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Little - Peter
Caregivers - Tony and Steve
CW- Peter gets hurt so don't read in little space.

"Karen find the next target." Peter said, webs flying from his hands as he swung around the area under attack, keeping an eye out for any civilians in need of saving.
Once his target was in sight, he began to descend, preparing to fight.

His fists collided with the enemy's face, temporarily stunning him. Once the man regained control, he punched back, causing a ringing in Peter's ear, not hearing the warning from his AI.

A blow to his back sent him crashing to the floor, his face hitting the floor. The men ran before he could stand back up, leaving him on the floor trying to figure out what just happened.

As he began to focus again, he was met with shouts through the headset, most prominent being those of Steve and Tony.
"Pete! Can you hear us?" Tony half-shouted while Natasha attempted to calm down an anxious, fretting Steve.

"Ow." Peter groaned, too scared to move from the ground as he fought off his headspace.

"Alright buddy stay where you are we're coming!" Tony shouted so that everyone could hear him through the sound of rushing wind and jets pulsing as he flew towards Peter's coordinates, Steve following close behind.

Thanks to the highly powered thrusters, Tony arrived first, the suit dissipating around him as he crouched down next to Peter, scanning him quickly for injuries.
"Alright Peter I'm here are you ok? What happened? Does it hurt?" Steve asked frustratedly.

The voices of his caregivers and the pain quickly snatched his big headspace away and he whined, he didn't know why it hurt and he was in a scary place in icky clothes.

He attempted to convey all this but instead all that came out was a frustrated whine as tears started to fall from his eyes.

"Oh no no baby shhh your ok mama's here." Steve cooed, scooping Peter up into his lap.

"Alright Bud I know you don't like flying but we have to get you back home ok so daddy's going to pick you up alright you just think of mama and happy things yeah." Tony explained and Peter nodded, whining in pain as Tony picked him up.
"I know kid I know you're ok."

The ride back frightened little Peter, but he nuzzled into Tony's suit, too young to realise that the metal was shaped just right and warm and comfy because Mr Stark had modified it rather than by accident and soon, they were back on the ground and the suit was gone leaving him to cry quietly into the T-shirt of his father figure.

"Alright Kid mama's coming alright, uncle Brucie and Elsa are going to come help the owies ok." Tony soothed, laying Peter down.

"Alright Petey you just lay there ok Uncle Brucie and Elsa will make it all better." Bruce cooed and Peter nodded letting Tony pick him up and sit him on his lap, holding his shaking figure upright while Bruce and Stephen dealt with the wounds on his back and forehead.

"It's alright almost done bud." Tony encouraged as Peter began to her more wiggly and whiny. Peter whined again but let Tony cuddle him while Bruce and Stephen finished up.

"Alright kid you're all done." Strange announced, crouching down next to Peter and wiping the tears off of his face while Tony ruffled his hair.

"You wanna go see mama baby?" Tony asked and Peter silently nodded, sucking on a pacifier Bruce had given him. Tony picked him up and took him back to the living room where Steve was pacing around nervously, ignoring Bucky, Sam and Natasha telling him it would be ok.

"Pete." He exhaled shakily, waking over and gently taking Peter off of Tony, cradling him against his chest almost crying in relief.

"Ma ma." Peter babbled, lifting one of his arms to pat Steve's face, sensing how stressed his mama was. "Goo' goo'" (good good aka he's good)

"Ok baby mama loves you let's get you some milkies and nice clothes yeah." Steve cooed, about to turn to the kitchen when Nat appeared, already holding heated up milk, Bucky and Sam right behind, Sam with a onesie and Bucky with a small grey cat plushie that was starting to lose its fur from so much love and cuddles but Peter wouldn't change him for the world.

"'Le 'Le!" (Alex Alex) Peter babbled excitedly, reaching for the stuffed cat as Bucky smiled and handed him over receiving a sloppy kiss of thanks from the little; as he turned around the smirk on his face was visible as he grinned at Sam in triumph, turning to do the same with Natasha but deciding against it, knowing that the assassin could literally take him out if she wanted.
Next, Peter drank the milk from Natasha, curling into Steve once he was finished, suddenly very sleepy and tired.
"Shall we go get you changed bud?" Tony asked, gently prising Peter from Steve and taking him into a different room, gently removing Peter's suit and changing him into the duck onesie Sam had brought down, presumably because he bought it.
Chuckling at the mini war the three were having, Tony finished changing Peter, careful of the bandages wrapped around him and picked Peter back up, carrying him into the living room where Peter reached out for Natasha who took him instantly, sitting down on the sofa and letting him get comfy, curled up on top of her, head tucked under her chin as he fell asleep almost instantly. Sam and Bucky pouted as Steve just rolled his eyes, grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around Peter and Nat before kissing Peter's head and heading up to bed himself.

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