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Caregivers - Peggy and Steve

Little - y/n

1k special!

You were curled up on your floor, trying not to worry about your mum and Dad as your heard aeroplanes flying overhead, gunshots audible even at this distance.

Involuntarily, you started to slip into little space, pulling the corner of your blanket into your hand and onto where you were sat, leaning on the bed. Your thumb slipped into your mouth, cuddling the blanket close to you, trembling against the bed-frame.

You heard something bang downstairs and shook harder, cowering behind your blanket. You heard footsteps coming nearer and nearer when they suddenly stopped and the door creaked open.

"Y/n?" You heard a voice call out and slowly, you lifted your head so that you could see past the blanket and saw your mummy stood in front of you, daddy behind her, both looking confused and concerned.

Steve moved first, scooping your baking body up off the floor, cradling you in his arms, wiping away some of the tears that were sliding down your face.

Peggy seemed to come out of her trance and moved over to you too, stroking your hair out of your face and kissing your forehead. They could tell that you were acting like a baby, they just didn't know why, you were too deep into little space to even register that they now knew; you just wanted your mummy and daddy.

Soon, you stopped crying and your parents took you downstairs, Steve sitting down at the dining table, you on his lap while Peggy made some food, mashing some up for you like she did when you were young.

She placed the plates on the table and started eating, Steve picked up a spoon and started feeding it to you, intermittently taking bites of his own food.

Eventually, you'd eaten enough and started refusing spoons, sleepily laying your head on Steve's chest, the time it took for you to blink increasing slowly until they stayed shut, occasional snuffles emanating from you.

"We should let her sleep in our bed tonight, we don't want her to fall off." Peggy suggested and Steve nodded, lifting you up and taking you to their bedroom, laying you down in the middle of the bed while he and Peggy got ready for bed before laying down next to you.

Peggy pulled you close to her while Steve wrapped his arms around both of you, holding his whole world in his protective grasp. In no time at all, the three of you were all asleep, curled up together.

Reunited at last.

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