Chapter 11 - Visit

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Kyo knocked on Tohrus door, hearing her crys. Yuki walks up, a tray of food and water in hand.

"Come out Tohru." Kyo says gently but she doesnt say anything. Yuki puts the food down.

"Still nothing?" He asks. Kyo sighs.

"No. Its been three days. Not even yankee and wave girl could get her to come out." Kyo said. They knew she was eatting because they would leave her food and water , only to see the tray empty a few hours later. They would also see the dishes and house work done, but only when everyone was gone.

"Come on." Yuki says Kyo felt hurt that she was crying so much, but left.

~With Tohru~

Her blow her nose and threw it away. Her eyes were red and she had missed school the past two days.

'Your nothing but a wh...' Akitos voice rang in her head and she started to cry again.

'Mom...what do I do?' She thinks as she crys. She didnt want to see anyone. She couldn't tell Uo-chan or Hana-chan and she couldn't tell the Sohmas because Akito was there god.

'I-I'm so lost.' She thinks.

~with Akito~

He was laying in his room. He never did Call Hatori, telling Kureno that he couldn't because it was too painful. The door opened and Kisa walked in.

"Akito?" She asked. He looked at her and sat up.

"Kisa. Are you ok?" He asked. She walked over.

"This week is my turn." She said and sat down. Akito looked away from her.

"O-Oh. I'm sorry Kisa. I'm not feeling well this week." He said. Kisa gave a nod and stood, walking to the door, but stopped.

"A-Akito?" She asked and faced him.

"I heard you made Tohru cry." She said. Akito had tears. Kisa ran over.

"No. Please don't cry. I'm sorry." She said. Akito wiped his eyes.

"I'm sorry my little tiger but the tears aren't for what you said. It's because its true. I did make her cry." He said Kisa sat down.

"Do you remember when I was being bullied? And I ran away from home?" She asked. Akito gave a nod.

"Hatsu found me and Tohru helped me. Maybe, if you go and say sorry then she can help you also." She said. Akito looked at her. He smiled sadly and put a hand on her head, petting her.

"I wish I could, but i feel like what i said, a sorry won't mean much." She said. Kisa smiled.

"I thought that too, until one of the girls in my class said she was sorry, and now we play together." Kisa says. Akito sighs and frowns. Kisa moves closer to him.

"I could go with you." She says. Akito smiles sadly again and pulls her into his lap.

"How did my little tiger become so big and brave?" He asked and pet her. Kisa smiled.

"Ok. I will go but I think its best I go alone." He says. Kisa nods.

"go on and play. I will go today." He says. Kisa nods and leaves. Akito sighs and stands, going to Hatori's place.

~With Tohru~

Tohru is folding the laundry in her room. She saw Shigure was gone and ran, grabbing it before doing it in her room. She was lost in thought when she heard a knock.

"Tohru?" Akito asked. Tohru jumped up, covering her mouth. Another knock.

"Listen. I know your in there and I know when I said was wrong. I'm sorry." He said. Tohru lowered her hand.

"I know you probably won't forgive me, but I am sorry." He said. Tohru walked and unlocked her door, opening it. Akito was standing there, Hatori, Shigaraki, Yuki and Kyo not to far behind him down the hall.

"Why would you think I slept with Kyo?" She asked.

"What!" Kyo yelled. Akito looked down, grabbing his arm.

"I got jealous because..." Akito starts but Kyo was being loud.

"You thought I slept with her!" Kyo yelled but Yuki punched him. Akito was getting mad.

"Because..." Akito started but Kyo and Yuki started to fight. He turned to them.

"With you both shut up! I'm trying to tell her I love her! All you do is fight! Im sick of it!" Akito yelled in anger. They stopped and looked at him.

" me?" Tohru asked in shocked. Akito's eyes went wide. He realized he just told them all how he felt, but not the way he wanted to do it. He then heard sniffling and turned, seeing her hands covering her eyes and tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Wait...Please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry. I"m sorry." He says, not sure what to do.

"I like you also...maybe even love you." Tohru cried and Akito's heart fluttered.

"but...But I still can't leave Kyo behind." She said as she wiped her eyes.

"When I was in school, I was always alone. No one wanted to be my friend before Uo-chan and Hana-chan. Then I met the Sohmas and you and I felt like i belong, but Kyo...Kyo is being excluded." Tohru says. Akito moved closer to her, putting ha hands on her arms. She looked up at him.

"If it will make your tears stop, I will allow Kyo at the new years banquite." He said. Tohru's eyes widen.

"Y-You mean it?" She asks. Akito smiles and nods. Kyo was in shock, as was everyone that Akito said that. They then felt something being pulled tighter in them.

Every member of the zodiac felt it.

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