Chapter 9.

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I'm starting to believe the worst things happen to the best people. Landon and Renee have been getting serious lately, but they got into a car accident driving home from their first official date as a couple. Renee will be wearing a boot for 6-8 weeks because she broke her ankle in two different places. Landon is unable to drive until his stitches are removed from his eyelid and nose (not doctors order, but his parents). As for Jason and I, things are great.

This coming Friday is the last Friday before spring break. He leaves to visit his family in Macedonia. I would like to say I'm not upset, but I am. He and I have frequently been out on dates. We've done just about every ice cream shop and frozen yogurt store within our region.

I heard Jason's car horn and realized he was already here. We were going to see the midnight premiere for the movie "Insurgent" with Renee and Landon, but because Landon cannot drive, Jason is. I sat in the passenger seat, closed the door and leaned over the center console and kissed him on the cheek, "Hi Jace!". He smiled. I buckled my seat belt and turned to look at Renee.

"Hey crips. How's the backseat treating you?" Renee rolled her eyes.

"Turn around jackass, you're distracting me. I'm trying to reread the rest of this book before the movie starts" Renee had her overhead light on her book and was legitimately reading.

"Why are you with her, Lan?"

"Intelligence is attractive, and when she pushes up her glasses, it pulls me in closer. I'm so infatuated with her and the little things she does..." He looked at her, and I saw her smile.

"Quit being a cheese ball. You didn't want to watch Glee with me today when we were cuddling after school!" She nudged him. For a second, you could see the sparkle in Renee's eye. This sparkle meant she was genuinely happy and I haven't seen that in so long.

"Alright, go get the drinks and popcorn, we'll get the tickets!" Landon and Renee stated. Renee was still reading, so Landon was actually picking up the tickets.

Jason and I walked to the stand and purchased the food when I heard the familiar voice of Cooper. I turned to my left and there he was. With our school's biggest sleeze... Next to them was Zach. With.

Oh my God. Of course he's with her. That's why she stopped being our friend. Of course.

"Marie, what kind of salt do you want on the popcorn?" Jason asked. I pointed to the iodized salt, feeling Renee's hand on my shoulder.

She whispered into my ear, "Assholes. Of course they drove out here. Of course they are with those two. Oh well, they probably cheated on us the entire time with them. Boy am I glad I didn't go further than kissing with that sleeze-ball" I chuckled loudly, nodding in agreement

As we got our seats in the theater, Jason moved the arm between our seats and I leaned my head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around my waist, holding me close.

"I know he's here, you don't have to worry about him ever hurting you again. I won't let it happen. I care and feel for you too much" he rubbed my side, slightly squeezing it.

"Thank you so much, Jace. I don't know what I'd do if you weren't my best friend and boyfriend all in one" I looked up at him and he placed a soft peck on my lips.

The movie ended and Renee was starving (as always).

"Steak 'n Shake sounds delicious. Let's go!" Jason turned into the parking lot like a madman.

As we were seated, Renee called her mom.

"We stopped to eat. We won't be long I promise mom!" She hung up and set her phone back on the booth table.

I saw Jason's phone light up. I tried glancing at it, but he pulled it away quickly.

Moments later, our waiter came out.

"Marie, is it?" He asked.

"That is me!" I answered.

"We have a phone call for you up at the register, would you take it?" I stood up and walked towards the register.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Turn around" it was Renee.

I turned around and there it was... My promposal.

Lauren, Landon, Renee, and Micah had shirts on spelling "PROM", the letters created out of coupons for Dunkin. At the end of the line was Jason, with a huge milkshake and flowers. His shirt was a question mark.

I ran to hug him, he set the milkshake and flowers down.

"Yes, a million times, yes!!" I embraced him, holding on tight.

"I have been working on this for a while and the manager said tonight would be a busy night and I wanted a crowd!" He kissed my head.

As we piled back into his car, I locked eyes with him.

"Jason, you're the greatest thing to happen since milkshakes from DQ..,"

"Marie, you're the greatest thing to happen since I met Landon.."

"Jason, you're great and I'm lucky!"

"Marie, you're beautiful and I'm in love..." He reached across the seat and cupped my face in his hands, kissing me with passion.

For the first time in a long time, I felt fireworks and butterflies.

A/N: HOW DO YOU FEEL NOW? Does the heart you have hurt? Are you envious? Do you hate it? Let me know!!

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