Chapter 1

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     "I got that one!", (Y/n) yelled loudly as he shot his opponent, killing him immediately. "Good Job", he could hear a more tired and quiet voice through his headphones.

     "Thank you, Cutie! Maybe you should go to sleep now. Isn't it like...", (Y/n) thought for a moment doing the math. He has the timezone of his Japanese boyfriend memorized perfectly. "Like 2 a.m in Japan?"

     Instead of an answer, (Y/n) could hear a quiet yawn through his headphones, making the boy smile a bit. „It's fine", the still yawning boy on the other end of the headphones said, making (Y/n) shake his head disapprovingly.

     "Kenma, you Know I Love you and I would love to play with you for hours, but as far as I know you have volleyball practice tomorrow. I want you to be fit for that", (Y/n) said. As soon as the word "Volleyball" left his mouth he could hear a groan from his boyfriend. "Ugh, I don't wanna! I want to stay up the night gaming to you", Kenma started whining.

     (Y/n) laughed a bit at his boyfriends actions. "We can play tomorrow after your school. Would that be alright with you?" "Alright, I guess we could do that", Kenma finally gave up. He must confess, he was really tired. But sometimes you just have to stay up for a longer while, when your boyfriend has a time difference of -8 hours.

     "I'll talk to you tomorrow then. Good night baby, I love you!", Kenma heard his boyfriend talk through his headphones. He blushed a bit at (Y/n) calling him a petname, but tried to not let it show in his voice to much. "Yes yes, love you too. Good night", he answered as he shut his pc off and lays down in his bed. He has been with (Y/n) for almost a year now, and still, every time (Y/n) would call him a petname Kenma would get very flustered. He had never felt this strong emotions to another person before.

Meanwhile (Y/n) slowly stood up from his gaming chair and first stretched, before going out of his room into the kitchen, hoping to find something to eat. It's 6 pm, a good time to eat something. Due to the boys laziness the decided to not make himself something to eat, but to call a pizza place. His parents wouldn't be home until 9 pm, so he wouldn't have to order for them too.

     After he ordered his favorite pizza he started thinking about his boyfriend. Their one year anniversary is coming up, and (Y/n) wants to do something special for Kenma. But it shouldn't be a to big gesture, considering the fact that Kenma didn't come out of the closet to his family and friends yet. He wouldn't want to make his boyfriend uncomfortable, so he wouldn't send a gift. It's possible that his parents would find it first.

     (Y/n) was thinking really hard, until the doorbell rang. It was his pizza. (Y/n) went into his room with the pizza, to watch an Anime while eating his pizza. He sat down onto his gaming chair again and started watching his current favorite Anime called "Hunter x Hunter". He was already in the middle of the last arc of the series and decided to watch the Anime til the end on this day. Even though he still has quite some episodes to go.

     After a few episodes, eating the whole pizza and shedding some tears due to the emotional Anime playing on his computer he could hear the front door opening. (Y/n) quickly stood up and went to the door to greet his parents.

     "Hey dad", (Y/n) greeted first "Hello, (Y/n)", his father greeted him and gave his son a small hug, before going into the kitchen to make dinner for himself and (Y/n)'s mother. "Hello dear", his mother now also greeted him. Yet again (Y/n) got engulfed into a hug, this time by his mother. "Hi mom, how was your day?", he asked his mother as she let go.

     "It was quite alright, just bit stressful. The new girl, Hanna, lost some of the important documents", his mother said and laughed at the last part. He hated the new girl and always told his son about the stuff she does. She is quite gossipy. "My boss yelled at her for hours" "That's sounds awful though, poor her", (Y/n) said as he followed his mother into the kitchen, both of them sitting down at the table, while his father was cooking. He seemed to be making pasta. "Did you eat already, (Y/n)?", he asked his son. "Yes, I ordered a pizza and now I'm full", his father nodded acknowledging and kept cooking.

     (Y/n) sat down at the table in front of his mother. "Well, Hanna deserved to get yelled at. You remember last time I had to take her shift because she was sick? Well, turns out she wasn't sick, but she was out all night clubbing with friends. One of my coworkers saw her. She is lucky that my boss didn't yell about that", she informed his son, who acted overly shocked, making his mother snort. "And how was your day?", she now asked her son.

     "Well, School was alright, boring as always. After school I played a bit with Kenma. Also, our one year anniversary is coming up. I don't know what to do for him", he told his mother.

     (Y/n) had come out to her and his father two years ago as gay. Both of them were fully supportive and accepted their son the way he is. (Y/n) couldn't be happier, having parents like them. The only people the boy hasn't came out to yet, were his friends. He wasn't sure what his friends would think about him being gay, none of his friends ever talked about lgbtq+, so (Y/n) was actually kind of scared.

     When (Y/n) told his parents that he had a boyfriend, they were very happy for him. His friends still thought that he was single. And most of his friends are in a relationship, so (Y/n) had to deal with them trying to get him together with random girls. But (Y/n) was glad that his friends at least cared about him.

     "Hm, what was in your mind?", his mother asked him, referring to the upcoming anniversary. "Well the problem is, Kenma didn't come out to anyone yet, not even his parents, so it would be kind of risky to just send a gift there", (Y/n) informed his parents. Now his father started speaking. "Well, instead of just sending a gift to him, you could maybe give it to him in person" "What do you mean? You know that Kenma lives in Japan", he said, completely oblivious of the situation. "Your anniversary is at the start of the holidays and as long as you pay for it, your mother and I allow you to go visit him for a few days", (Y/n)'s father said, looking at the pasta in front of him, not at his son.

(Y/n) looked at his mother, who was smiling at him, signaling that they both thought of that. "Really?", (Y/n) asked excited, wanting to make sure that he really just got consent to go visit his boyfriend. His mother nodded at him, happy about her sons happiness. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou!", (Y/n) started thanking his parents, talking way to fast for his parents to understand him. His parents just laughed at their son, who was now sprinting up to his room, trying to find tickets for a flight that would make (Y/n) arrive at the exact day of the anniversary.

     He couldn't believe it. Finally, after nearly a year of fantasizing about how they two would meet, he has an exact date on which he could meet his boyfriend, Kenma Kozume.

(1348 Words)

For (Y/n) I used the European timezone

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