, except for her wrist because of the cool metal that plated the watch. Suddenly, Shelby remembered that she hadn't checked her watch in while, and she still had a curfew. She quickly looked at her watch before she shot up out of her seat and started to grab her things.

"I'm so sorry, I have to go before my dad gets home." Shelby whispered to Georgie. Luckily, Georgie had convinced his parents to go to their room while Shelby and him watched a movie. Shelby was glad the two were left alone, and even more glad now because if an adult were out here with them then they'd start asking questions.

"O-Oh, I guess I'll see you at school then?" Shelby frowned at the very obvious disappointment threaded within Georgie's voice. Georgie stood just as Shelby grabbed her coat before Shelby turned to him.

"I'm really sorry Georgie, I wish I could stay longer." Shelby felt a sudden burst of confidence as she leaned forward and pressed a small kiss onto Georgie's cheek. As she pulled away, she saw a small blush that dusted his cheeks. "I'll see you at school," Shelby gave Georgie a small smile before he watched her leave. He could feel his heart beating in his throat as he brought a hand up to touch his cheek. Shelby had kissed him. His fingers grazed that area she'd kissed, a goofy smile forming ear to ear.

A/n: again, I'm not sure when I'll post a (real) update because I'm currently editing the other books on this account as well as posting on my other account. I'll try and remember all of the idea's I had for this book, love y'all!

Word Count:817

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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𝐇𝐄𝐋𝐏𝐋𝐄𝐒𝐒 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐎𝐘, Georgie CooperWhere stories live. Discover now