Chapter 3

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Midoriya Household: Inko Midoriya Pov.

Inko takes a deep breath and exhales before preparing herself to open the door. But even so, her heart couldn't help but keep thumping from the anxiety and pressure of what might lie ahead that door. She knows logically inside her head that there was absolutely nothing that she needed to worry about and that her home would be exactly the way she left it to be 3 days prior.

After all, she entrusted everything to her eldest son who was a responsible and reliable young man with a good head on his shoulder, unlike her husband who is a complete walking disaster in anything remotely related to housework. No doubt if it had been her husband who had been left in charge while she was gone, she would either be at the hospital or police station for a freak accident case. This is precisely why she insisted on her husband doing a room share with one of his colleagues during his stay in the US which by the way was the right call when she heard yet again how her husband nearly burned down the kitchen from simply boiling down water.

Honestly, until Inko met her husband she never thought it was possible for a person to start a fire that way. To this day it has always remained a mystery to her as to how her husband managed to not kill himself during their student days from his clear lack of talent in housework. She supposes he had someone take care of his daily needs or otherwise his face would have been plastered all over Social media and the news by now as the idiot man who offed himself from trying to clean his room.

All of her friends were against her dating the man when they heard of his terrible awful disaster spree inside the house. They kept telling her how the man would only cause endless trouble to her in the future and wasn't worth throwing her entire life away for. She was furious at the notion but she couldn't deny her friend's point of view either. Even she had to admit that there were a few close calls where she considered breaking up with him every single time he managed to start a freak accident in his own apartment. She honestly lost count of times where she found herself wondering why in the world she accepted this man's confession in the first place.

But every time her husband was there to show why she did. Hisashi although was a complete human walking disaster in the house was a good man with a heart of gold. He was a good husband who cared greatly cared for his family and loved his wife to pieces. Every opportunity and time he had he always spent showing his love and gratitude for them no matter the occasion.

It was for this reason that her best friend Mitsuki who was also the one most actively against their dating finally blessed them on their marriage at their wedding ceremony. (Although she did threaten to castrate him if he ever made her miserable to which her husband dutifully nodded to)

Their marriage wasn't perfect and they had their fair shares of bumps along the road like any other marriage but now she couldn't ever be more than glad that she married the man.

Putting that aside though as much as a good man her husband was it didn't change how she earnestly hoped that both of their children did not inherit their father's disastrous house working talents. She still remembers the breath of relief she sighed when she learned that Kazu had taken after her more than her husband in that regard. Izuku did inherit some of those traits but thank heavens he wasn't nearly as bad as his father with the exception of the kitchen.

But still, she couldn't be too careful so she made sure to have her youngest son supervised whenever he did any kind of housework. Oh, and he was completely forbidden from coming anywhere near the kitchen after the last incident when he somehow miraculously nearly caused their brand new microwave to explode. If Kazu hadn't stepped in the poor microwave would have been a goner by now and they would have had to pay for a new one.

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