Lady Stark

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As the road to the North brings the queen's army closer to Winterfell, the winds of winter blew harshly at them. Both Laena and Daenerys have born to the warmth of South. Thus, the coldness was not something they were familiar nor desired. However, none can compare to the seemingly cold air settled between them ever since their journey to the North.

The realization she had in Highgarden, stuck to Laena's mind like a poison. As their conquests and victories continues, Daenerys will surely claim her rightful seat and will be crowned the queen of the Seven Kingdoms. The queen then will have duty to marry a suitable lord to create an heir and she will go back to Highgarden to rule the Reach. Now that she has tasted the love of being at the dragon's side, Laena fears that she will not be able to comply to her duties when the said day comes. Hence, her distant behavior towards the queen which she justified as it is for both of their sakes.

Daenerys Targaryen was aware of the change in her commander. The unexplained behavior infuriated her as she deems it as inexcusable. On top of that, she could not shake the uncomfortable feeling she received upon seeing Laena and Tyene back at the Dragonstone. However, she has a pride of the queen which halted her from questioning her commander and both let the breeze between them turn into a silent storm.


The grey castle of the Starks stood proudly on the field of white snow. The golden armor of Laena reflected the dim lights of the Northern sun as she rides silently next to her silver queen who steals glances at the Tyrell unwillingly. As the two catches the eye of the people, Jon Snow rode quietly behind them but worry hasn't left him throughout his journey back home. He was deeply troubled about whether his fellow men and women will accept his alliance to the dragon queen. Proving him right, all the faces they have encountered on their path to Winterfell showed hostility towards the outsiders.

The queen's army reached the gates of Winterfell, the seat of the Starks. The dragons caused turmoil among the people as they screeched to announce their mother's arrival. At the gate, Sansa Stark awaited them with the Northern lords. Laena's eyes widened as she caught the glimpse of the red-headed lady whom she missed terribly. The Tyrell dismounted her horse in a hurry and run towards the wolf in a flash. The long lost friends embraced each other as the curious gazes fell on them.

"I'm so sorry, Sansa. Please forgive me." Laena whispered as her tears streamed down her face. Sansa pulled back a bit to see the Southern rose she missed as she herself failed to contain her tears of joy and sadness upon seeing her old friend.

"You don't have to apologize, Laena. There is no need." Sansa spoke softly as she gently wipes the Tyrell's face. Laena smiled sadly and leaned into Sansa's soft hands on her cheeks.

"It is all in the past. You are here now." The Stark continued to console Laena who in her eyes has always been confident and collected. Laena's shattered state must mean she truly felt guilty for not being by her side throughout her struggles of the past couple of years.

"I am here. At least, this time." Laena grabbed Sansa's hand that is stroking her face. The Stark closed her eyes and connected their foreheads with a sigh as they find relief in each other's presence after all the suffering they had beared since the last time they were together.

Their heartbreaking reunion was witnessed by the northerners and the Targaryen army. None dared to disturb their moment but among them Daenerys Targaryen was speechless. It was the first time she witnessed her beloved's tears but instead of hers, she is in another's arms. Laena has been her sword and shield who protected her, who fought for her since their first encounter. But never in their time, she showed any sign of vulnerability in front of her. Yet, her beautiful face is now glistening with tears at the sight of Sansa Stark.

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