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How did I end up alone with Eli out of all people and in East's house. Literally the bitchiest person on the planet.

How is Easton friends with him? He always has an annoyed look on his stupid face.

"Stop looking at me like I'm about to fucking murder you," Eli says, taking me out of my thoughts

"Why are you like that?" I ask him

"Like what?" He asks, already getting annoyed

"Don't get annoyed with me, you initiated this conversation," I tell him

"No. All I said was stop looking at me like I'm going to murder you," he says, in an obvious tone

"Well then stop fucking looking at me like that," I say

"Like what?" He asks, acting dumb

"Don't play dumb with me," I say

"How do you know I'm playing dumb, Australia,"

"Don't call me Australia," I say sternly

"Okay Australia,"

I let out a frustrated groan and just turned away from him. I decide to just scroll on instagram until there's a knock on the door. I go open it and at the door are Beau and Gray.

"Sydney!" Beau says hugging me, "oh thank goodness you're here,"

"Thank god you're here Beau," I say

"What are you doing here Sissy," Gray asks

Wow they are just rolling with nicknames today.

"Where the fuck did you come up with the nickname sissy," I hear Eli shout from the living room

"I don't fucking know bro, it just came to me," Gray yells back

"Okay let's stop throwing around the f bomb please," Beau interrupts

"Oh sorry mom," Gray answers

"That was so freaking childish you idiot," Eli says, coming to the doorway

"Okay it's getting really crowded here so how about we actually enter the house," I suggest

"Yes please. Just a reminder we live in Canada so my ass is fucking freezing," Gray says, walking inside

"Asshole," Eli mutters

"You're dramatic Eli," Beau says walking into the kitchen

"Australia, where's your lover boy?" Eli asks

"I don't know ask him and he is not my lover boy" I answer

"How am I supposed to ask him. My phone died," Eli remarks

"Well maybe you should get a charger dumbass and Sissy since he is your boy toy maybe you should ask Easton where he is," Gray says walking into the kitchen too

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