Chapter 15

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17 days until the anniversary

Kenma was worried. First, Hinata didn't talk to him anymore for some unknown reason, and now he hasn't been able to contact (Y/n) since yesterday. His phone was off and he didn't even text a good night, which was very very odd. Usually, (Y/n) would always make sure his battery was full.

     "Kenma!", a Voice echoed through the gym. It was the last day of training camp, so everyone was giving the best they had. Except for Kenma, who was to distracted and worried about other things, which seemed to frustrate his team.

"I know, »be more focused«, I know I know. Sorry", Kenma quickly apologized, trying to get his head into the game again.

But he can't, not while worrying so much. He can't just pretend like nothing was wrong when his boyfriend hasn't texted him in over 12 hours, without a trace where he might be. He just hoped that he was alright, and that Kenma would soon get a sign from him.

Just then the game was over, Kenma's team lost, not even winning one set. "Kenma! To the bench, now", his captain and also best friend ordered him. Kenma sighed, but obeyed.

     "What is going on with you?", Kuroo asked, now in his worried-best-friend mode, instead of the strict-captain mode. Of course he was going to be worried if his best friend is this sloppy suddenly, when usually he was all calm and precise.

     "It's nothing, really", Kenma just answered, even though he knew that Kuroo would not believe a word. He just didn't really want to talk about it.

     "Still the thing with Hinata?". He was right, but there was more to it. Also the thing about (Y/n).

     "Yes, that", Kenma dryly answered, looking down. Of course, that whole thing worried him so much too, now that Hinata seemed to straight up ignore him for no reason, Kenma constantly questioned himself what he did wrong.

Kuroo sighed, distraught about how he knew Kenma was not telling him the full truth. "But that's not it, is it? You can tell me the whole truth, you know, I want to help you".

"Theres nothing you can do to help me. Can I leave now", Kenma snapped. He seemed annoyed, even though that wasn't his intention at all. He felt bad at snapping for Kuroo, he didn't mean to, it just kind of happened. "Kuroo-", he began speaking again, but got interrupted.

"If I can't help you, so be it. I apologize for asking", now Kuroo seemed annoyed. "Shit", Kenma thought, anxiously. "Why can't I do anything right today?". "No Kuroo, please, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you", the shorter of the two hastily apologized.

"I'm not mad at you, alright? Calm down, why would I be mad?", Kuroo said. Seeing his friend seem to small and insecure hurt him. "I know that you didn't mean to, ok? Calm down now".

     "But I am sorry", Kenma didn't accept Kuroo's forgiveness.

     "I know you are, and I said it's fine, alright? I promise you it's fine".

     "Are you sure it is?".

     "Yes, I am sure it is".

     Kenma nodded.

     "You can try to talk to me about it later, alright? Even if I can not help you, what I can do is listen and still support you", Kuroo said and turned away. He didn't see his best friend his shaken up often, so this state worried him. He really wanted to help his best friend, but he had no clue how. All he could do is hope Kenma was able to solve his problems on his own, and hope Kenma would open up to him soon.

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