Chapter 10 - Accused

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Tohru and Akito are walking around the main estate.

"Aw, look." She says and points. Akito looks and sees a bunch of sparrows outside Kureno's house, looking in at him. They were close, but still about a house or two away and could still see them and hear them chirping.

"I always forget they attract their animals." Akito says. Tohru nods.

"Yep. One time, at school, a bunch of cats showed up." She says and giggles.

"Kyo got so embarrassed he ran to the roof and they all followed." Tohru said. Akito laughed a bit.

"Its a good thing his other form..." He stops talking. Tohru looks at him.

"It's ok. I know of it." She says. He looks at her.

"Were you scared? Did he hurt you?" He asked. Tohru looked up to the sky.

"Yes, but also no. I was terrified and he did hurt me but, he also was scared." She says and smiles. Akito got a bit mad at her smiling because of another man.

"Well, I'm glad thats over." He says a bit rudely. Tohru looks at him but Akito moves to a pond.

"Tohru, I wanted to ask you something." Akito said, changing the subject. Tohru walked over.

"Of coruse. Anything." She says. Akito looked at her.

"Well, New years is next month and it's Hatori's year." He says. Tohru nods.

"Thats right. The year of the dragon." She says. Akito nods and looks at her.

"And, well, I was hoping you would like to come and be with us." He asks. He was hoping she would say yes right a way with her smile, but, he only saw her frown.

"Akito, I..I would love too but..." she says slowly.

"But what?" He asks.

"Kyo would be alone then. I don't want him to spread new years alone and I told him I would spend it with him. We plan to go to moms grave." She says. Akito grew furious.

"You...You would rather spend new years with that monster!" He yells. Tohru had tears.

"Hes not a monster." Tohru says. Akito almost growled.

"Are you blind! you saw it! Hes disgusting!" Akito yelled, causeing people to look.

"Your wrong Akito!" Tohru yelled.

"Wrong! How?" He yelled but then stopped and grew even angrier.

"I-I get it." He says. Tohru was silent.

"You and that monster slept together." He said. Tohru was shocked at that. She hadn't been with anyone romantically. She was speechless that he would even accuse that of her.

"And your not even denying it. How could I be so blind. Who else have you slept with? Yuki and Shigure also? Your nothing but a wh..." He starts but Tohru slapped him. It wasn't hard. It didnt even leave a red mark but it shocked him.

"Your so mean. I thought you were kind and yet..." She crys. Akito was still in shock and Kureno was running over.

"I didnt want to leave him alone. I didnt want him to be excluded like he has been his whole life." She says and runs away crying.

"Tohru! Akito are you ok?" Kureno asks. Akito was silent. He was in shock. He fell to his knees and had tears. Kureno bends down, touching his shoulder. Akito moved, holding onto him and sobbed. He picked him up and held him.

"Why? Why was I so rude to her?" Akito crys as Kureno walks to Akitos room.

"Maybe you jumped to a conclusion without knowing the facts." He says and sets him on the bed, but Akito doesn't let him go.

"I was so mean. I almost called her a..." He stops and pulls away, covering his mouth.

"What did you almost call her?" Kureno asks. Akito looked at him but only crys harder. He didnt want to say it or even think of what he was going to call her. It broke his heart to see him this way.

"Akito." Kureno says.

"I almost called her a whore!" Akito screams into his chest as he crys. kureno looked shocked.

"Akito...why?" He asks. Akito looked at him with hatred.

"I invited her to new years! She said no because she wanted to be with that damn monster! She must have slept with him and the others also!" He yells. Kureno has a sad looks in his eyes.

"You grew jealous." He says. Akito looks down, nodding.

"Akito. You love her." He say. Akito looked at him.

"W-What?" He asked.

"You accused her of sleeping with them because you love her. Thats why you got jealous." He says. Akito felt horrible. He leaned on him.

"I do. I love her. I love her." Akito said. Kureno holds him.

"Maybe you need to tell her that." He says. Akito gripped Kureno's shirt.

"How can I after I said all that?" He asked. Kureno moved, taking his phone out.

"Tell Hatori. He can help." He says. Akito was still, looking at the phone. He then reachs, taking it.

The Complete Banquet (Tohru x male Akito)Where stories live. Discover now