Chapter 2: Midnight

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"I will definitely save you, Yuuchan."

The thought lingers inside his mind, and slowly, the blond's eyelids flutter open. Since when did he have them closed? He can't quite recall. Despite letting his eyes dart around, expecting light to invade his vision, he is still in absolute darkness.

He stands still, not having the courage to roam around wherever he is. Even though he can't remember how, or why he is there, he knows one thing that is for sure. He is not supposed to be there. Where is he supposed to be?

He doesn't know.

But there is a strong feeling inside his chest. He needs to move. He needs something. He has to find it, whatever he is yearning for. But how can he, when he is all alone, cold, and afraid in the darkness?

He thinks of that too soon. "Come out! I am not scared of you!" He hears a voice. Small and high pitched, one of a child's to own. He regains his composure, reassuring himself that it is going to be alright. A kid can't possibly hurt him.

He creeps out of the dark, not minding his pace and surroundings resulting in him banging his forehead against a hard wood quite intensely. It feels like his head is spinning for a short while, hands roaming around the space to grab onto something. By then, he realizes that he is actually in a cramped space.

Carefully, his hands push against the hard wood he accidentally runs into. Turns out, he is behind the door all along. No wonder it is so dark. He inspects the room quietly. The light is off, but he manages to identify a few things like the wardrobe, bookshelf and a bed. There is a girl sitting up on the bed, mattress shuffling as she moves.

"Come on out, don't be shy." The little girl persuades, voice gentle and welcoming. The blond hesitates, but he approaches the girl anyway, as he doesn't find himself another choice to pick. His mind gradually shuts down, leaving his head blank and thoughtless. His body moves on instinct alone while he walks up to the girl, his steps not so fast and not too slow.

Upon standing in front of her, just beside the bed, he motionlessly just waits for her to say something. Or do anything. Because what is he supposed to do, dance? Do magic? Scare her? If he does attempt the last thought, the blond might as well just go 'boo!' and he will retreat behind the door as she laughs at his terrible attempt.

"Sit. We can chat for a bit if you want. The dark is quite lonely, isn't it?" The little girl questions, offering him a soft smile. She is right. The space behind that open door is not just narrow, but also dark, cold and lonely. His lips parted, feeling the need to answer her after a while of silent treatment. She seems nice, so why would he act cold towards her when he actually hates the cold, too?

"..yes. I would like that." He retorts slowly, not wanting to scare her if he talks too loudly out of sudden. He sits on the edge of her bed, and the little girl looks very pleased with him. Perhaps, he might enjoy this girl's company. The girl shifts slightly, leaning forward just a little showing her interest to get to know him.

"I like your voice." She compliments, but poor blond doesn't know how to respond to it. And so, he just stays still and scratches his nape awkwardly. The girl shakes his bland reaction off, acting like it doesn't change a thing. Well, nothing actually changed. At least for her.

"Why are you here? Are you lost?" She questions him, staring with big doe eyes. The blond ponders about it for a while, and decides that he might be lost after all. "Perhaps." He answers, not quite certain despite not having any defense on why he is not lost. He fidgets with his fingers looking down and staring at them. His instinct screams at him to stop thinking. Once again, his mind shuts down.

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