Chapter 1 - Suddenly

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Akito was laying on the ground, his head on Isuzu's lap. She had a blank stare in her eyes as she looked outside the open door, leaning on the wall. A nice breeze was coming in.

"What are you thinking about?" Akito asked suddenly. Isuzu looked at him.

"I was thinking of Hatsuharu." She said. He moved, sitting up.

"Why? He's just a dumb ox." Akito said as he tilt his head.

"Or are you thinking about when I told both you and him no?" He asked. Isuzu was silent. Akito pulled her into a hug, stroking her hair.

"You all are mine. You can't date anyone, not even a member of the zodiac. None of you can. You all belong to me because I love you. I love you all more then anyone else could." Akito said. Isuzu had tears as he spoke. He moved and smiled, wiping her eyes.

"We all will be together soon. We will be together forever. We have a bond that no one can brake so no tears." He said and moved back, laying his head in her lap, playing with her long hair.

"B-But...What if..." Isuzu starts. Akito looked at her, seeing that she was covering her mouth as she cried.

"W-What if...he starts to date in secret...starts to date her?" Isuzu crys. Akito is quiet, listening.

"They always go there. He sees her every day at school." Isuzu says as she wipes her eyes. Akito reaches up and caresses her cheek.

"Who?" Akitio asks. Isuzu looked at him.

"T-Tohru Handa." She said. Akito glares and sits up.

"You all talk about her. Its always Tohru this and Tohru that! Every one of you! What about me? I'm your god!" Akito yells. Isuzu is scared. Akito sees her fear, takes a deep breath and lays back down. He was facing her as he laid on his side.

"Don't be afraid. I won't hurt you." He says and takes her hand in his. Isuzu calms down a bit. Akito then calls for one of the servants.

"Yes my lord?" She asks as she enters.

"Summon Shigure for me. I wish to speak to him immediately." He says. She bows and leaves. He then grabs some on Isuzu's hair.

"Your mane is so pretty. Like a night sky." He says. Isuzu feels warmth in his words, but doesn't smile. It was like that for all the members, but Akito only summons the main twelve. It was very rarely that he asked for Kyo but Akito did try and spend at least a full week with each one, even Kyo when he did summon him. This week was Isuzu's turn. The zodiac members and him would normally talk, go for walks or, like today, just relax in each others company.

Akito never felt the need to hurt them but he did need to show them who was in control so he had a temper but he never once hurt a member of the zodiac on purpose. He once got mad when Hatori told him about Kana and broke a mirror out of rage and some of the glass got in Hatori's eye, leaving him almost blind in it. Akito hated himself that he had hurt his dragon so badly.

But thats why he also told them they couldn't be with anyone romantically, but he never told anyone that it was because he was jealous. Akito was jealous because the members of the zodiac could find love with others, while he couldn't. He was told he could only be with someone from the zodiac, but it felt wrong to be with them romantically. It felt like, to him, he would be sleeping with someone he was related to by blood, even though they weren't.

"Thank you." Isuzu said, braking him from his thoughts. Akito smiled sweetly at her.

"Your welcome, my little horse." He said.

'But thats ok. We will still have each other, forever.' He thinks before the door opens.

"You asked for me?" Shigure asked as he walked in. He was visiting Hatori so he was quiet close. Akito turned his head to look at him, before looking back up at Isuzu.

"Yes. Tell that Tohru girl i wish to meet her." Akito said. Shigure and Isuzu looked shocked.

"Tohru? But why?" Shigure asks.

"Because i want to meet her." Akito says and sits up, looking at him as he leans and rests near Isuzu.

"Are you sure thats all?" Shigure asks. Akito glares.

"You dare question me?" He yells.

"Well, yes. This is the first time you ever asked for a non zodiac member." Shigure says. Akito glares, stands and points a finger at him.

"How dare you! My word is law! Fetch me the girl and bring her here tomorrow like the damn dog you are!" Akito yelled. Shigure was silent, as was Isuzu.

'And they wonder why I asked to live off the main estate.' Shigure thinks before he bows.

"Yes Akito. I will fetch her." He says. Akito, breathing hard from yelling walks over, getting on his knees. He then pets Shigure.

"Good boy." He says before he stands and walks back to Isuzu. He then bends down and lays his head on her lap.

"Do you want her to walk here?" Shigure asks. Akito yawns.

"No. I will talk to Hatori." He says. Shigure nods and leaves.

"I'm sorry Isuzu, but We have to cut the week short." Akito says.

"It's...It's ok." She says, still scared. Akito touches her hand gently, closing his eyes.

"I will rest here." He says before he slowly falls asleep. Isuzu looks out the opened doors, thinking about Hatsuharo again.

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