Chapter 9 - Injured.

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"Tohru that was wonderful." Shigure says. Tohru smiles as she collets the dishes. Yuki was still at school and Kyo was at masters.

"I'm glad. My mother loved it also." She says and starts the water.

"And why wouldn't she? That meal is fit for a king." He says. Tohru giggles.

"Your to kind Shigure." she says and starts to do the dishes.

"So, its been what? About three weeks that Akito has been walking home with you?" He asks as he walks into the kitchen. Tohru nods.

"Thats right. It feels nice to walk with him." She say. Shigure smiles.

"When do you plan to tell them? Yuki and kyo i mean?" Shigure asks. Tohru looks at him as she cleans a glass.

"About the two of you dating?" He asks with a smirk. She turns red and drops the glass, braking it.

"Dating! No we are just friends! Oh no! i'm so sorry!" She yells and bends, getting ready to pick it up.

"Wait! you could cut yourself!" Shigure says, feeling bad for teasing her. Tohru then cuts her palm.

"Ow." she says, holding her hand and blood drips down.

"Tohru! Put pressure on it, its ok!" He says and grabs his phone, calling Hatori.

~with Hatori.~

"Akito, are you sure thats a good idea?" He asks as he has dinner with him. Akito nods.

"Why wouldn't it. Momiji does it all the time and besides, it will just be before she leaves. I won't go in when she does. I can tell her I got there a little earlier." Akito says. Hattori sighs. He was tying to tell Akito not to go to Tohru's work and help her.

"I just..." He starts but his phone rings. He answers it.

"Hello?" He asks.

"Hatori, Tohru cut her palm!" Shigure says in a frantic tone. Akito looks, hearing it.

"Ok. I will be right there." He sayd and hangs up.

"Tohru is hurt?" Akito asks and stands.

"Yes. I'm sorry I must go." He says, Akito follows.

"I'm coming also." He says and runs to Hatori's car before he can be told no. Hatori sighs.

"Yes, I thought you would say that." He says and grabs his med kit.

~with Tohru~

"I'm sorry." She says. Shigure looks at her as he helps apply pressure. He had picked up and desposed of the glass already so no one else would get hurt.

"For what? I was the one that teased you and now you got hurt. I sould say i'm sorry." He says. The door suddenly opened and Akito ran over.

"Is she ok?" He yells. Tohru looks.

"A-Akito." She says. Hatori walks over.

"Let me see." He says. Shigure moves and he takes her hand, moving the now bloody towel.

"Ow." She says. Akito didnt like seeing her in pain.

"Its not to deep. No stitches are needed but i do need to clean it." He says and grabs some stuff.

"Will it hurt her?" Akito asks and knees.

"A bit." He says and gets it ready. Tohru smiles.

"Its ok. I can handle it." She says. Akito takes her other hand.

"You can squeeze my hand if you need to." He says.

"Thank you." She says. Hatori gently takes her hand.

"Ok. Deep breath. it will sting, but this will kill anything harmful." Hatori says. Tohru takes a deep breath and Hatroi applies the disinfectant. Tohru's eyes snap shut, hissing in pain and squeezes Akitos hand. Akito rubs her back.

"And done. Let me wrap it to keep it clean and no house work for two weeks." Hatori says.

"Isn't that a bit long?" Tohru asks, feeling a bit better. Hatori looked at her, then pointed behind him.

"I bet he said something to make you drop what you were doing and got hurt." Hatori says.

"So this is punishment?" Shigure asks.

"More like payment. Dont tease people." Hatori says as he wraps Tohru's hand.

"Thank you Hatori." Tohru says and looks at Akito.

"And thank you Akito." She says, not seeing she was still holding his hand. Akito leans his head on her shoulder.

"I'm glad your ok." He says. Tohru smiled and leans her head on his. Hatori stands.

"And with that, We should get going." He say. Tohru and Akito look at him.

"Can we put Tohru to bed first?" He asks. Hatori didnt know how to answer.

"Oh, you dont have to do that, but if you want, you can meet mom. I have been telling her about you." Tohru says. Akito smiles and nods and they stand, walking. Hatori looked at Shigure.

"What did you say to her?" He asked. Shigure sighed.

"I merely teased about the two of them dating." He says. Hatori rolled his eyes at him.

~with Akito and Tohru~

"This is my mom." Tohru says. Akito looked.

"Is she gone?" He asks. Tohru sits on her bed.

"Yes. about two years now." She says. Akito looks sad.

"I'm sorry." He says and sits in front of the picture, praying.

"It's alright." She says and bites her lip.

"Say, Akito? What about your parents?" She asks. He looks at her.

"My father died when i was a child and my mother would abuse me. She was taken away when i turned eleven and I ran the Sohma house since then." He says and stands.

"I should go and let you rest." He say but sees tears.

"T-Tohru? Does your hand hurt?" He asks and walks over. She shakes her head.

"N-No. I'm sorry I just..." She says. Akito smiles.

"Its ok. Its better now." He says. She nods and wipes her eyes.

"Akito." Hatori called. He looked and Tohru stood.

"I will see you both out." She says. Akito nods and walks down with her.

The Complete Banquet (Tohru x male Akito)Where stories live. Discover now